Do you have: a messy desk paper piles drawers overloaded with stationery items an uncanny ability to lose or forget about things a disorganized system (no system!) for staying organized? I’m sure you know that desk clutter can affect your performance and productivity. But that doesn’t stop you from piling pieces of paper near the computer or […]
The holiday highlight for many of us is the shopping! Oh, the treasures found. Now … where to put them? Organizing Your Holiday Souvenirs It might be a t-shirt from Thailand, or nesting dolls from Russia. An uber pretty figurine from Italy, or a beer stein from Germany. Once you get home and the after-glow of the […]
To be able to let go of clutter, we must first understand its possessive power. The Clutter Collection There are several reasons why we collect clutter. Why we can’t seem to let go of things we have gathered over time. We can blame our brain power! In a study conducted by researchers at Yale, it has […]
“I have problem with maintaining the changes that I make for a long lasting impact. It is easy for me to revert back to my old ways.” Sound familiar? We all struggle to get ourselves into a healthy frame of mind when strolling past eating delights that tempt us to our very soul! Today we are […]
One of our members was lamenting over stress eating and how it became a problem. “Stress eating, reward eating, celebration eating, you name it. My other biggest problem is never making exercise a priority over family and house needs. I have trouble taking time to exercise when the house is a mess and the “me” I do take […]
A British study reveals that an average worker wastes 43 minutes a day postponing tasks which costs business £76 billion a year! A tenth of the country’s national debt! Procrastination can cost you emotionally, physically and financially (aside from the fact that it’s costing your employer too). Simply because the act of postponing a task is not […]
Weight loss is a constant struggle & for most of us … definitely not fun! It’s terrible feeling bummed out while you’re trying to lose weight. We’re going to focus on losing weight and not losing your sense humor! Shedding those extra pounds is a process, and it can be long and arduous. Some hard work is required […]
Who loves coupons? For those who are experts in organizing coupons, the feat can be done as easy as folding the laundry. However, if you are a newbie, the concept of coupon organizing can be confusing. You can be left wondering: How do I categorize the coupons? Should I group them by date of expiry, type of […]
Infographic: How To Organize Your Closet Want o Try Our 14 Days To An Organized Closet Program? This program is perfect if you’re the kind of person who: Has plenty of clothes in the closet, but ‘nothing to wear‘ Likes to look your best Likes to feel a sense of order Would like to buy new-season clothes or shoes, but there’s […]
You know what I thought held me back from having an organized closet? $$ Money $$. I thought money was the root of the problem, so therefore because I couldn’t afford to buy new clothes, I had to keep and wear the ones I already had. The trouble was that I didn’t wear the ones I already had. […]
As much as I love to embrace the way technology allows us to access music, I can’t bring myself to throw away some of my CDs … yet. I’m sure the time will come. I have managed to declutter my book collection, and it didn’t hurt or scar me! I’m not a big DVD collector, […]
If you’re a person who loves ‘signs’, then this is it! Our 52 Organizing Missions program is ready and waiting for you to start January 1. Join the community and have a happy and organized new year! Thanks for making this simple! There are plenty of these type of plans out there but I needed […]
What a year 2015 has been! For me it’s been one of new opportunities, change, joys, a great deal of personal development – and the inevitable setbacks, disappointments and sorrows. Much like life, really! As we head into Christmas, the holidays, and 2016, I’d like to say this to you… I wish you love, contentment, […]
What’s Included In Your Premium Subscription? The Premium Subscription includes a mix of: Online programs, such as 14 Days To An Organized Closet, that you log in and access online. You can read the content, check in with your progress, ask questions, and participate – all from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. In the new year we’ll be […]
The season of gift-wrapping and never-ending presents is upon us! Can you handle the fuss and the last minute rush to buy and wrap gifts? Being organized will help you survive and avoid stress. Try some of our organizing tricks that will keep you sane and happy. 6 Ways To Set Up A Gift-Wrap Center 1. Cupboard […]
In Australia, our school year is coming to an end. Six glorious weeks of school holidays lay ahead. No strict routines. No school lunches. No homework. I’m just as excited as the kids! Our readers in the US & UK are about to head into the Christmas/holiday break, after having a few weeks into the new school […]
A lot of us use medication to cure, halt or prevent disease or illness. Some mornings, I think I must sound like a toy rattle when I move! I take a multi-vitamin, an anti-histamine, a pro-biotic… just to name a few! Another indication that I’m getting old as I swallow them down with a cup of tea! I try to be […]
With Thanksgiving officially over for another year now we can start decorating for Christmas! We’re going to give you some tips that will help you keep decorations tidy and organized so that it’s never a headache for you! If you find your decorations are a mess, as you start to unpack them start to think about how […]
As always, we are here to help you get & stay organized! We have two fantastic tools to help you take action and be ready for the holiday season. You’re welcome! Get Organized Tool No.1: 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home Program Currently on sale for $29. This program is perfect for people who: Are […]
Do you hate the thought of preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner every day? For big families, this can be a daily dilemma that causes stress and unrest in the family environment. If you’re not into planning your menu, then you probably spend most of your time scrambling through the pantry or making quick trips to the grocery store. There […]