A new year always begins with new vigour. Let’s start the year off on the right foot and start working toward a happier, more productive 2018. We’ve put together a list of blogs that have helped people to take action and get organized. Why wait – let’s get started! Organizing Tips For Busy Moms Summer […]
Being productive at work is one key to company and career success. But despite the positive payoff, many employees, maybe even you, have issues maintaining high productivity levels every day which is mostly due to outside factors that no one can control. Everybody wants to increase their productivity and doesn’t want to waste time, effort […]
There’s always a spark of hope that comes with every new year. Resolutions are made, changes are welcomed and new ideas are formed. In the spirit of new beginnings and starting with a clean slate, below are some tips to help you take action and get organized this new year. 10 Ways To Take Action […]
Follow these quick tips to spend cautiously and grow your money. 1. Set Simple Financial Goals Set simple financial goals by answering the following questions: What do I plan to accomplish by growing my savings? What do I need to do to make my goal happen? 2. Keep Track of Daily Expenses Save all your […]
Here’s our top 7 organizing posts from 2017 based on pageviews, social shares and comments.
On the first day of the year millions of people make their New Year’s resolutions. More often than not, after a few days or even a few weeks, these resolutions are broken and then totally ignored. Yet despite the repeated failures, we still keep trying. Studies claim that only 12% out of 156 million people […]
Things can get very stressful during the holidays, especially at Christmas. Emotions run high and tempers are flying. It can sometimes feel like things are spiraling out of control. Why do things go south during this time of the year? There are several reasons why things can get crazy during the holidays. There are lots […]
There’s plenty of guilt associated with Christmas. Guilt for the comment about cousin Bob’s festive sweater. Guilt for snapping at the super slow sales assistant. Guilt for saying the gingerbread men were homemade.
Anyway, the last thing we need is more guilt about a little extra indulgence.
Here’s how to survive Christmas and avoid the guilt.
Christmas is just around the corner and people are scrambling like bats in the middle of the night! Many of us are still confused or unsure about what perfect gift to get that special someone, not to mention all the family members! Whenever we pick a gift, we want to have the gift that they […]
Tick tock, we’re on the Christmas countdown and it’s the best time to give a little thought to a few small things in preparation for the coming holidays. Everyone wants to make the holidays special and we can try to alleviate the stress by planning for the holidays. It’s a lot to think about with; financial strains […]
We all buy things we don’t really need! Any die-hard Kmart shopper knows that you walk in with one thing in mind, and walk out hundreds of dollars later! This is how we build our clutter collection without even trying! That momentary joy is later shadowed by chaos and clutter in the home – which […]
Clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mess – and it’s also a delayed decision. Are you blind to clutter? If you often find things piling up over a period of time and you’re always too busy to put them away or throw them out, you might be blind to clutter. […]
There are a million things to be thankful for, but below we list 100 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!
When you think about how you want to live your life, what comes to mind? Do you see yourself: having your own home securing a well paid job traveling the world having your own business, or writing your own book? It’s important to identify what’s important and valuable to you. This is not always easy […]
There are so many things that we should not take for granted to lead a happy and healthy life, and sleep is one of them. Your parents always told you to take a nap when you were young, but you would resist because you always wanted to play. It’s the same in your teen years, […]
21 free, downloadable, interactive, printable Christmas planning worksheets and to-do lists to help you get organized this holiday season.
This week we announced the Get Organized Wizard changes, including upgrading to a brand new site: Get Organized Gal. There’s a long, detailed blog post with all the details here. Existing Customer Upgrade Steps If you’re an existing customer, here’s how to upgrade for free: Step 1: Log into your existing account on Get Organized […]
There used to be days where I felt like I was on a hamster wheel. I was rushing. I was stressed. I was tired. And I wasn’t having fun. The death of a family member knocked the wind out of my sails. It was unexpected. And it really made me stop and think about what […]
We’re making big changes to the Get Organized Wizard site, and moving all our programs to a brand new platform. Existing customers will all get free upgrades. Here’s the details.
One of the great things about being your own boss is that you can determine your own pace and schedule. But individuals who are working from home for the first time often find themselves facing obstacles that they wouldn’t encounter when working at someone else’s company. In particular, as a home-based businessperson, you may feel […]