Tag Archives: home organization

How do I declutter when my husband and kids won't get rid of anything

How do I Declutter When My Husband, Wife or Kids Won’t Get Rid of Anything?

A survey found that more than 50 percent of people struggle with household clutter. Around one out of five blame spouses or kids for this problem. Either way, it’s not uncommon for messy homes to cause stress and anxiety. If you feel like your family creates far more clutter than you, read on for some helpful advice.

How to Declutter when the mess is overwhelming

How to Declutter When the Mess is Overwhelming

Clutter can pile up over time and become quite overwhelming. If you’re facing this situation, you are definitely not alone. Different polls have revealed that around 55 to 90 percent of people find clutter overwhelming some or all of the time. Fortunately, there are effective ways to overcome this challenge.

How and Where do I Start to Get Organized

How and Where Do I Start to Get Organized?

A to-do list that prioritizes straightening up your abode and making things nice and neat is nice to have, but you have been ignoring this list for too long! Here are some tips on how and where you can start to get organized.

Family Organize-athon A Family That Cleans Together Stays Together

Family Organize-athon — A Family that Cleans Together, Stays Together

Instead of fretting about the chaos and messiness of your home after no one has done their chores in a while, maybe now it’s time for a different approach. Why not hold a family “organize-athon”? After all, the family that makes a point of cleaning together, stays together. Here are tips on how you can encourage your whole family to get involved in this crucial task.

How To Use Your Goals and Priorities Diary

How To Use Your Goals & Priorities Diary

The Goals & Priorities Diary helps you do all of that, and also help you focus on what’s most important every day, which means it’s easier to advance your goals and accomplish your tasks.

Benefits of open shelving your kitchen

Benefits of Open Shelving Your Kitchen

Chances are good that the one room in your home has the most items in the kitchen. From fresh ingredients to various packaged, processed items to the various pieces of equipment you use to prepare meals, there’s a lot to keep track of. There are also plenty of opportunities for the kitchen to wind up getting cluttered and difficult to work in because of the mess.

How To Color Code Your Home

How to Color Code Your Home for Better Organizing

Organization can make it so much better and faster to find things when you need them. It’s also a great way to keep your space looking neat and clean. But what should you consider when you’re deciding how to organize your items? Here are a few things to think about.

A woman decluttering her pantry

Decluttering Tips for Your Pantry

Pantries, like closets and other spaces, can get cluttered easily. They’re out of sight most of the time, so it’s easy to just put things in them without a lot of concern for organization. But you can declutter your pantry and keep it neat and orderly, with a few simple steps. Here’s how to get started, and what to consider for keeping things tidy in the future.

Rules to keep toys decluttered

Top Rules to Keep Toys Decluttered

As a parent, you probably look around your house and wonder where all the toys came from. Whether you have one child or several children, the number of toys seems to grow quickly. But you can take back your space and keep toys decluttered, without depriving your children of anything that’s important in their lives. Here are some great ways to declutter your kids’ toys and keep things more organized for the future.

Declutter sentimental items.

A Guide to Decluttering Sentimental Items

When you have a lot of sentimental items in your house, but you’re also looking to declutter, it can be stressful. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be like that. There are some easier ways to declutter your sentimental things, so you don’t feel like you’re missing out and your house looks the way you want it to. Here’s what to consider, to help you get started.

Add Storage in your living space!

How to Add Storage in Your Living Space?

If you need more storage in your living space, there are two main ways to make that happen. You can either add more storage if you have the room, or you can declutter your living area to create more opportunity to store the things you really want to keep. Here are some of the most important things to consider, so you can handle both of those issues as effectively as possible.

Decluttering – Where to Begin?

Decluttering – Where to Begin?

An internet search reveals some interesting facts about clutter. For example, around one out of four Americans can’t fit any cars in their garages! Decluttering doesn’t just free up space; it has countless health, financial and social benefits to offer. However, you may have a hard time deciding how and where to start this process […]

How do I keep areas of my home neat once it is organized

How Do I Keep Areas of My Home Neat Once It is Organized?

Keeping your house neat once you organize it doesn’t have to be difficult, but the title here is a bit of a trick question. That’s because it’s not about figuring out ways to keep your house neat. Here’s how.

How to approach decluttering when Im stuck at Home

How to Approach Decluttering When I’m Stuck at Home?

Being stuck at home can be boring, but it’s also a chance to do some things you’ve wanted to do for a while but just haven’t gotten around to, like decluttering. Here’s what to consider, for the highest chance of decluttering success.


How to set up and organize your home office?

Many of us are currently making the move to work from home for the first time. Here are some tips for setting up a home office that you can be comfortable, happy, and productive in.