Vesna Kraus

I actually enjoy putting everything away as it is easy now. Everything has its place, there is enough space, things are not squashed or falling out. And it only takes a few seconds to put everything away! 

Anne Dudzinski

I really enjoyed doing your decluttering ‘journey’ Michele. The process has altered my thinking somewhat and I’ve found I’m readily parting with other stuff/clutter more readily thatn I was before I did your course! Let’s hope it continues! Many thanks, Anne.

Ellen Darwood

This program was just the push I needed to start to get my place back in shape – especially after the toll of years of on-and-off renovations. Although I still have more decluttering to do (and so I will repeat the tasks for the different rooms) my home looks better than it has in a […]


All of a sudden I feel as if a ten tonne weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel in control again, not guilty and useless. I am making positive decisions abut my time and priorities and how much I can cope with right now given every thing else going on in my […]

Natalie Lane

Most of the issues I have had over the past few years I have not been able to label or clearly find a reason why I could not just start to take action on anything. I started self help reading and stumbled across your site and realised that the dreaded “P” word was the the […]

Lety Rdgz

Thank you for this awesome challenge! … Going through this has lifted soo much weight off my shoulders! I feel much more focused and organized. I mentioned elsewhere that I feel I can live and savor the immediate moments in my life because I don’t have to focus all the time on what I should […]

Jorja Willis

This was such a terrific challenge Michele – thank you so very much. I can truly say this has improved my life significantly 🙂 Not everything is purged – yet, but everything is organised and ready for it. I love my clean, organised office ♥  7 Days To An Organized Home Office