The crafts projects that you and your family enjoy working on are a great source of pleasure, to be sure. But if the various crafts supplies are sprawling all over the place, you run the risk of losing items or not being able to find and use them when you want.
Category Archives: Style
It happens frequently. You have two options for establishing a home workspace, but you can’t decide between them. You might have an actual office, but wonder if working in the dining room, kitchen, or living room might actually be better. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all, and you could find that one or the other is best suited to your working style.
Organization can make it so much better and faster to find things when you need them. It’s also a great way to keep your space looking neat and clean. But what should you consider when you’re deciding how to organize your items? Here are a few things to think about.
Many of us are currently making the move to work from home for the first time. Here are some tips for setting up a home office that you can be comfortable, happy, and productive in.
Do you have plenty of clothes in your closet – yet nothing to wear? Then you’ll want to join us from Monday 3 February for one of my most popular programs: 14 Days to an Organized Closet. 14 Days To An Organized Closet I’ll help you look your best and give a sense of order to your wardrobe. Together we’ll […]
Sales get a lot of hype, but make no mistake about it: sales are not your friend. They mess with your mind. They waste your money. They add clutter to your home. And that’s not all! Here are 5 reasons you should step away from the bargain bin. 1. You Waste Money This is the great […]
What do you wear when you’re at home? Whether you’re working, doing chores, or chilling out, the clothes you wear can affect your mood, motivation and even feelings of self-respect. If you find yourself struggling with procrastination, low productivity or lack of motivation, your at-home wardrobe could be to blame. Do you pull on any […]
Looking your best is a great way to boost your confidence. You may argue that it shouldn’t, but the reality is that your grooming and dress style can make a big difference to the way people respond to you. Perhaps more importantly, it can change the way you feel about yourself – adding a little […]
In this new series, I’ll be suggesting ways you can make things simpler for yourself in various life areas. Let’s start with your closet and your personal style. Simplify Your Closet: What Not To Wear I recently did a major closet cleanse. (I’ll write more about how and why in later posts.) Getting so much stuff […]
Is a sense of overwhelm holding you back from the life you want? If you often feel disorganized, indecisive, or immobilized, it’s worth looking for ways to make your life simpler. Having a sense of what isn’t for you can be a super-smart way to cut down your choices, save yourself mistakes and feel a greater […]
The old warning not to burn your bridges is wise. It’s especially wise when it comes to relationships, since there’s little point in leaving a trail of flaming ill will behind you when you leave a job, relationship or dinner party. Keeping your options – and channels of communication – open does seem like good […]
Welcome to Mission#46 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Have you been feeling less than your best lately? Wondering what happened to your old glow/spark/spring in your step? A mini makeover is a great way to regain confidence and restore a little sparkle to your life. Remember: you only need 30 minutes for the basic […]
Want to simplify your life? Try this Quick Fix: Simplify Your Life Fix #3: Limit Your Hangers Keep just enough hangers for your current closet of clothes. This works best if you’ve already completed: Get Organized Mission #10: Clear Out Your Closet and Get Organized Mission #11: Create Your Wardrobe Wishlist. Now, whenever you buy […]
Now that we’ve cleared your closet of all those ill-fitting, out-of-style and unappealing garments, it’s time to fill in any closet gaps. This week we’ll make a list of clothes and accessories to help you look and feel your best in your various roles in life. You don’t have to rush out and buy everything straight away. But you’ll have a dream closet shopping list to focus future shopping trips, and to guide you away from things that don’t belong in your closet – or your life…
Do you long for a closet of comfortable, co-ordinated clothes that look great and make you feel fabulous? Well, you’re about to take the first step.
Before you can create your dream wardrobe you need to clear out the clothes and accessories that are more of a nightmare. So in this Get Organized Mission we’re going to systematically remove all the closet clutter that’s wasting hanger space and dragging your image down…
Welcome to Mission #2 of our 52 Organizing Missions. If you completed last week’s Get Organized Mission Fill a-Hu-u-uge-Trash-Bag you’re probably feeling pretty fabulous right now. If not – what are you waiting for! This week we’re getting organized on a smaller scale. We’re about to streamline the receptacle you take with you into the […]
No matter how fabulous your outfit, a haphazard handbag will undermine your personal presentation. Not only is an overfilled, misshapen bag a fashion faux pas, it also a time-waster when you scuba dive in search of lipgloss, an embarrassment when you can’t find a tissue, and an opportunity-killer when you ferret fruitlessly for a business […]