Happy Valentine’s Day to all my lovely readers! To me Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance, it’s a great reminder to focus on all the relationships in our lives. So I thought I’d put together some posts from the archives that touch on organizing our relationships better. I hope you find something here to add […]
Do you feel you spend a lot of time being busy, doing stuff, working on things – but at the end of the day you haven’t achieved very much? Would you like to get more things checked off every day? Here’s a little mind trick that can help you shift your focus and get more […]
Do you have too much stuff, but feel conflicted about letting it go? Part of you feels excited about clearing the clutter and enjoying the space, freedom, and mental clarity of an organized home. But another part of you is nervous about stepping out of your comfort zone, and facing a future without clutter as your […]
Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes!
Create an x-Delete Email Folder
Create a new folder in your email program.
Name it x-Delete – the ‘x’ moves the folder to the bottom of your folder list.
Well, yes – it’s likely you’ll get exactly what you want most of the time if you’re as adorable as this little charmer. But even if you score a little lower on the cuteness scale, there are things you can do to radically increase your chances of getting what you want. If you find yourself […]
Thank you for all the queries about using the Goals & Priorities Diary on your mobile device. We’ve done some research and tested a number of apps, and here’s the lowdown… How To Use Get Organized Wizard Interactive Products All the Get Organized Wizard products are fully interactive PDFs. This means you can enter text, […]
As we’ve had such an amazing response to the Goals & Priorities Diary Free Offer, I thought it might be helpful to address a few support queries that keep coming up. I Can’t See The Code Problem: After clicking ‘Like’ on the Get Organized Wizard Facebook Page, you can’t see the special offer details with […]
In an issue of the Get Organized newsletter I wrote about the January 1 Effect – how you can get a gift of energy and motivation from the start of the new year. Why not take advantage of this once-a-year psychological boost, and start the year well! Here are 6 dos and don’ts for getting your […]
It’s that time of year again!
If you’re busy planning resolutions for the new year, here are some ideas that might help.
Want to get organized in 2011? Here are 3 strategies for starting off the year on the right track – and boosting your chances of keeping those resolutions beyond January.
With warmest wishes,
Whether you’re approaching a new year, season, birthday, anniversary, or any other milestone, it’s a great time to make a fresh start, and to think about what you want to leave behind. I’ve put together 20 ideas for things to do before starting afresh. Some of these will take an instant, some a little longer. Choose the […]
Get Your Free Copy – Details Below | LAST DAY! Ends Midnight Monday 10 January 2011. If you want 2011 to be your most productive and organized year yet, then you’re going to love our brand new Goals & Priorities Diary. It contains Monthly Goals Planners that guide you to set and plan your goals […]
Can’t get organized? Can’t get rid of clutter? Is it because you’ve got an excuse you can’t argue yourself out of? Maybe I can help. Post your excuse as a comment and I’ll address it in a later post in this series. Excuse #1: I can’t get rid of my stuff – I might need […]
Previously in this Simplify Your Life series, we’ve found ways to: Simplify Your Closet (What Not To Wear) Simplify Your To-Do List (What Not To Do) Simplify Your Life (What Not To Buy). This time, let’s turn to simplifying something which, for many people, is already in pretty short supply: leisure time. Simplify Your Leisure: […]
Having a place for everything and every thing in its place is a wonderful way to keep your space organized. But you can also apply this same principle to regular tasks, as a way to keep your time well organized, too. This has several benefits: You save time by not having to schedule regular tasks […]
I just love comments on this blog, so every month I give away an organizing product or program to someone who’s left a comment. This month the prize goes to Kana, who left a comment on the post Get Organized Mission #3: Organize Your Bill Payment. Here’s an extract: I really loved mission #1, I’ve […]
Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends! In the spirit of this day, I thought I’d share 5 things I’m feeling especially grateful for. Remember, feeling grateful makes you happier – so think about what you’re thankful for, too. (BTW – Have you downloaded your free Gratitude List?) 5 Thank-You Notes Dear Mean, Mega-Ambitious Person At […]
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so it’s a great time for me to say a heartfelt thank you to my customers and readers. I really cherish you guys. And your intelligence and striking good looks are without parallel. Anyway, here are 2 little Thanksgiving-y resources from me, to help you to be: More organized […]
So far in this Simplify Your Life series, we’ve found ways to:
Simplify Your Closet (What Not To Wear)
Simplify Your To-Do List (What Not To Do).
Today, let’s consider how to simplify your stuff – at least new stuff that comes into your life – by streamlining the things you buy.
Simplify Your Stuff: What Not To Buy
I used to be someone who saved things up. A new pair of boots, a box of premium tea, a gift of my favorite perfume – new things got put aside until the ideal occasion. There was a certain pleasure in knowing I had something special waiting for me, for one day. But often I’d […]