Home Based Business Distractions

Stop Distracting Me! The Challenge in Running Your Home Business

Studies have shown that home office workers can improve their productivity up to 13.5 percent over in-office workers. But it can certainly feel as though you can’t get anything done when you work from home. Working from home is often filled with distractions and this can ultimately lead to a loss of efficiency. Working at Home Doesn’t […]

Clutter Free Home Business

9 Ways to Create Minimalism In Your Office Decor

This is a guest post by Modern Garden Rooms Minimalism and decluttering are quite literally best friends, soul mates and lifelong partners. It’s all about the mindset of eliminating the unnecessary things, being conscious of the things we consume but most importantly how it influences the way we decorate our living and working space. According […]

working from home

Four Great Tools For A Productive Home-Based Business

Anyone running a home-based business knows that setting your own hours and eliminating commute times are two benefits that make it all worthwhile. In addition, in order to make home-based business run effectively, you must be: Self-disciplined Well-organized Eager to learn. Productive workers are always on the lookout for ways to streamline their workload and make […]

Declutter Clinic: Should I Sell, Donate, Or Throw It Out?

Declutter Clinic: Should I Sell, Donate, Or Throw It Out?

    One of my mottoes is: Have what you love; use what you have.  Anything that doesn’t serve you, doesn’t earn a place in your life. But an obstacle to decluttering that many people face is deciding what to do with the stuff they get rid of. Unfortunately, this dilemma can be so confusing that some people get completely […]

Organized Morning

6 Ways To Create A Productive Morning Routine

Making a little change in your morning routine will help bring big changes in your life. Imagine how great you’ll feel being more organized. Or how successful you’ll feel when your work and home life balances. We’re going to help you get started in establishing your own routine. We’ve taken advice from all over the […]


The Procrastinator’s Creed

This post was originally published in August 2016. It has been updated with the Procrastinator’s Creed video.     A little humor for the procrastinators amongst us! The Procrastinator’s Creed 1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already. 2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more […]


Want To Boost Your Mood – Boost Your Color Choices!

Does the secret to looking good and feeling great lie within the color-scheme of your closet? Research into the social psychology of dress indicates that the color emotion we attach to clothes can greatly affect our mood. In a study by college students, they found that there was a relationship between color and emotion. The […]

Wardrobe organization

Why It’s Hard To Clear Closet Clutter And What You Can Do About It

It’s hard to clear closet clutter when you have mental and emotional chains that keep you holding on to clothes you don’t wear or need. We can help you break those mental and emotional chains, that will help you clear closet clutter fast. So far, more than 900 people have completed our 14-Day Organize Your Closet […]

Organized Bathroom Kids

14 Tips To Organize A Child-Friendly Bathroom

This guest post is written by Lori Longoria from walkinshowers.org   A thoughtful design makes a bathroom safe for babies and children, and careful planning allows it to “grow” with them. How well the bathroom will fit the lifestyle of your children depends on your personal preferences, and on your budget. Setting up a new bathroom […]

Summer Tips Organized

20 Quick Ways To Organize Your Home This Summer

Summer is the perfect time for you to organize your home. But organizing your home doesn’t have to be time consuming. Through small actions you can eventually save time and money. 1. Focus On One Room At A Time When you’re organizing your home, don’t try to do it all at once; you’re just going […]

Declutter Simplify

Why Decluttering Makes You Happy

Everyone has some degree of clutter in their lives, but when clutter becomes unwieldy, it can actually start taking a toll on both your physical and mental health. Decluttering isn’t just a way to take control of your physical space; it’s also a way to achieve happiness. Here are a few reasons why decluttering your […]

Anxiety Tips

7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized When You Have Anxiety

Anxiety can make it difficult to do just about everything in day-to-day life, and organization is a major part of this. Organization is difficult for most people, but when you add anxiety, it can seem downright insurmountable. If you’ve found yourself unsure of where to get started, follow these tips. 7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized […]

Summer Vacation Tips

Summer Break Survival For Busy Moms

The first few days of summer vacation are usually pure bliss – the kids just want to sleep in, enjoy some carefree days and detox from the busy school year. After a few days, though, everyone gets bored – or the house begins to resemble a war zone, complete with pint-sized combatants. You can make […]

Pet Organized In the Home

Keeping Your Home Tidy When You Have Pets

When the fur starts flying your house can become a disaster area in a hurry. Your pets can contribute to the mess in several ways; shed hair can cling to any and every available surface, while dander can even reduce your indoor air quality. In addition to the hair and dander, messy paws can wreak […]

Time management checklist

Time Management Checklist (For Beginners) – With Free Printable To-Do List

If the concept of time management is alien to you, then we have a quick checklist to help you find your way. Time Management Checklist (For Beginners) Follow these steps for one week and you’ll notice the change in your time management skills and a load off your mind. 1. Take Some Time Out Find a space […]

Get Organized Apps

Popular Android & iPhone Apps: Get Organized And Be More Productive​

Technology allows us to be more productive and better organized than ever before. An excellent way to jumpstart your organizational and productivity skills is to download the right apps. Here are some of the most popular Android and iPhone apps available today. Organization Apps Evernote (iOS | Android) Evernote is a clear winner when it comes […]

Digital or Paper Planner

Digital Or Paper? How To Choose The Best Planner System For You

Everything good in life starts with a plan. But how do you manage your plans? Most people today use their phones or computers to plan out their day digitally – but there are still some die-hard paper planners out there too. Figuring out whether a digital planner or a paper planner works best for you is […]

Procrastination Tips

Stop Procrastinating & Get Stuff Done

Procrastination. We all do it — and we all hate it. What’s worse is that often we can’t even control it. We know we’re procrastinating, but we just can’t get up and do anything. If you want to stop procrastinating, it’s going to take some work. You’re going to have to change the way that you think; you’re […]