Decluttering Your Garage Doesn't Have to be a Nightmare

Decluttering Your Garage Doesn’t Have to be a Nightmare

Is your garage packed so full of things that you can’t even fit your car in anymore? You’re not alone. Many households use their garages for extra storage, but that doesn’t mean that your garage can’t be better organized and clutter-free. Here’s how you can get rid of the clutter and start making better use of the […]

Decluttering Your Home Office in 10 Easy Steps

Decluttering Your Home Office in 10 Easy Steps

It’s impossible to be productive in a cluttered office. Not only do you feel distracted, but you often can’t even find the things you need. Luckily you can get started decluttering your office today — and why not? You’re obviously not going to get anything else done! 1. Take One Section at a Time It can seem […]

How to Have an Always-Organised Home by Changing Your Thinking

How to Have an Always-Organized Home by Changing Your Thinking

How do those people with those constantly organized homes do it? Are they constantly cleaning? Do they even work? Where do they find the time? The truth is, keeping your home organized requires that you change your thinking. By changing your thinking and building new habits, you can organize in a way that is natural to you. Here are a few tips. If […]

Your 1-month Plan for Decluttering Your House

Your 1-Month Plan for Decluttering Your House

It’s possible to declutter an entire house, and it’s possible to do it in a month. Not sure if that’s realistic? Here’s a plan for decluttering a house in one month, along with some specific tips, steps, and ideas to consider. That way anyone wanting to get their house looking great, or anyone who just wants to find things […]

health apps to stay active

Health Apps to Help You Stay Active

Are you struggling to remain active? Technology can help. Mobile apps can help us remain mindful and conscientious about our activities, exercise, and diet. If you want to improve your motivation, consider some of these popular apps. 1. MyFitnessPal (iTunes | Android) MyFitnessPal is the leading all-in-one health app, which includes support for fitness trackers, exercise tracking, and diet tracking. You […]

how to stay healthy while working from home

How to Stay Healthy and Active While Working From Home

Working from home offers some fantastic benefits. Not only is it easier to maintain work/life balance, but it’s also makes your lifestyle far more flexible. Unfortunately, it does come with some challenges, too.

Working from home makes it more difficult to exercise, see friends and family, and generally stay healthy. Without any pressure to do otherwise, you might even find yourself never leaving the home at all.

Here are 8 tips for staying active and healthy even when working from home.

organization and mental health

Organization and Mental Health: The Two Go Hand In Hand

Whether you’re homeschooling the kids or working from home, or maybe even both, optimal organization should be a top priority. According to the author of Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Illness, Feel Better, and Live Longer, Eva Shelhub, “At the end of the day, being organized is about having more time for yourself, and […]

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Decluttering And Maximizing Your Home Office Space

More Australians now regularly work from home in their main job or a standalone small business located at home. According to analysis by the Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals that the number of employed people who work from home has risen from 20% to 30% in the span of 15 years. That’s nearly half […]

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Prioritize Your Tasks To Be in Control Of Your Work and Family Schedule

When you want to accomplish things, you have to set goals and priorities. They are your guidelines for starting and finishing up a task either for work, for your home or for your hobbies. It will just be chaos and confusion if you start one task and then start another in the middle of the […]

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Useful Tips When Buying Your Next Laptop

Computers have been such a big part of our modern life that it’s quite hard to think of doing something important without one. Paying utility bills, reading and sending emails, online shopping, work, entertainment, research and education have been made easy thanks to computers. If your old computer has become slow and sluggish, it might […]

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Organising Weekend Activities For Your Kids

Raising kids isn’t easy – the food, medicine, clothes, school, extra-curricular activities and keeping them entertained can get a bit expensive. But, it’s part of being a parent. To raise healthy and happy kids is the primary goal of any good parent. Fortunately, most kids today can be easily entertained in a local park, at […]

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The Connection Between Clutter And Anxiety and How To Manage It

Do you become frustrated and anxiety kicks in whenever you come home from work? You arrive home with toys all over, unwashed dishes, unfolded newspapers and magazines not placed in the rack, dirty clothes lying everywhere. Basically, your house is a mess as if a tornado has wreaked on havoc everything inside your house. Anxiety […]