For most of us the workday consists of 2 activity types: ‘Out There‘ and ‘In Here‘. Out There are meetings, emails, conversations – interactions with others to communicate, advance projects and solve problems. In Here are little buds of creation, thinking and expression – conflations of knowledge, talent, idea and experience that often produce the […]
Last week I attended an event with businesspeople keen to make connections. Now I’m no power networker, but I’m a pretty good observer, and I noticed countless instances of people missing opportunities simply because they weren’t organized. Here are the top 5 mistakes they made … Top 5 Mistakes Made by Disorganized Networkers 1. […]
Okay, so you’ve turned off auto-receive and now only process (never check!) emails at scheduled times. Q: What do you do with your emails when you do process them? A: Deal with each new email in one of these ways: Action, Flag, File or Delete. The ONLY 4 things you should do with new […]
Thanksgiving Day is November 27 in the US. What a perfect prompt for a Get Organized Tip on one of the best strategies for happiness there is… gratitude. Gratitude makes you happier Psychologists have scientifically tested (yep, we’re talking unwitting participants, experiments, statistical analysis, peer-reviewed journals) whether appreciating good things leads to greater happiness. And […]
Okay, so the title’s a smidge disingenuous. What I’m suggesting is that you abandon the tactic of email ‘checking’ – scanning subject lines and sender names, reading what catches your eye, sending the odd reply, all in a haphazard fashion. Why you should avoid ‘checking’ email 1. You double up effort and waste time Checking […]
Do you ruminate about your child’s school challenges? Get that worry out of your head – where it hurts you and helps no-one – and do something useful with it. By thinking constructively about things you can do and making a plan for actions you can take, you save yourself stress and improve your ability […]
It’s one thing to splurge on fabulous shoes, a new iPhone or a scrummy bottle of wine. But it’s just plain dumb to waste your money on penalty charges or excess interest because you were late paying a bill. All it takes is a little organization and a shred of planning, and you can save […]
Expanding your comfort zone is one of those things you can’t help doing once you make the decision. The trick is to think ahead about the areas where you want to grow. Choose a growth area and you’ll start to notice opportunities – then you just need to give yourself a little encouragement to take […]
Waiting rooms at the surgeries of doctors and dentists are not places you want to spend time. There’s the array of 2-year-old magazines bearing disturbing stains, the dude scratching himself beside you, from whom you’re convinced you’ve just contracted Ebola, and the rush to be on time only to still be sitting there, 45 minutes […]
No matter how fabulous your outfit, a haphazard handbag will undermine your personal presentation. Not only is an overfilled, misshapen bag a fashion faux pas, it also a time-waster when you scuba dive in search of lipgloss, an embarrassment when you can’t find a tissue, and an opportunity-killer when you ferret fruitlessly for a business […]
There are 2 steps to this tip: How can I minimize my travel time? How can I make better use of unavoidable travel or commuting time? Spend less time commuting If you can, negotiate to work from home one or two days a week. Voila – instant time saved! Reduce travel time by avoiding peak […]
I’m sure the last thing you want is a lecture on the importance of backing up or a tragic tale of lost files to hammer home the point. Rather, if/when you’re ready to take steps to organize your computer backups, here are 4 levels to consider… Organizing 4 degrees of computer preservation 1. […]
Got a hankering to re-organize or de-clutter your home? Before you get started, think about your values for the home you want to create… For instance, which of the following values do you want your home to evoke: Home values Comfort? Beauty? Warmth? Order? Family? Minimalism? Retreat or sanctuary? Harmony? Simplicity? Visual clarity? […]
Welcome to the Get Organized Wizard Blog! Here you’ll find regular tips, tools & techniques for organizing your whole life. Yep – not just home or family or office, but the entire 360 degrees, including: Getting Organized Modules Personal Development Health & Fitness Career & Work Fun & Recreation Managing Technology Home Personal Presentation Strategies […]
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