We all want to be happy, have quality relationships, achieve goals, look good, and feel good about ourselves. That’s not too much to ask, is it? I don’t think so!
But everyone struggles with these things, sometimes for decades – how do you find strategies that work?
My approach is to focus on:
- Thinking differently.
Often we struggle repeatedly with something – procrastination, perfectionism, a relationship, or the motivation to exercise. We strive, we try again, we feel like we’re hitting our heads against a brick wall – yet nothing changes. But then something shifts our mindset. The change of perspective is like a switch has been flicked. Suddenly we see things differently, and that changes everything. - Acting differently.
Our own behavior is the only thing we can control, so I look for what we can do, or what we can do differently, to help us get the things we want. We can’t directly change the world or other people, but we can change what we do. And when we take action, things around us often change.
The products I’ve created for you help you think differently and take action so you can:
- Have better relationships
- Be happier
- Stop procrastinating
- Overcome perfectionism
- Achieve goals
- Develop personal style
- Get fit and healthy
- Organize finances.
Life Management Products
All my products are interactive, downloadable PDFs. They’re environmentally friendly (no freight, and you only print what you want) and instantly available.
Life & Goal Organizer
- This is perhaps my most popular product – loved by people who have too many goals and too little mind space to process them all.
- It’s like a giant, 340-page checklist of things you might like to do, broken down into 12 life areas. There are hundreds of big and little ideas for life goals and projects.
- Because I like things organized, it has an overview of life areas so you can keep a big picture view, while also being able to click through and drill down to more detailed checklists.
- And as it’s interactive, you can keep track of what you’ve achieved – and what you have yet to do.
- I doubt there’s anything as comprehensive or well-designed for prompting you to move forward on a wide range of life goals. She says modestly. 😉
Goals & Priorities Diary
- This diary has one main objective: to get you to focus, every day, on the things that matter most. I designed it to free you from overwhelm while allowing you to move ahead on your goals.
- Unlike most diaries filled with blank pages, this one is very structured. It guides you to set yearly and monthly goals. That’s good, but then it guides you translate those goals into daily tasks.
- Perhaps most important of all, it prompts you to identify your top three priorities every day, and to do these first. It’s a great way to move forward on your priorities.
Complete Guide To SMART Goals
- I created this product to help people set goals that are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed.
- The pack includes a booklet that shows you how to follow each of the steps in writing SMART goals, and includes worked examples. Plus there are interactive planners that guide you write your own SMART goals, step by step.
- If your goals don’t seem to have any traction, taking the steps to make them SMART could get things moving.
Life Management Strategies
- This booklet contains 77 of my blog articles on topics such as achieving goals, improving relationships, overcoming procrastination, avoiding perfectionism, having your own personal style, being happier, organizing money, and being healthy. It’s filled with ideas and inspiration for thinking differently and taking action.
Life Management Worksheets
- Life management usually involves thinking on paper, making lists, and coming up with plans – so I designed squillions of worksheets for all the things you need to organize, list, and plan in your life.
- More than 200 worksheets cover personal development, self analysis, goal planning, hobbies, relationships, career, habits, fitness, finances, lists, checklists, planners, to-do lists – you name it, a version of it is probably in there.
- The worksheets are all interactive – so you can type, save, edit, search, and print.
- And I like things to look nice when I’m in organizing mode, so I made them attractive.
Premium Subscription
- This is an annual subscription for people who want the best value.
- You get everything currently in my store as well as everything I add to the store while you’re a member. Plus some secret bonuses
Premium Subscription
Life Management