We are well & truly into flu season here in Sydney and this week I’ve been crash-tackled by the bug. Restless nights, headaches, aches and pains, fevers, sweats. Urggghhh. Please, pur-leez my body, get well soon! When you run a business from home or have the flexibility to work from home a lot, you tend to […]
Category Archives: Productivity
What’s your biggest home office challenge? Too many paper piles? Ineffective filing systems? Unsatisfactory habits in dealing with clutter? We’re running the program live, starting Monday 12 May. This is one of our most popular programs, with lots of people finding success: I am wiping down my desk and looking at the good work achieved […]
Michele’s earlier blog Get More Done with This Mindshift is a great starting point if you are looking to make a shift and change the way you currently do things. In the post, Michele talks about shifting your thinking from doing stuff to getting stuff done. Take a minute to read it, I’ll wait 😉 Most of us like […]
Now that we have a cleaning schedule organized let’s consider what we already have in our households that can help make our cleaning regime simple and organized. You don’t need all the bells, whistles and marvels that late night television spruiks ad nauseum for 30 minutes at a time! Let’s get back to basics […]
It’s of no surprise that women tend to have a greater responsibility when it comes to domestic chores. Some of you may be lucky enough to have a husband (partner, significant other) or children to help with the load. And for those people I give you a heartfelt “yay for you!”. With my husband […]
We talk a lot about ways to simplify your life, stay organized, keep overwhelm at bay and in general, make your life as enjoyable as possible with minimal stress. A recent Facebook post however got me thinking about all the little things we do to avoid housework. Or make it look like we’re doing something, […]
After a couple of early starts last week decided to wise up and get organized. I started to plan out my fast, no-fuss breakfast menu, to help keep time on my side. You see, I love to snooze. I know I may be running against the clock later, but my subconscious encourages me to enjoy […]
You know what I’m talking about! The screeching halt that overcomes you once you find something ‘loved and lost’ while trying to declutter. For me, it’s photographs. I can’t help myself. I get swept away in memories and then, before I know it, waaaay too much time has passed and my declutter task remains unfinished. […]
Recently, a Get Organized Wizard subscriber requested our help. She was coping well with new challenges and tasks she was facing in her everyday life. But she had a deep, dark secret. A room full of clutter backlog she couldn’t face. Dunt, dunt, duuunt! Does that sounds familiar? Sometimes it’s a drawer that hides receipts, […]
Is one of your goals for 2014 to be more productive? To improve your time management skills? Then you’ll want to join us for one of my most popular programs: 7 Days to Better Productivity & Time Management. Mindset Shifts For Better Productivity And Time Management Yep – in just one week we tackle all the stuff […]
With hundreds of people having completed the 7 Days to Better Productivity & Time Management program, we are thrilled with the response so far. So many people have left inspiring comments, satisfied with their move from procrastination to action. We love hearing about your successes. Here are seven outcomes that have people feeling empowered: […]
If you: Waste time Procrastinate Get to the end of the day and feel you haven’t accomplished much Fail to make progress on important goals and projects Feel stressed and overwhelmed Struggle to stay focused Need to be a self-starter because you work from home or run your own business Want a greater sense of […]
Yep I’m serious. There’s a way to stop ‘procrastinating’. How? Well, I’m going to suggest there’s no such thing as procrastination. I mean yes, there’s a word and a set of associations that go with it. But I’m suggesting that by treating it as a meaningful phenomenon like it’s some deep-seated childhood trauma or pervasive psycho-sexual dysfunction, […]
Sometimes life’s little tantrums make it hard to keep your cool. You get sick, you face one problem after another, your goals stall, your relationships struggle… You can start to feel disorganized, frustrated, in a rut… So what can you do to keep yourself afloat? I suggest a daily checklist that will help you feel as though you’re hanging in there and doing okay. Keep the checklist simple and achievable. It shouldn’t add to […]
Want to be more productive and organized in 2013? My two popular diaries are fantastic tools for you to get more done, get rid of clutter, and feel more organized. They’re both instantly downloadable and fully interactive. SPECIAL OFFER – GET 83% OFF! You can get my popular Goals & Priorities 2013 Diary and Organize-In-5 2013 Diary, both brand new for […]
People ask such great questions on my Facebook page. Here’s an extract from a recent one from Jennifer: I do a lot of long term planning and while the paper planner works just fine there are also advantages to using a digital planner such as outlook or calendar (for mac). Right now I get frustrated as I […]
How do you manage your daily to-do list? How do you organize your ideas and notes? Diary? Notebook? App? Software? Other? Over the past week I’ve been getting frisky with Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion. And I’ve discovered some cool productivity tools. My favorite features so far (there are plenty more here, here, and here) include: […]
A few years ago the Washington Post reported that one in four adults read no books at all the previous year. Does that surprise you? Do you like to read? Do you wish you had more time for reading? I love to read and always have several books I’m in the middle of. Fiction, biographies, memoirs, science, […]
If you’re time-poor and challenge-rich (and who isn’t these days?), then you probably struggle with all the things you have to do, remember, take somewhere, return, pick up, and so on. It’s oh-so-easy to forget things, mutter obscenities under your breath and feel overwhelmed. Here’s a neat little strategy that can help you remember the […]
At the moment I’m re-reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It’s a wonderful book on overcoming resistance and doing meaningful stuff. Early in the book Pressfield says There’s a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don’t, and the secret is this: It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is […]