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Welcome to Day 21 of the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon.
All tasks in the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon are adapted from my 52 Weight Loss Missions program.
Read the steps first, then take 10 minutes to complete them.
Move fast, act quickly and stop over-thinking. Ready?
I like this idea,though I don’t want to destroy or throw away cookbooks I’ve bought, I can see how this system will save a lot of time, help me find frequently used recipes quickly and give me an easy to access system for meal planning. Thanks! I happen to have a box of sheet protectors, so will start my notebook today!
Our group responses are as follows: Once a week gather a group of friends & share your favorite recipes. Then pick one of two each week & rewrite them to be healthy recipes to put in your recipe system. Once you have decided which ones to rewrite then each week try one of the new healthy recipes. When you’re satisfied put them in your binder & make then for your family. The Center has created a cookbook. I’m proud of all of you. Keep up the good work & continue to stay accountable.
I really like this idea! It will take me more than one day, but as a work in progress, I love it!
Only healthy cookbooks are on top of refrigerator for easy reference…others are hidden in cupboard out of reach!
Whenever we eat out, I always look around at the customers – if most are overweight, I don’t frequent this eating establishment! I’ve also observed that people who cook at home using unpackaged foods are usually slimmer – I think restaurant and packaged food vendors have to put preservatives in their food supplies that cause weight gain because the body stores toxins in the fat when overloaded with them.
My group responses are: This is a cool idea! Once a week gather a group of friends and share your favorite recipes. Then pick one or two each week and see if you can rewrite them to be healthy recipes to put in your recipe system. Once you have decided which ones to rewrite then each week try one of the new nutritional recipes. When you’re satisfied put them in your binder and make them for your family. Is this a cool idea or what? We at RC have created a cookbook. I’m proud of all of you. Keep up the good work and continue to stay accountable.
My group responses are: This is a cool idea! Once a week gather a group of friends and share your favorite recipes. Then pick one or two each week and see if you can rewrite them to be healthy recipes to put in your recipe system. Once you have decided which ones to rewrite then each week try one of the new nutritional recipes. When you’re satisfied put them in your binder and make them for your family. Is this a cool idea or what? We at RC have created a cookbook. I’m proud of all of you. Keep up the good work and continue to stay accountable.