There’s an op shop crisis in Australia. More families are turning to thrift stores for clothes and other essentials. At the same time, donations to ops shops, thrift stores, and charity-operated stores are falling. Yet most of us have closets full of clothes we never wear. It’s estimated that UK wardrobes contain £30 billion worth of […]
If you want to be a grocer, or a general, or a politician, or a judge, you will invariably become it; that is your punishment. If you never know what you want to be, if you live what some might call the dynamic life but what I call the artistic life, if each day you […]
Do you beat yourself up for not being better organized? Tell yourself off for poor time management? Self-flagellate over household clutter? It’s time to step away from the whip. There’s a better way to motivate yourself to do the things you wish you did more of… Shoulds And Procrastination Few of us rush headlong toward […]
Back from holidays and facing hundreds of emails? It’s overwhelming! Where do you even start? Resist the temptation to press [Ctrl-A] and [Delete]. Instead, use my strategies to slay the inbox dragon. You might even be able to hold on to some of that precious post-holiday serenity. But first, a quick backtrack. I’ve written previously […]
There’s a lot happening here at Get Organized Wizard. At the moment I’m busily: Updating the logo (as you can see above!) Revamping the website – with a new look and a brand new store Refreshing my products – some will be retired, others repackaged, and in the months ahead, cool new products will be […]
Got a goal to get rid of clutter and organize your home? Here are three smart strategies for home organization. 1. Scrap The Storage If you’ve got stuff squirreled away in storage, the attic, or the garage, then this is the time to get rid of it. You probably don’t even know what’s there, do you? […]
When you attend a business seminar or college lecture, how productive is your time? Do you take copious notes – but never get around to taking action? It costs time and money to educate yourself – so it pays to get organized. Here are my top three tips for getting organized so you get great value. 1. Know Your Objectives To Focus Your Attention […]
I had all kinds of plans for today, but instead I’m spending it fighting a fluey bug. I’m not up to working (too foggy) or going to the gym (no energy). So I have to be still. And that stillness is producing interesting realizations all over the place. Just little, personal observations about why I do […]
I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan sums up three things you must do to be successful at anything. […]
How good is your computer filing system? Can you find what you need quickly? Does it help you feel productive and motivated? I’ve now completed my computer-organizing project. What a challenging, but ultimately rewarding, project it has turned out to be! More about that in a later post. For now, let’s look at files and […]
How do you manage your daily to-do list? How do you organize your ideas and notes? Diary? Notebook? App? Software? Other? Over the past week I’ve been getting frisky with Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion. And I’ve discovered some cool productivity tools. My favorite features so far (there are plenty more here, here, and here) include: […]
A few years ago the Washington Post reported that one in four adults read no books at all the previous year. Does that surprise you? Do you like to read? Do you wish you had more time for reading? I love to read and always have several books I’m in the middle of. Fiction, biographies, memoirs, science, […]
Have you been following along with me as I’ve decluttered, streamlined and organized my inbox and desktop? Feels pretty good, huh? Today I continued my computer-simplifying project by cleaning up my computer applications. I was going to do folders and filing today, but I realized it made sense to know what software programsI’d be […]
How Do You Use Your Computer Desktop? Today I continued with Day 2 of decluttering, streamlining and organizing my computer and technology. Yesterday’s ninja inbox-management was gruelling – and I’m exhausted! If you launched an all-out assult on your inbox too, then I bet you’re hoping for an easy day today. Relax – it is. 🙂 I’ve spent much […]
Today I started my project of decluttering, streamlining and organizing my computer and technology. In the spirit of Eat That Frog I began with email. Ugh! I can still taste that slimy frog skin! Anyway, here’s what I did. How I Decluttered, Streamlined and Organized My Email – With Organizing Tips For You 1. I Moved To Gmail I […]
This month I’m simplifying my technology life. I used to be a techo-princess – totally on top of my inbox, files and all things computer-y. But since moving from PC to Mac I’ve allowed stuff to fall between the cracks, gotten slack with my systems, and let email make me her bitch. And not […]
Some exciting changes lie ahead for Get Organized Wizard. A new-look site, brand new products – but first, a new logo! And I’d love your opinion… I’ve been through lots of options and pared them down to the top two. Here they are Option 1: Option 2: Which One Do You […]
Earlier this week I shared an image and quote on Facebook about not letting others’ (nonconstructive) negative comments hurt you. It obviously struck a nerve, generating many hundreds of likes, shares and comments. So when I saw this video, I couldn’t wait to share it too. Because this girl embodies the attitude of that post […]
When you’re about to leave this mortal coil, you want to have a sense of peace. To feel you’ve lived a good life, whatever you believe that to be. To look back and have no regrets. Presumably we all feel this way, yet many people seem to harbor the same concerns as they approach their […]
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” ~ Anna Quindlen I love this quote because it reminds me of the real cost of trying to perfect – missing out on being yourself. If you struggle with perfectionism, these posts have […]