- Life & Goal Organizer Deluxe (Individual price $79)
The perfect way to organize all your personal goals – home, career, body, finances, time, relationships, personal development, and more. Leads you step-by-step through a unique system of more than 200 ready-made action-plan checklists across 12 life areas. An ingenious way to organize your time, your goals and your life. Fully interactive. 348-page PDF.
- 52 Missions Home Organizer (Individual price $79)
An extremely powerful and motivating program that helps you organize, declutter and simplify your home and life in just 30 minutes a week. Includes printable missions, worksheets, to-do lists and success journals, plus accountability check-ins. 470-page PDF.
- My Business Organizer (Individual price $79)
An organizing system for your business. Covers 10 key areas with more than 250 interactive checklists, planners, and worksheets that provide structure, guidance and inspiration for planning, managing and growing a successful business. You’re prompted to take action to build your business – on areas like goal setting, client and office management, marketing, and time management. Fully interactive. 278-page PDF.
- Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Home & Family Edition (Individual price $39)
The Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Home & Family Edition contains more than 250 To-Do Lists, Planners, Schedules & Organizers. Take charge of your home and family life. Fully interactive. 280-page PDF.
- Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Personal Edition (Individual price $39)
The Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Personal Edition contains more than 250 To-Do Lists, Planners, Schedules & Organizers. Get everything out of your head, onto a list – and into your life. Fully interactive. 275-page PDF.
- Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Student Edition (Individual price $29)
The Ultimate To-Do List Pack | Student Edition contains more than 80 To-Do Lists, Planners, Schedules & Organizers. Everything A Student Needs To Succeed At Exams, Essays And College Life. Fully interactive. 100-page PDF.
- Inbox Zen: 7 Simple Steps For Making Peace With Your Email ebook (Individual price $19)
You’ll learn: How to achieve the holy grail of email – an empty inbox; How to never ‘check’ email again; The only four things you should do with email; 5 Strategies for radically simplifying your e-life; 4 Steps for tackling an out-of-control inbox. Includes a 25-Point Action Checklist for gaining control of email. 40-page PDF.
- How to be Wise and Happy ebook (Individual price $12)
Modern-day, practical strategies for happiness inspired by some of history’s wisest philosophers. Socrates and self-knowledge, Schopenhauer and meaning, Epicurus and pleasure, Aristotle and the happy medium, Nietzsche and truth. 28-page PDF.
- How to Declutter Your Life ebook (Individual price $12)
5 simple steps to ditching the dross & embracing simplicity. Learn the OCI-OGO system and be free of clutter for life. 18-page PDF.
- Organize Your Life & Goals (Individual price $19)
A motivating workbook planner that gives you more than 120 tips & suggestions for improving your personal organization. 72-page PDF.
- From Procrastination To Action volume 1 e-workbook (Individual price $19)
52 motivating posts from 2009, each with an interactive to-do list to turn motivation into action. Covers home, productivity, time & organizing strategies. 204-page PDF.
- From Procrastination To Action Volume 2 e-workbook (Individual price $19)
52 motivating posts from the past year, each with an interactive to-do list to turn motivation into action. Covers home, productivity, time & organizing strategies. 220-page PDF.
- Life MakeOver Journal (Individual price $39)
A month-by-month tool for setting goals and organizing related tasks, diary items, milestones and rewards. Helps you make your goals SMART – specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-framed. Start with any month. Fully interactive. 185-page PDF.
- 30-Day Organize-athon (Individual price $29)
A workbook and email series that guide you to have a radically decluttered house in one month, by spending just a few minutes each day. Thirty daily tasks, optional bonus tasks, and online check-ins make it easy to achieve regular progress. Covers living areas, closet, car, kitchen, bathroom, garage, fridge, pantry, goals, surfaces, toys, laundry and much more. Fully interactive. 128-page PDF. 31-day email series.
- The Complete Guide To Setting SMART Goals (Individual price $49)
Everything you need to achieve your goals by making them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Framed. Includes templates and worked examples. 560-pages – 4 PDFs.
- 52 Weight Loss Missions Action Pack (Individual price $79)
Drawing from psychology, life coaching and happiness research, the program is geared around getting you to do what you need to, in order to succeed. 456-pages – 6 PDFs. Full web site access to all protected areas. 52-week email series.

- Design Your Life Lifetime Membership (Individual price $239)
Weekly e-classes guide and motivate you to tackle 52 self improvement modules over 12 life areas. Action-focussed, with accountability forums.