Category Archives: Time Management

7 Reasons You Aren't Productive

The 7 Biggest Reasons You Aren’t Productive

If you feel unhappy with what you accomplish by the end of a day, then there’s a good chance the reasons lie here. 1. You Ignore Your Preferences We all have rhythms and idiosyncrasies that make us productive little dynamos in some circumstances and virtual zombies in others. Some people work well in the morning, […]

thanksgiving 10 things I'm thankful for

10 Things I’m Thankful For On Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just hours away, it’s time to share what we’re thankful for this year. Here’s my humble thanksgiving list. What’s on yours? Share on our social channels or in the comments below! (BTW if you’re looking for more – check out our post last year with 100 Things to be Thankful For At Thanksgiving) […]

Ergonomics for Busy Moms Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Safe Home Office Setup

Ergonomics for Busy Moms: Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Safe Home Office Setup

As a busy mom, you have unique challenges when it comes to managing a home office but your home office can be a space where you can achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment. With the right mindset and tools, anything is possible.

7 Days to Organized Home Office

Transform Your Home Office Experience in Just 7 Days with Our Revamped Course

Hello, everyone! We are thrilled to announce that we have revamped and refreshed our popular course, “7 Days to Organized Home Office”!

How can I Stop Procrastinating and Start Being Productive?

How Can I Stop Procrastinating and Start Being Productive

We procrastinate because we either can’t decide what to do next or are simply getting distracted from the things that need to get done. The tips below can help hone your focus and ensure you are able to avoid some common procrastination pitfalls and boost your productivity as well.

Set yourself up for success with ergonomically safe Home Office set up

Set Yourself up for Success with an Ergonomically Safe Home Office

An ergonomically safe home office delivers many valuable benefits. A variety of statistics prove that it enhances productivity, enables people to avoid serious health problems and decreases missed days of work. By preventing fatigue, it also reduces mistakes. These tips can help you improve the ergonomics of your office.

The link between Happiness and Productivity at work

The Link Between Happiness and Productivity at Work

It’s no secret that happiness and productivity are closely entwined. When employees aren’t happy, they are distracted; they can’t be their best or most efficient when they are worried or frustrated. But more to the point, what can managers and employers do to boost employee happiness? How can employees improve their mood?

How to have work life balance when working from home

How to Have Work Life Balance When Working from Home?

It’s hard. When work is always present, it’s very easy to constantly start more work. But it’s also not healthy. When you don’t have an appropriate work life balance, you start to hate your work… and feel resentful about what you aren’t accomplishing in your daily life.

5 Ways to Instantly Get More Organized in your Home Office

5 Ways to Instantly Get More Organized in your Home Office

If you work at home, you face a double threat when it comes to organizing your office — your work stuff and things from other parts of the home that migrate in. Here are 5 simple and nearly instant ways to reorganize your workspace.

How to Manage Time for Housework

How to Manage Time for Housework

Sometimes it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. But with a little time management, you can make time for the things you need to do, like housework. Here are some tips on how to manage your time for housework.

How Do You Overcome Procrastination and Become More Productive?

How Do You Overcome Procrastination and Become More Productive?

Procrastination is the boogeyman that most of us blame for our lack of productivity. It is a strange psychological phenomenon that often has roots in many other aspects of your life. Learning how to overcome procrastination is vital to your long-term success, though. How do you do that? Let’s look a little deeper at procrastination and how to overcome it.

How Do I Prioritize When Everything is Urgent

How Do I Prioritize Tasks When Everything Is Urgent?

Consistent, sustainable productivity is all about priority setting. Prioritization is a soft skill that can literally affect your success at every level. Without honing prioritization skills, the only thing you can really count on is frustration, decreased productivity, and high levels of stress.

How to Organize Craft Supplies in a Small Space

How to Organize Craft Supplies in a Small Space

The crafts projects that you and your family enjoy working on are a great source of pleasure, to be sure. But if the various crafts supplies are sprawling all over the place, you run the risk of losing items or not being able to find and use them when you want.

How and Where do I Start to Get Organized

How and Where Do I Start to Get Organized?

A to-do list that prioritizes straightening up your abode and making things nice and neat is nice to have, but you have been ignoring this list for too long! Here are some tips on how and where you can start to get organized.

Small habits that make a big difference to your mindset

Small Habits That Make a Big Difference To Your Mindset

By changing your habits, you may be able to develop a mindset that suits you better, helps you accomplish more, and lets you experience more joy. Here are a few of the ways you can reframe what you think and what you do, for higher levels of success.

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

It seems like you just started your holiday, but now you have to say goodbye to relaxing with family and friends. Soon you will be putting your nose to the grindstone again. Here are ways you can cope with returning to your job following the holiday season.

How to organize your Christmas Shopping list

How to organize your Christmas Shopping list

Christmas is fast approaching and will be here before many people are truly ready for all of the festivities. As a busy mom who is already stretched too thin at this time of the year, you can do yourself a favor by getting more organized with that in mind, here are tips to help you organize your Christmas shopping list for best results.