Welcome to Mission#46 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Have you been feeling less than your best lately? Wondering what happened to your old glow/spark/spring in your step? A mini makeover is a great way to regain confidence and restore a little sparkle to your life. Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic […]
Do people tell you you’re no fun? Do you wish you could relax and enjoy yourself more? After working in large financial institutions for over a decade, I became very serious and forgot how to have fun. It was a career choice so diametrically opposed to my personality that an organizational psych once asked, ‘How […]
Welcome to Mission #45 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Your garden can be a source of beauty and joy. Don’t let disorganization spoil the pleasure – spend just 30 minutes today and make your garden into a happier place. If you’ve completed the previous mission Get Organized Mission #44: Live Within Your Home’s Boundaries, […]
We’ve been getting feedback that people would like to join the Design Your Life e-Program with a single payment – versus monthly subscription payments. And they’d like a substantial price reduction for doing so, thank you very much! So we’re pleased to introduce the brand new Design Your Life ‘Lifetime Membership’. Join Up In Whichever […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Fashion a First Aid Kit Make a list of items you need for a first aid kit – including bandages, medicines, antiseptics and other emergency supplies appropriate for your family’s needs. Check your bathroom cabinet and identify […]
Welcome to Mission #44 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If you can’t get organized because you have more stuff than space, then this mission is tailor-made for you. Having found success with the last mission Get Organized Mission #43: How To Declutter Your To Do List it’s time to tackle another area of your life. […]
Congratulations to Lori O – this month’s lucky winner! Read Lori O’s comment. We’ll be contacting Lori by email in the next few days to award her prize – a complete 12-month Design Your Life Program. April Prize: Design Your Life Membership Design Your Life is a comprehensive, step-by-step e-program for achieving your goals, organizing […]
Welcome to Mission #43 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. An unrealistic to-do list undermines your effectiveness in two ways: Having too many tasks distracts, overwhelms and confuses you – taking focus away from items that matter Inability to complete items de-motivates you and reduces your self confidence. Give your productivity and motivation an instant […]
We’ve made some great enhancements to the Design Your Life program! You Get 7 Modules Immediately We’ve removed the incremental aspect of the program and made the first 7 modules available to all members. That means right from day one of your membership, you get immediate access to: Personal Development Health & Fitness Career & […]
Workbook 3 of our very popular 52 Organizing Missions program will be out later this month. Thousands of people around the world are using these motivating, 30-minute missions to organize their homes, cars, offices, time – their whole lives! Read some of the 52 Organizing Missions success stories for yourself. Get Workbook 3 Free If […]
Welcome to Mission #42 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If your life is overstretched and you feel out of control, then use this organizing mission to cull your commitments. If you’ve completed the previous mission Get Organized Mission #41: Simplify Your Life Possessions, congratulations! This mission will help you simplify your time wasting activities. […]
Do you feel stuck in a relationship rut? Immobilized in your business or career? At a loss as to why you can’t lose weight? Are you also surrounded by clutter? If so, you might be caught in a clutter trap. Don’t underestimate the power of clutter to stop you from moving forward in important […]
Welcome to Mission #41 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. After completing the last mission Get Organized Mission #40: Conquer Your Storage Space Demons you may have discovered a lot of stuff that you now need to deal with. If you feel overwhelmed by the quantity of stuff in your life, then this mission is sure to bring […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Organize an ‘Outgoing’ Space Gather any items that need to be taken ‘out’ – books to return, DVDs for the store, a gift for an upcoming party, items for errands, etc. Choose a convenient spot near […]
Feeling the urge to shake off the cobwebs, start afresh and get organized? Here are 7 things you can do to refresh your home and your mind – and they each take only about 7 minutes. 7 Spring Cleaning Projects 1. Spring Clean Your Closet Grab a bag and quickly fill it with anything you […]
Welcome to Mission #40 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If the idea of clearing out your attic, basement, garage, cellar, spare room or storage unit terrifies you, then take a deep breath. In this organizing mission we’ll face the fear, and make a good start on conquering your storage demons. In the last mission […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Trim your tape collection Dig out your audio and video tapes. If you no longer have a player, get rid of the tapes! If you have the movie or music on DVD or CD, get rid of […]
Welcome to Mission #39 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Do you feel stressed just looking around your home or office? If you’ve forgotten what your coffee table, countertop or desk looks like, then this organizing mission is for you. I bet you’re feeling good about completing the previous missions Get Organized Mission #37: Get Organized […]
Congratulations to Adriana_G – our lucky March winner! Read Adriana’s comment. We’ll be contacting Adriana by email in the next few days to award her prize – a complete 12-month Design Your Life Program. March Prize: Design Your Life Design Your Life is an easy, practical way to create the life you want – week […]
Welcome to Mission #38 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Last week we organized your diet – this week we turn to exercise. Do you wish you could be one of those people who exercises consistently? You can be! A big part of the challenge of having a workable fitness plan is getting organized – […]