Having a clean & organized home is a dream of mine, but one that I will never fully achieve. My excuses for this are varied. On any given day it ranges from: but I’m a working mum, I don’t have time hubby is sleeping after working the night shift so I couldn’t possibly vacuum now […]
Following a lovely email from a follower who had just completed the 10-Day Declutter program, it got us thinking about what it is that people throw away when they are doing a clutter bust. Why is it easy for some people to throw away items with sentimental value while others hold on to them, storing […]
We had some fun this week on the Facebook page after I posted an image of a very cool looking storage system for high heels. If you missed the post you can catch up here. Some suggested keeping your shoes in a pile on the floor. Lol. Others suggested clear plastic boxes that stack neatly. […]
Of course we think that Get Organized Wizard belongs in the list of top organizing sites. That goes without saying, right! But we also love other sites that help keep the procrastination monster at bay. If you enjoy our challenges and programs, you might also want to check out these wonderful sites. Here is a peak […]
Below are some inspiring comments from participants in our recent 10-Day Declutter Challenge on Facebook: “This was a tough one for me but did get easier the closer I got to 10 items.” Ellen “Wow I just cleaned out our computer desk…what a mess 2 people can gather in less than 2 yrs. I’m very […]
Back to life, back to reality! The glorious end to a happy and fun vacation can be a little bit sad. With every step closer to home, the feeling of freedom, calm and relaxation slowly melts away. Your brain flicks a switch and you start planning. Unpacking. Laundry. Shopping. Photos. Mentally creating to-do lists and […]
With hundreds of people having completed the 7 Days to Better Productivity & Time Management program, we are thrilled with the response so far. So many people have left inspiring comments, satisfied with their move from procrastination to action. We love hearing about your successes. Here are seven outcomes that have people feeling empowered: […]
Being a music lover long before iTunes, I have an impressive CD collection. While I am definitely not the type of person to have CDs strewn all over the floor or piled in corners, I have to admit I am fairly relaxed about my storage system. My CD collection must be neat & tidy & […]
Hello, I’m Kylie & I’m a stationery addict! After the response from my Facebook post about stationery earlier in the week, it got me thinking about other quirky things I do in my daily life. In addition to my love of all–things-stationery, here are my top 5 quirks: List making. It’s a great way to […]
So far, more than 780 people have completed the 14-Day Organize Your Closet Challenge. It’s exciting to read the comments as people make small changes that can have a big impact on their lives. Here are some of the discoveries so far that people have found liberating: Breaking the emotional chains that led to my current […]
Motivated by Michele’s creative sabbatical, I started thinking about my own creative expression. I love recharging my batteries with a creative activity. I look forward to the free time, releasing myself of daily responsibilities and doing something creative, purely to make me happy. My most recent creative expression is photography. I love taking a picture […]
Next month I’m taking a creative sabbatical. What is a creative sabbatical? Well, I foolishly thought I’d coined the term but apparently not. It’s a time-out for recovering from burnout or recharging creative batteries. A way to let some different stuff in or get some different stuff out. I’m not a big vacation-taker, preferring to steal […]
Lately I’ve been thinking, as I often do, about friendship. My friends are so important to me. I feel lucky and happy whenever I think about them. And something that occurred to me is how much my life is enriched by having a variety of different people as friends. People who are not very much […]
The Definition Of Insanity – Not So Much The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This quote must be true because it was said by someone super-smart. Einstein, right? Benjamin Franklin? Um, Mark Twain? No, no, and nuh-uh. Oh okay. Then doing the same thing over and over again and expecting […]
If you: Waste time Procrastinate Get to the end of the day and feel you haven’t accomplished much Fail to make progress on important goals and projects Feel stressed and overwhelmed Struggle to stay focused Need to be a self-starter because you work from home or run your own business Want a greater sense of […]
Yep I’m serious. There’s a way to stop ‘procrastinating’. How? Well, I’m going to suggest there’s no such thing as procrastination. I mean yes, there’s a word and a set of associations that go with it. But I’m suggesting that by treating it as a meaningful phenomenon like it’s some deep-seated childhood trauma or pervasive psycho-sexual dysfunction, […]
This month my word of the month is discipline. Not the scary, willpower-y kind of discipline. I’ve never been good at that. Anything enforced immediately brings out the rebellious child in me. I can’t diet because as soon as there’s something I can’t have it’s the thing I want most in the world. Even if I had zero interest […]
Feeling confident helps us to do more, be more, and give more to others. The following 7 simple strategies can help you to feel better about yourself – and that can help make you more productive, motivated, and effective. So why not pick at least one strategy that you can use today… 1. Dress Your Best Sure your appearance can affect how others perceive you, but what […]
More than 1200 people are signed up and completing the 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge. It’s exciting to read the comments and see the pictures as people make small changes that can have a big impact on their lives. Here are some of the discoveries so far that people have found surprising: Knowing where to […]
Hello to my wonderful Premium Subscribers! I wanted to update you on a few things… 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge The 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge is off to a fabulous start! So far we’ve been decluttering, organizing chores, sorting priorities, and dealing with perfectionism. I’m especially loving people’s photos. Not bad for just a few days! As a […]