Productive Traits

How To Tap Into The Mindset of Productive People – Plus FREE Weekly Schedule Printable

Do you ever feel like some of your colleagues and peers accomplish more than you do? The work may be the same (or similar) but you don’t seem to be able to produce the same output as fellow workers. Studies show your productivity measure can have a lot to do with your mindset. Let’s take […]

time management tips

7 Time Management Tips For Busy Working Moms – Plus FREE Bills To Pay Printable

When you’re flat out trying to run a household, get little people off to school and then start your own work day, you’ve just got to be organized. Some days every minute counts and we’re always on the lookout for that time-saving trick or tip that can add a few precious minutes to a busy […]

Be Productive At Work

10 Effortless Ways To Stay Productive At Work – FREE Master Goal List Printable

How do you increase productivity when you need it the most? When other productivity tricks don’t work, what other tips do you go back to? Here are our 10 effortless ways to stay productive at work. Say goodbye to slacking! 10 Effortless Ways To Stay Productive At Work 1. Add Live Plants Green potted plants […]

Adjusting News Feed Preferences

How To Manage Your Facebook Newsfeed

If you’re like me, you randomly “like” pages as you see them appear on your Facebook timeline. Oh, what a cute cat! <Like Page> The life quote is soooo me. <Like Page> Oh, this looks interesting, Jenny likes this page, I’ll like them too. <Like Page> Sometimes, however, I discover this “like” comes at a cost. […]

Time Management

Are You Really Time-Poor Or Just Think You Are?

Busyness seems to be catching. How often do we hear these phrases in general conversation:     I’m so busy.    I’m too busy.    How do you find the time?    I don’t have time to do that … Many people swear that they are time poor. However there’s fine line between the idea of […]

Organized Home Office

3 Ways To Organize Your Home Office – with FREE Printable

Do you want to be the best office manager you’ve ever had? Home office managers wear many caps. If you are working from home or have set up you own company based at home then you have no choice – office organization starts and ends with you. You become the manager, the secretary, the messenger, the IT department […]

Distractions Working From Home

Top 3 Ways To Avoid Distractions When Working From Home – With FREE Weekly To-Do List Printable

On the face of it, working from home is bliss. You have freedom, flexible hours, relaxed dress codes, and unlimited access to the fridge! What’s not to love? To make working from home work well, structure is important. Structure for yourself and your environment. If you can achieve structure in the early days, you’ll be able to avoid the […]

Chore Routines

How To Split Chores Fairly In The Home With FREE Weekly Chores Roster Printable

Co-ordinating chores evenly amongst family members can be difficult. Leave complaints of “it’s not fair” and “why do I have to do that?” behind with our simple tips that get everyone involved. Tips To Split Chores Fairly Around The Home 1. Pre-Plan The Scenario Before Calling The Family Together It’s a good idea to get the […]

Organized Home

Simple Routines That Keep Your House Spotless

Eliminate the dread you feel each week when it comes cleaning time with these simple tips.   It all comes down to routines. They can be a daily, weekly, monthly or a seasonal routine. Set a routine that is easy to follow and that makes cleaning time faster. Start small. Choose to start with the daily dumping of laundry into […]

Laundry Room Organization

6 Tips For Laundry Done In Less Time, With Better Results

These tips are perfect for people who: have sole custody of the washing task and need a more systematic approach find doing laundry to be the most exhausting, mundane chore look away every time they see a laundry pile growing have cried in frustration from disastrous results (white clothes now pink?). We have laundry tips and hacks to step up […]

Home Cleaning remedies

4 Home Cleaning Hacks

For busy people on the run, here are four hacks to home cleaning that are simple and effective. 1. Boil To Disinfect Boiling things can remove diseases-causing germs which may spread when you just wash them. You don’t have to spend money on costly wipes and disinfectants. Try washing clothes, towels or bedsheets in hot […]


5 Acts Of Kindness You Can Do Today That Cost Nothing

Do you remember the last time you received a compliment? What about the last time you gave a compliment? I recently received a back-handed compliment that was so cleverly disguised it took me a moment to realize what had actually been said. By this point, I had already thanked the person for the compliment (ha!) which […]

Simplify Life

How Simplifying Can Lead To Happiness

Do you think that happiness is elusive? We believe that living a simplified life can achieve happiness. Buddha’s ‘With our thoughts we make the world’, is a realistic reminder that we have the power of our minds over the matter of our lives. And it’s more than having a clean kitchen, organized desk and minimal house objects. The […]

Declutter Garage

The Uncluttered Garage: Clutter Out, Car In

One of our readers has this organizing problem – a ridiculously disorganized garage. It’s seriously so bad we can barely walk in there. Aside from storage for old furniture, books, toys (and sadly my kids are grown), not to mention papers, it became a dumping zone for whatever we didn’t want in the house. I […]

Hobby Increases Productivity

Good Reasons To Start A New Hobby – With FREE ​Hobby Planner Download

If you could choose a new hobby, what would it be? Learn to sew or knit. Play an instrument. Join a church group. Start gardening. Coach a sporting team. Participate in a book club. Join a photography club. Volunteer your time to a charity. When you commit to a hobby you invariably find more time […]

Get Rid of Mess

Where Does All This Mess Come From?

Mess can be defined a few ways: 1. A cluttered, untidy, usually dirty place or condition: The lounge room was a mess. 2. Something that is disorderly or dirty, as an accumulation or heap: Who left the mess on the bedroom floor? If your weekly clean up involves both having to tidy and clean at the same time, you […]

Spring Happiness

Spring Clean Your Happiness

Spring signals the winter’s end, regrowth and it’s a  prerequisite to summer fun. From spring, springs hope and happiness! For a lot of us, the new season signals spring cleaning, reopening of windows and dusting away winter’s memories. It can mean there is a lot of work to do, but it still brings everybody into a brighter mood […]

Clear Closet Clutter

Don’t Let A Season Change Lead To Closet Woe

There’s no better time to get started with your wardrobe seasonal switch. Our northern hemisphere friends are embracing spring, while our southern hemisphere friends have started autumn. Whichever hemisphere you live in, sometimes the seasonal change in clothes can bring new dilemmas. These dilemmas might be due to: weight gain or loss a change in hair colour which means a change […]