Welcome to Mission #37 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Whether our goal is weight loss, better health, or more energy, most of us would like to improve our diet and eating habits. If you’ve completed the previous mission Get Organized Mission #36: Organize Your Paperwork then it’s a great time to switch focus to your […]
I’m very excited about the upcoming release of My Business Organizer – a set of more than 250 interactive worksheets and planners to help you plan, manage and grow your business. I’d love to create a cover that resonates with you, my readers and customers – so I’m asking for your opinion, please! I’ll pick […]
Welcome to Mission #36 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If you wish you could vaporize your paperwork, then you’ll love this mission. It gives you a chance to put into practice some of the decision making skills you picked up in the last mission Get Organized Mission #35 – Say Yes To Priorities and […]
Great news! If you’re doing the 52 Organizing Missions Program, there’s now even more motivation to get organized and complete the missions. Get Organized, Leave Comment, Win Prize! Simply leave a comment letting us know you’ve completed the 30-minute organizing mission at the bottom of each post. You can see a list of the 52 […]
Welcome to Mission #35 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. I hope you had fun completing the previous mission Get Organized Mission 34: Donate 50 Things. It’s a good mission to remind us to keep things simple and prioritise. One of the common obstacles to an organized life is having too many priorities. If you […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Inspect your pillows Go through all the bedrooms and linen storage and check your pillows. Are any in poor condition? If so, make a note to buy replacements on the Shopping quadrant of your Errands List. Discard […]
Welcome to Mission #34 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. In Mission 1 we Filled a Hu-u-ge Trash Bag. In Mission 8 we Decluttered 50 Items. Now it’s time again to get rid of more stuff – to simplify life, have more space, get better organized, and, especially in this mission, give something to others. […]
Note: Please see the updated version of this post, reflecting recent Facebook changes. ——– Last week I tweeted about how good it felt to finally get my Facebook friends into lists, and to be able to view my news feed by these lists. For instance, if I just want to see what my business, gym […]
Welcome to Mission #33 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Remember when it used to be fun to receive new email? These days the inbox is more a pain than a pleasure for most people. If you’d like to reclaim a sense of control over your cyber-intray, just follow the 4 email-management steps in this […]
3 Steps To Getting More Done By Saying No More Often Graciously decline requests that don’t fit your priorities. How? 1. Instead of ‘No I can’t’, try No thank you Sorry, I’m already over-committed My strengths are in [insert area of priorities]. 2. Role play your response to build confidence. 3. Remember – you […]
Welcome to Mission #32 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. The better organized your laundry room and laundry systems, the less time they’ll cost you. In this mission we’ll take 3 steps to help you get organized in your laundry room. If you’ve completed Get Organized Mission #31: Organize Your Living Area, congratulations! Next you’ll […]
Welcome to Mission #31 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. The living room can be the heart of a home – where you relax, where you enjoy conversation with friends, where the family ‘lives’ much of the time. So if your living room is disorganized, chaotic or downright embarrassing – let’s fix that now. You’ll […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Establish an Errands List Find a notepad or piece of paper and a pen. Place somewhere convenient – beside the phone, on the fridge door, or beside your bag or briefcase. Create 4 sections in columns, rows or […]
Welcome to Mission #30 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. For some of us, being organized is an end in itself – a sense of order and freedom from clutter bring us pleasure and happiness. For the rest of us, being organized is a means to an end – a smarter path to the things […]
I love reading Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor (he was played by Richard Harris in Gladiator). His Meditations overflow with wise precepts. But these 12 words are my most favorite: The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Like Buddha’s ‘With our thoughts we make the world’, they’re […]
Welcome to Mission #29 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. In the last two missions we took stock of your: Business tasks, in order to improve time management at work, and Home organization tasks, for better time management at home. This week we’ll do the same for your personal tasks – like grooming and exercise […]
Hello friends! January here in Australia is pretty quiet. Schools and colleges have holidays, many workers take vacations, and the roads have relatively little traffic (relatively!). But the beaches are packed. Tomorrow’s Australia Day, a public holiday when BBQs all over the country sizzle with steaks and prawns. After that, it’s back to serious work […]
Do you get halfway through January and feel like you’ve already failed at your new year’s resolutions? Impossible! If you’ve ‘already failed’, then you’re simply not doing your goal setting, habit change, or new year’s resolutions right. But you can fix that. Here’s how. 3 Lessons for Achieving Goals, Changing Habits, and Making New Year’s Resolutions […]
Have you set new year’s resolutions to get better organized? Here are three strategies for starting off the year on the right track – and boosting your chances of keeping those resolutions beyond January. 🙂 1. Scrap The Storage If you’ve got stuff squirreled away in storage, the attic or the garage, then this is […]
Are you one of the thousands of people changing their lives with 52 Organizing Missions? See for yourself the inspirational success stories. To help turbo-charge your success, I’m excited to announce our brand new 52 Organizing Missions Workbooks to accompany the program. Here’s what you’ll get in these motivating, downloadable workbooks: Each weekly mission in […]