Tag Archives: 14DCloset


Want To Boost Your Mood – Boost Your Color Choices!

Does the secret to looking good and feeling great lie within the color-scheme of your closet? Research into the social psychology of dress indicates that the color emotion we attach to clothes can greatly affect our mood. In a study by college students, they found that there was a relationship between color and emotion. The […]

Wardrobe organization

Why It’s Hard To Clear Closet Clutter And What You Can Do About It

It’s hard to clear closet clutter when you have mental and emotional chains that keep you holding on to clothes you don’t wear or need. We can help you break those mental and emotional chains, that will help you clear closet clutter fast. So far, more than 900 people have completed our 14-Day Organize Your Closet […]

Declutter Closet

Why Living With a Minimal Wardrobe Will Make You Happier

I’m standing in a closet-full of clothes but I have nothing to wear! Is this is a constant dilemma for you? Did you know that trimming down your wardrobe could be the quickest solution to having an organized closet? Truly, the fewer clothes you own, the happier you will be. Don’t believe me? Keep reading! The Benefits Of […]

Closet Declutter Season Shopping

5 Tips When Shopping for A New Seasonal Wardrobe – With FREE ‘What To Donate’ Printable

The changing seasons dictate our wardrobe style & needs. Flowy, light clothing with less material in summer and bulky, thick warmer sweaters or jumpers in winter. During this transition of seasons though comes the task of cleaning, decluttering and organizing your home and your closet. The big closet dilemma is usually deciding which clothes you want to […]

Closet Tidy

How To Have More Closet Choice And Less Clutter

Has your closet been begging you to declutter for some time? What do you think is holding you back? Are you unsure of:  what things to get rid of & sizing, colours and styles that you’re determined to wear one day making a mistake and throwing something out that you will regret later? The fear of […]

Spring Happiness

Spring Clean Your Happiness

Spring signals the winter’s end, regrowth and it’s a  prerequisite to summer fun. From spring, springs hope and happiness! For a lot of us, the new season signals spring cleaning, reopening of windows and dusting away winter’s memories. It can mean there is a lot of work to do, but it still brings everybody into a brighter mood […]

Clear Closet Clutter

Don’t Let A Season Change Lead To Closet Woe

There’s no better time to get started with your wardrobe seasonal switch. Our northern hemisphere friends are embracing spring, while our southern hemisphere friends have started autumn. Whichever hemisphere you live in, sometimes the seasonal change in clothes can bring new dilemmas. These dilemmas might be due to: weight gain or loss a change in hair colour which means a change […]

Tidy Wardrobe

Is Your Closet Bursting With Overwhelm?

Quick Quiz: What Is The State Of Your Closet? Neat, tidy, organized. I feel great when I see my closet. Could use some work, but it’s workable and meets my needs. Untidy & Impractical. Lots of misplaced items. Lots of unwanted clothes taking up valuable space. Bursting with mess, I really need a detox but don’t […]