Just as My Very Best Life-Changing Tip For A Clutter-Free Home will put you on the path to neatness nirvana, this one idea will transform your approach to personal organization. Seriously – if you apply this strategy, you’ll find it far easier to get organized and stay organized. Getting Organized: One Thing You Must Do […]
Thanks to, shall we say, ‘encouragement’ from our wonderful male customers, we’ve updated the images in Life & Goal Organizer. The content is the same, but the images now reflect our male customers as well as the females. If you’ve purchased Life & Goal Organizer – or any of the Packs in which it’s included […]
Our Customer Love Policy You may know of our ♥ Customer Love Policy ♥. In short, we strive to keep improving everything we offer, in a way that constantly rewards existing customers. As part of that policy, we now include 12 months’ of free upgrades with every product or pack you buy – regardless of any […]
Every day I post useful links from top sources for happiness, productivity and personal organization to my Facebook Page. Here’s a round-up of recent links on Technology & Social Media: Top 10 Tricks for Making Your Playlists Rock Source: www.lifehacker.com “If music is part of your everyday work routine, workout, or commute, stuffing your player […]
Welcome to Mission #18 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Living an organized life is a lot easier when you have systems and tools that are themselves well ordered. If you’ve completed the previous mission (Get Organized Mission #17: Create Your Bedroom Sanctuary) I hope you’re enjoying your new retreat. So in this Get Organized Mission […]
Want to simplify your life? Try this Quick Fix: Simplify Your Life Fix #3: Limit Your Hangers Keep just enough hangers for your current closet of clothes. This works best if you’ve already completed: Get Organized Mission #10: Clear Out Your Closet and Get Organized Mission #11: Create Your Wardrobe Wishlist. Now, whenever you buy […]
UPDATE: The competition is now closed. Check out the Design Your Life logo and winners here! You may know that we’re releasing the 12-month Design Your Life Program very soon. This will be our most comprehensive program so far. It’s based on the popular Life & Goal Organizer DIY system, but I’ve chunked it down […]
I’ve been making 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over 12 days. It’s not too late to join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my bicep and shoulder weights in Body Pump class. Report: ✔ Feeling pretty dang good about my big-girl weights. 🙂 Day 2: Health […]
I’m making 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Come join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my bicep and shoulder weights in Body Pump class. Report: […]
I’m making 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Come on and join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my bicep and shoulder weights in Body Pump […]
Welcome to Mission #17 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Your bedroom is the place to which you retreat at the end of the day. Does it restore your calm and ease you into sleep, or evoke a mild sensation of panic? If you need a bedroom intervention, you’re in the right place. We’re about […]
I’m making 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for biceps and shoulders. Report: […]
Recently I received a question about making changes like getting rid of clutter and working towards goals. The reader asked about our tendency to backslide when we try to make a fresh start, and wondered what we could do about it. Here are some thoughts. Three, to be exact. Why Self-Improvement is Like Slaying Vampires […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]
Want to simplify your life? Try this Quick Tip: Simplify Your Life Quick Tip #2: Have a Ready-For-Donation Basket Place a decent-sized box, bag or basket somewhere handy – like on a shelf in a hallway closet or in the laundry. Choose somewhere: convenient – so it’s easy to put things in there out of […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]
I’m going to make 12 fresh starts in 12 life areas over the next 12 days. I don’t expect to succeed at everything, but I want to give a bunch of things a try. Join me! Day 1: Personal Development My Day 1 Fresh Start was to raise my weights in Body Pump class for […]