Habit (noun)a usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way [Merriam-Webster] Bad clutter habits are hard to break. We get so used to doing things a certain way that we don’t even notice we’re doing it until a pile becomes a mountain which then becomes a […]
I love it when people drop in unexpectedly. It’s exciting and I get a real rush from it. However, there’s also a little sense of panic! If you don’t get advance notice and it’s actually a “ding-dong, hello we’ve come to visit” situation, then you’ll just have to wing it! But if you’re lucky enough to get advance […]
Procrastination. The art of keeping up with yesterday! Are you a procrastinator? Take a look at some of the typical excuses procrastinators make. It this you? Excuses Procrastinators Make At least I got it handed in on time. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll get to it later. No rush! It will be there waiting for me in the […]
Living with daily household chaos and disorder stresses me out. When I don’t focus on living simply and being organized, I feel: overwhelmed cranky unhappy with the world envious of others. When I do focus on living simply and being organized, I feel: calmer happier able to manage my time better clear-headed happy with the world grateful […]
Hi there, Craig from the Get Organized Wizard customer support team here. As you may have noticed, we’ve just upgraded the entire Get Organized Wizard site with a new theme and some new features. Since there’s been a few changes I thought it would be useful to record a quick screencast for Premium Subscribers, outlining […]
Break Free Of Stress, Overwhelm, And Frustration – In Just 21 Days Sometimes it seems like life just gets overwhelming – too much to do, too much stuff, too little time, a confused sense of what matters… But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can help you break free from stress, overwhelm, and frustration […]
Time-poor, activity-rich parents tend to despise meal time. Do these scenarios sound familiar? The 5pm mad-dash to the supermarket in the hope of finding a quick and easy yet nutritional meal to feed your hungry family before you skip off to sports training. Or Scrounging around in the refrigerator hoping to find inspiration from bare […]
There is a lot to do in a normal day. Dishes need to be washed. Clothes need to be laundered. Beds need to be made. Floors need to be swept. Kids need to be fed, bathed and ready. Pets need to be fed, walked and played with. Extended family members need to be checked on, called […]
If the thought of decluttering makes you break into a sweat, then today’s tip is just for you. Let’s keep it simple. This little strategy is easy to remember AND it works. Try it! If you don’t love it or use it, let it go. Here are some comments from people who have made decisions based on […]
Do you ever wonder if you have the right genetic makeup to be organized? We often talk about whether being organized is a skill or inherent. A previous Get Organized Wizard article focused on 10 Things Organized People DO Every Day. Every day! These are tasks that people do consistently to help their day run smoothly. But what […]
Coming up next on our schedule is our popular 14 Days To An Organized Closet Challenge. Do you want to create a tidy closet without having to get rid of your entire wardrobe? You can! We’ll show you how to create an inspiring wardrobe layout that is catalogue-picture worthy. Decluttered, streamlined and organized! What Is The […]
Spring brings lots of surprises. Sunny skies, fresh produce and new spring fashion. You may be ready for it, but is your house prepared for it? Spring brings in dusting and scrubbing chores, but don’t let it derail and discourage you. With simple tricks, your spring cleaning need not become an arduous job. By the time you’re […]
Do you find that some weeks are just crazy, hectic, oh my god someone please s-l-o-w down the clock! This is my week, now. A gazillion things to do and something has to give. Oh, that’s you housework. Sorry! Then I don’t give housework a moment’s thought until I start to see the build-up of […]
A quick reminder: our next online program starts Monday 13 April (US Time). 30-Day Weight Loss-athon Learn to change mindsets that prevent you from keeping any weight loss off, permanently. We have helped people who: Want to shift a few pesky pounds Need to lose a lot of weight for health reasons Need to break a […]
30-Day Weight Loss-athon If you took action on just a fraction of what you already know about weight loss, you’d lose weight, right? You know it’s true! Which is why our motto is: It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Do. The 30-Day Weight Loss-athon is about doing. A whole month of tiny-but-powerful actions […]
Nothing will ruin your holiday more than a break-in at your home. You may not be able to stop an opportunist from entering your home while you’re away, but there are some things you can do to make it more complicated for them. Tips To Protect Your Home Before Your Next Holiday 1. Turn Your Phone […]
My life has never been busier since I became a school mom. My laid back approach to time management and home organization got a rude awakening. All it took was a few stressful mornings and afternoons of mismanagement to make me realize that I needed to make some changes. And it’s true, small changes can make […]
March is a crazy time for me. Not only was my youngest son born in March, but so (it appears) were most of his friends. What on earth were all of these parents celebrating nine months prior? (Insert smirk here). The month of March is party central. My five-year-old’s social life is significantly more active than mine, […]
Simple car hacks, tricks and tips Here are some simple car hacks, tricks and tips to keep you organized while you’re out and about! 1. Stamps Keeping stamps in the glove compartment means you’re always ready to post! 2. Silicone Cake Liners These little gems are perfect for lining your cup holders so they don’t […]
A Decluttered Home IS Achievable If You Really Want It Yes, it really is that simple. Do you want it? If you answered yes, then the next step is making it happen. And this is where it gets hard. Finding the mindset and the motivation to make it happen. That’s where WE can help. Is This Program For You? […]