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52 Organizing Missions

Welcome to Mission 35 of our 52 Get Organized Missions.

I hope you had fun completing the previous mission Get Organized Mission 34: Donate 50 Things. It’s a good mission to remind us to keep things simple and prioritise.

One of the common obstacles to an organized life is having too many priorities. If you can’t get organized because you’re overwhelmed by the demands of your life, then this mission is perfect for you.

Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic mission. Extended Options are below.


If you’re signed up and logged in then today’s task will appear below.
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1 thoughts on “Mission 35: Set Yes Priorities – And Know When To Say No

  1. terryl1776@yahoo.com says:

    The following would be our yes priorities: improve and maintain our health and fitness; attend our weekly groups and socialize on a monthly basis.
    The following would not be on our priority list: Going out with friends who aren’t fun. “Sorry I am unable to accept your invitation.” Never accept an invitation if you know you will not attend.
    Only go shopping when you need a necessary purchase.
    Subscribing to magazines on topics: Consumer Report & Time
    We have deleted this task as we have completed it. Organized my paperwork placing documents in file folders!

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