I actually enjoy putting everything away as it is easy now. Everything has its place, there is enough space, things are not squashed or falling out. And it only takes a few seconds to put everything away!
I really enjoyed doing your decluttering ‘journey’ Michele. The process has altered my thinking somewhat and I’ve found I’m readily parting with other stuff/clutter more readily thatn I was before I did your course! Let’s hope it continues! Many thanks, Anne.
The mindshift questions were helpful and gave me some interesting insights. And I really appreciate your tough-love approach, Michele 🙂
Just the kick in the pants I needed. Feels great to have a clean place to sit and enjoy.
The 10 minute exercise was amazing, deceptively simple!
I really like these programs of yours. I never get around to do all the days in a row, but I like that I can do them when it suits my schedule. Thank you.
Loving the feeling of decluttering – it’s a lot like having extra freedom.
This program was just the push I needed to start to get my place back in shape – especially after the toll of years of on-and-off renovations. Although I still have more decluttering to do (and so I will repeat the tasks for the different rooms) my home looks better than it has in a […]
It’s been several months since I first went through this program. Just want to tell you that you are awesome and you’ve solved the productivity problem. This works for everyone! Great stuff and thanks!
What a wonderful AH-HA moment! I never looked at it that way with the tasks or activities I was doing. Many of them were actually illusions of magical when it came to some of my priorities. And it explains why for those I was dead~on with why I was successful with that particular priority. I […]
I found Step 1 illuminating, I have never looked at procrastination that way. I have loved the class and the exercises made me look at a few things from a different angle. There have been some real ah-ha moments and eye openers too… Thanks for the ride!
Thank you so much, Michele, for this great week! 7 days was the perfect amount of time to allow me to focus and commit. The energy I feel from doing my magic activities gives me the momentum to get more done in those other life areas as well, and I’m definitely happier and more productive. Amazing […]
Great program Michele! You have provided some great tools and given me something to focus on on a daily basis that I didn’t think about before this course. Daily focus will turn to habit.
I like the idea of empowering myself rather than being the victim of the procrastination monster. Thank you so much for this program, it is already helping tremendously.
All of a sudden I feel as if a ten tonne weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel in control again, not guilty and useless. I am making positive decisions abut my time and priorities and how much I can cope with right now given every thing else going on in my […]
Most of the issues I have had over the past few years I have not been able to label or clearly find a reason why I could not just start to take action on anything. I started self help reading and stumbled across your site and realised that the dreaded “P” word was the the […]
I am wiping down my desk and looking at the good work achieved which means finally after many years trying to get organised I used this 7 Day plan (ok – it actually took me 14 days) and I am just applying the finishing touches. Thanks Michele – I am now going to to start […]
I never imagined I could get so much out of a 21-day program. It has made me more aware of my personal roadblocks and given me strategies for managing them. I’ve started to develop new habits that are helping me feel better organized and less overwhelmed. Thank you for this wonderful program and for your […]
Thank you for this awesome challenge! … Going through this has lifted soo much weight off my shoulders! I feel much more focused and organized. I mentioned elsewhere that I feel I can live and savor the immediate moments in my life because I don’t have to focus all the time on what I should […]
This was such a terrific challenge Michele – thank you so very much. I can truly say this has improved my life significantly 🙂 Not everything is purged – yet, but everything is organised and ready for it. I love my clean, organised office ♥ 7 Days To An Organized Home Office