Category Archives: Productivity

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You’re Not Doing Yourself A Favor If You Still Believe These Productivity Lies

Being productive at work is one key to company and career success. But despite the positive payoff, many employees, maybe even you, have issues maintaining high productivity levels every day which is mostly due to outside factors that no one can control. Everybody wants to increase their productivity and doesn’t want to waste time, effort […]

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10 Ways To Take Action & Get Organized This New Year

There’s always a spark of hope that comes with every new year. Resolutions are made, changes are welcomed and new ideas are formed. In the spirit of new beginnings and starting with a clean slate, below are some tips to help you take action and get organized this new year. 10 Ways To Take Action […]

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7 Days To A Stress-Free and Wonderful Christmas

Things can get very stressful during the holidays, especially at Christmas. Emotions run high and tempers are flying. It can sometimes feel like things are spiraling out of control. Why do things go south during this time of the year? There are several reasons why things can get crazy during the holidays. There are lots […]


The Procrastinator’s Creed

This post was originally published in August 2016. It has been updated with the Procrastinator’s Creed video.     A little humor for the procrastinators amongst us! The Procrastinator’s Creed 1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already. 2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more […]

Organize Technology

How To Organize Your Tech Gadgets

In the era of connectivity, we own and use several gadgets at once. Smart phones, laptops, personal computers, iPads and tablets have become part of our everyday life. These gadgets store a huge range of apps and software which often means we need to manage digital clutter too. If your device is cluttered with apps or your […]

Time Wasting Productivity

When Is A Waste of Time, A Good Waste Of Time?

Waste: use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. When is a waste of time, a good waste of time? Almost sounds like a joke, right! Wasting time is often viewed as not being productive or spending time on activities that do not provide any value. It can also be akin to doing trivial activities instead […]

Other people's clutter

Dealing With Other People’s Clutter

It’s not easy to deal with personal clutter. The task is even more troublesome when the clutter that needs to be organized is not yours. Today we’re talking about other people’s clutter in the family home. That is, other family member’s clutter than can drive you a little bonkers! Here are some tips to help you cope. […]

Simplify Your Life

Help Me Simplify My Life!

  Help Me Simplify My Life! We hear this a lot from members who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with their daily lives. We find the underlying problems are varied, but along the themes of: Having too much clutter and feel closed in Poor time management skills that make you feel like you’ve accomplished little by […]

Latest Apps Organized

Six Apps to Help You Stay Organized

With old-time tried and tested organizing apps continuing to dominate the app stores, there are newer apps emerging that deserve a mention. Some of these ones may have even been around a bit since we last gave you our faves, but some recently made it to the top of the list for organizing junkies. So […]

Study School Organized

6 Tips To Stay Sane and Organized When Studying – With Free Activity Planner

Even the most studious students have lazy moments. Today we’re going to talk about how to keep the fire burning, stay sane and organized when studying. 6 Tips To Stay Sane and Organized When Studying 1. Use Scheduling and A Calendar Scheduling is your best friend when studying. List down the things or subjects that you need […]

Kitchen Routines

5 Simple Kitchen Routines That Keep You Organized – With Free Weekly Schedule

Aah, the kitchen! For some, it’s the most important part of the house. A family hub. Food is prep’d. Conversations take place. Homework is done. Work is completed. Meal time is precious. Given the range of activities the kitchen undertakes, it is one place where cleanliness and organization can make a big difference. We’re sharing some tips to help keep your […]

Time Management

How To Prioritise AND Do More of What YOU Want – With FREE SMART Goals Template

Some things require our compulsory attention, like work. It’s often during work time that we dream about what we’d like to do in our leisure time.  Maybe it’s doing finer things in life,  participating more in a sporting activity, or thinking of ways to relax and unwind. If you manage your time and life well, you can squeeze other fun […]

Productive Traits

How To Tap Into The Mindset of Productive People – Plus FREE Weekly Schedule Printable

Do you ever feel like some of your colleagues and peers accomplish more than you do? The work may be the same (or similar) but you don’t seem to be able to produce the same output as fellow workers. Studies show your productivity measure can have a lot to do with your mindset. Let’s take […]

time management tips

7 Time Management Tips For Busy Working Moms – Plus FREE Bills To Pay Printable

When you’re flat out trying to run a household, get little people off to school and then start your own work day, you’ve just got to be organized. Some days every minute counts and we’re always on the lookout for that time-saving trick or tip that can add a few precious minutes to a busy […]

Be Productive At Work

10 Effortless Ways To Stay Productive At Work – FREE Master Goal List Printable

How do you increase productivity when you need it the most? When other productivity tricks don’t work, what other tips do you go back to? Here are our 10 effortless ways to stay productive at work. Say goodbye to slacking! 10 Effortless Ways To Stay Productive At Work 1. Add Live Plants Green potted plants […]

Organized Home Office

3 Ways To Organize Your Home Office – with FREE Printable

Do you want to be the best office manager you’ve ever had? Home office managers wear many caps. If you are working from home or have set up you own company based at home then you have no choice – office organization starts and ends with you. You become the manager, the secretary, the messenger, the IT department […]

Distractions Working From Home

Top 3 Ways To Avoid Distractions When Working From Home – With FREE Weekly To-Do List Printable

On the face of it, working from home is bliss. You have freedom, flexible hours, relaxed dress codes, and unlimited access to the fridge! What’s not to love? To make working from home work well, structure is important. Structure for yourself and your environment. If you can achieve structure in the early days, you’ll be able to avoid the […]

Simplify Life

How Simplifying Can Lead To Happiness

Do you think that happiness is elusive? We believe that living a simplified life can achieve happiness. Buddha’s ‘With our thoughts we make the world’, is a realistic reminder that we have the power of our minds over the matter of our lives. And it’s more than having a clean kitchen, organized desk and minimal house objects. The […]

Hobby Increases Productivity

Good Reasons To Start A New Hobby – With FREE ​Hobby Planner Download

If you could choose a new hobby, what would it be? Learn to sew or knit. Play an instrument. Join a church group. Start gardening. Coach a sporting team. Participate in a book club. Join a photography club. Volunteer your time to a charity. When you commit to a hobby you invariably find more time […]