Category Archives: Life Management

Gym Organization

Organize Your Health and Fitness: How to Dodge Gym Germs

If you’re a regular gym-goer, you know what a hotbed of germs a gym can be. Here’s a simple tip for getting a little insulation from the icky stuff left behind on yoga mats, cardio equipment and weight machines. How to Dodge Gym Germs Use the ‘sides’ of your towel. Let the label/tag side always […]

Organize Your Finances: An Overflow of Online Financial Calculators

Millionaire Mommy Next Door has tracked down a veritable overflow (I know it’s not a collective noun, but I like the alliteration) of online calculators. They’ll help you ponder all kinds of financial scenarios, such as: How does my salarycompare with others in my profession? Should I pay ahead on my mortgageor invest the money […]

How to be Happier: A Scientifically Proven Strategy that Costs Nada

Thanksgiving Day is November 27 in the US. What a perfect prompt for a Get Organized Tip on one of the best strategies for happiness there is… gratitude. Gratitude makes you happier Psychologists have scientifically tested (yep, we’re talking unwitting participants, experiments, statistical analysis, peer-reviewed journals) whether appreciating good things leads to greater happiness. And […]

Your Child’s School Progress: How to Stop Worrying and Start Organizing

Do you ruminate about your child’s school challenges? Get that worry out of your head – where it hurts you and helps no-one – and do something useful with it. By thinking constructively about things you can do and making a plan for actions you can take, you save yourself stress and improve your ability […]

Organizing Your Finances: Get Organized to Pay Bills on Time

It’s one thing to splurge on fabulous shoes, a new iPhone or a scrummy bottle of wine. But it’s just plain dumb to waste your money on penalty charges or excess interest because you were late paying a bill. All it takes is a little organization and a shred of planning, and you can save […]


Personal Development: Getting Organized to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Expanding your comfort zone is one of those things you can’t help doing once you make the decision. The trick is to think ahead about the areas where you want to grow. Choose a growth area and you’ll start to notice opportunities – then you just need to give yourself a little encouragement to take […]

An Organized Handbag: The Ultimate Symbol of a Smart Woman

No matter how fabulous your outfit, a haphazard handbag will undermine your personal presentation. Not only is an overfilled, misshapen bag a fashion faux pas, it also a time-waster when you scuba dive in search of lipgloss, an embarrassment when you can’t find a tissue, and an opportunity-killer when you ferret fruitlessly for a business […]

Home Organizing: Start with your Home Values

Got a hankering to re-organize or de-clutter your home? Before you get started, think about your values for the home you want to create… For instance, which of the following values do you want your home to evoke:     Home values Comfort? Beauty? Warmth? Order? Family? Minimalism? Retreat or sanctuary? Harmony? Simplicity? Visual clarity? […]