Most people would have thought that by this time the world should be a bit more like what we saw in “Back To The Future” or “The Jetsons” with flying cars, robot nannies, self-drying jackets and the famous self-lacing Nike Shoes. While we may not have these items right now, present day technology is not […]
Social media is one of the most popular internet activities today. Either for personal use, entertainment or for businesses big and small. Statistics show that from 2010 up to 2021 there will be an estimated 3.02 billion social media users around the world. In 2010, there were 970 million users, and this year, there’s about […]
Whenever your day ends, you might find yourself reflecting on the stresses of daily life. Stress from work and at home can affect a person’s well being and the family as a whole. Even washing the dishes can start an argument or some misunderstanding between spouses and their kids if stress is a factor. Arguments […]
In this post we show you how to accomplish the things you need to get done by providing you a free and interactive Master To-Do list.
A weekly to-do list can serve as your progress board every time you finish tasks for the day.
To get you started with weekly goal setting, take control and set your priorities by using our free, downloadable and interactive weekly to-do lists.
Clutter can come in many forms, but physical clutter is the worst for productivity and focus. If your home office is full of clutter, you might find yourself getting distracted by it or worrying about it instead of focusing on your work. Physical clutter is any item that stops you from living or working when […]
To help organize your work, family and personal time, we have a weekly schedule template that will guide how you spend your week and how many hours per day you have for each task.
If you have a small office, less is more and having fewer things in your home office can make it feel bigger. Small rooms often have a cozy and comfortable feel and there’s a more relaxed and functional feel in it as compared to bigger offices. But it can be hard to achieve a big […]
When you’re stuck in a cubicle for years, often all you can dream about is having the freedom to work from the comfort of your home. No more daily hassles of commuting every morning to work, no traffic, less fuel consumption and you will be able to spend more time with your family. You will […]
Although no one can guarantee that your small or home business will bring fame and fortune in just a few years, if you work hard, price your products well, provide the right service and keep your customers happy, there’s a good chance that you’ll do well. The results that you get from your business are […]
We’ve all had days where we feel lazy and don’t want to do anything but sleep, watch TV or do nothing. It’s important to use this kind of time to regroup, refresh, and reset yourself. It’s the unintentional time-wasting activities that we’re focusing on today. Like … the days you are late for work and […]
It doesn’t matter what size your home is, one thing is for sure, getting organized is hard. We all have some stuff we like to keep and some of these things can end up slowing our progress. Having too much clutter is a mess, always. It takes away from the look of your home which […]
How often have you said to yourself that you just want to be happy? Or how often have you said to someone else that you just want them to be happy? What is happiness to you and can you identify what matters most? What Is Happiness? Happiness is that feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. It’s […]
There are many skills and attributes needed to run a successful business. Most of these skills are learned, put into practice, strengthened and nourished through diligence and the willingness to grow. Also, having the right mindset as an entrepreneur will allow you to deal more effectively with your daily business because you will be thinking […]
Decluttering an overflowing home and getting your ‘stuff’ organised may be a modern-day first world problem, but it’s undeniably a great way to create a calmer and more peaceful atmosphere in your home. Harness the chaos with some tried and tested tips and strategies and admire the order thus restored, learning to appreciate the new-found […]
Habit: routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. Habits work when there is an initial trigger or cue. It can be a time of day, location, a belief or other patterns of behavior. This then triggers a routine and produces the desired effect. What a person repeatedly does ultimately results […]
There are two types of car people. Those who keep their car looking immaculate and those who use the vehicle as their means to an end: eating, drinking, and even sleeping in it if need be. If the second person sounds more like you then you’ll probably be familiar with seeing: seat stains, pieces of […]
Time is universal and as humans, we adhere to time every day. Every person gets 86,400 seconds or 24 hours every day, and everyone is in charge of their time and what they do with those seconds. Whether you use them or waste them, there will always be results or consequences. Nobody controls your actions […]
Technology has helped humans for thousands of years, making everyday life easier and more productive. At present, most of us cannot do without technology. Work, relaxation, playtime, research and other things are easier because of technology. Whether you’re working remotely or manage a business from home, stress and clutter will always happen. Having these issues […]
As functioning adults, one of our responsibilities is to organize our bills and pay them promptly. It might be house rent, car insurance, credit card bills, electricity and water, cable, internet and what seems like many, many others. To avoid the feeling of overwhelm we’re going to look at 3 easy ways to keep these […]