Category Archives: Other

What type of planner, or planner setup, is best for the home, home office and general life? I am retired and have no children.

What type of planner, or planner setup, is best for the home, home office and general life? I am retired and have no children.

Planners aren’t just for the office. Most of us have a lot of things to juggle. So what’s the best planner? It actually depends on how you organize best. Here’s what you need to consider.

How to let go of stuff

How to Let Go of “Stuff”

When people hold onto items, there’s often a reason. It might be sentimental, or it might be something they think they can use later. Here’s what to consider, in order to say goodbye to all that stuff.

how to stop worrying

How to Stop Worrying That Something I Throw Away Will be Needed Later

Many people want to have less clutter, but they’re afraid to get rid of things because they think those same things might be needed at a later date. Here are some things to consider when deciding what to throw away.


How and where do you start with time management, being a stay at home mom and my husband having odd work hours?

Time management isn’t always easy, but it is important. When a woman is a stay-at-home mom, managing her time can become very stressful. That stress can be magnified if her husband works odd hours.


How do I come up with a daily routine to put everything in its place?

Putting everything in its place can make people feel a lot better, and that’s true for both physical items and tasks that need to be completed. Unfortunately, if that’s not done daily it can really build up and become overwhelming.

How to Depart With Your Stuff Without Regret

How to Depart With Your Stuff Without Regret

You’ve done a big clean up and decluttered your home, but now you have piles of possessions that you need to get rid of. Do you sell, donate, or throw them away? What if they still have sentimental value? It’s going to be a difficult process, but the items that you don’t use are going […]

Organization Tips for 2019

Our Top 10 Organizing Tips for 2019

We’ve curated a list of our top 10 organizing tips from last year to help you make 2019 your most organized year yet.
From how to organize your bills, the link between mental health and organization, and many other tips to get you organized!

Back to Work in 2019: How To Keep Your Closet Clear Of Clutter

Back to Work: How To Keep Your Closet Clear Of Clutter

If you ever feel stuck when it comes to work outfits; you’re not alone.

Having an organized closet is a great way to get ready to get back into work after the holidays.

Like any organizing project, this comes with a few challenges.

Here’s some tips for achieving an organized closet.

First Week of December Your Christmas Organizing Checklist

First Week of December: Your Christmas Organizing Checklist

It’s that time of year again! Time to hang a wreath on your door and put up Christmas lights. Prepping for Christmas might sound fun and easy, but it comes with its challenges and stress. That’s why this week’s blog will get you in the organized mindset for setting up for Christmas. This blog is […]

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7 Days To A Stress-Free and Wonderful Christmas

Things can get very stressful during the holidays, especially at Christmas. Emotions run high and tempers are flying. It can sometimes feel like things are spiraling out of control. Why do things go south during this time of the year? There are several reasons why things can get crazy during the holidays. There are lots […]

Get Organized But Have A Chronic Illness

Managing Chronic Illness & Staying Organized

  Often when we run our online programs we get comments from people who are afraid of falling behind. Especially those people with a chronic illness. It depends how I’m feeling that day as to whether I can complete the task I can’t always complete the task so I’ll have to come back to it […]

Moving Out Of Parent's Home

Happy and Organized Empty Nesters – With FREE Planner Template

Cindy sent us this message: “I definitely need some assistance on organizing myself with my job. I’ve been in real estate for 11 years (part-time/full-time) and raising 3 beautiful boys. All my children have left the nest now. I’m in my early 50’s. It’s time to have a career and make some real money! Mommy hood […]

Adjusting News Feed Preferences

How To Manage Your Facebook Newsfeed

If you’re like me, you randomly “like” pages as you see them appear on your Facebook timeline. Oh, what a cute cat! <Like Page> The life quote is soooo me. <Like Page> Oh, this looks interesting, Jenny likes this page, I’ll like them too. <Like Page> Sometimes, however, I discover this “like” comes at a cost. […]

Time Management

Are You Really Time-Poor Or Just Think You Are?

Busyness seems to be catching. How often do we hear these phrases in general conversation:     I’m so busy.    I’m too busy.    How do you find the time?    I don’t have time to do that … Many people swear that they are time poor. However there’s fine line between the idea of […]