Here are some common frustrations I hear from people who are trying to declutter their lives and organize their homes: My husband is a hoarder – he still has college notes from the 80s. My wife’s hobbies have taken over the entire house. My kids have too much stuff and won’t get rid of anything. If you relate, […]
Category Archives: Life Management
It’s the end of the first quarter of 2013, plus I’ve just run 7 Days To An Organized Home Office. Which makes it an excellent time to take a week off! I’ve recently learned that going away is not necessarily the best way to unwind, at least not for me. So I’ll be taking a staycation […]
With a change of season upon us, now’s a great time for a spot of spring cleaning. But instead of focussing on the external environment, let’s start with ourselves. By tidying up mental habits and self-talk on the inside, we can make life a lot more happy and ordered on the outside too. Here are 7 simple but powerful ways to spring clean your mind. […]
The Um, Joy of Happiness Did you know that happiness is associated with all kinds of cool benefits? They include: Physical & mental health Coping skills Resilience Work satisfaction Good relationships – with colleagues, friends, and loved ones Long life Immune system strength Liking yourself Altruism Liking others Effective conflict management. That means happiness isn’t […]
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain Sometimes we put off things that we want – decluttering our house, or clearing out our closet, or starting our diet and exercise program, or beginning our novel. We can’t imagine how we could ever deal with so much clutter. We look at our wardrobes […]
Sometimes we hold so tightly to things or situations or people. We fear the unknown. We doubt we can cope without them. Better the devil we know! But when we do finally let go of the job, the person, the conviction to which we’ve clung till our knuckles are ragged, we often find something more wonderful […]
This week I did something that scared the pants off me. Fortunately not my actual pants, but my figurative pants. My figurative capri pants. I sang a song. In front of a relative stranger. With my neighborhood-cats-are-crying singing voice. Why, you may ask, would I inflict this aural abuse on someone? One of my personal […]
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! What’s your best relationship tip? In honor of the day, and to round off this week’s little relationships series, here are 20 neat ideas for better relationships. 20 Ideas For Better Relationships Spend more time with the people who matter most. Let go of grudges. Do something every day for someone […]
These lessons have completely changed the way I relate to my loved ones. I hope they’re helpful to you too. Best Relationship Advice Ever Part 3: Swap Complaining For Asking So often when people are unhappy with someone in their lives they complain about what’s wrong. He never does any housework. She never wants to have sex. Mom […]
This week I’m sharing some of the things I’ve learned over the years about relationships. I hope these lessons are helpful to you, too. Best Relationship Advice Ever Part 2: Plant Your Own Garden Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. ~ Veronica A. […]
This Friday is my wedding anniversary (16 years – yikes!). And Thursday is Valentine’s Day – which to me is about all relationships, not just romantic ones. Which makes it a good week to think about relationship stuff. My relationships – romantic, family, friends – are a huge part of my life. They teach me so […]
Be a Rainbow In Someone Else’s Cloud. ~ Maya Angelou It takes so little to brighten someone else’s day. Yet it can leave them feeling happy for a moment, an hour, a day, or give them a sweet memory for life. And it makes you feel pretty awesome, too. Here are some ideas for being […]
As well as being the month I declutter my house, January is when I like to do all that health stuff. I create a health to-do list and schedule: A check-up with my doctor A visit to my dentist and hygienist General blood tests to keep an eye on iron and other stuff my doctor […]
I’m not one of those people who starts January 1 with New Year’s resolutions or clear, well-defined goals. December is always a busy month and early January is when I do my annual declutter. My head’s not in a goal-setting place. But by about mid-January the combination of a fresh year, a decluttered home, and […]
Here’s a radical idea. You know all the years you hoped you’d get slim? All the years you made attempts? Let’s make 2013 the year you do it. Deep inside you know you can. People with greater challenges than you have done it. And you’ve done harder things. Um, childbirth? Marriage? Working for years for that that […]
Start from wherever you are and with whatever you’ve got. ~ Jim Rohn If there’s one thing more powerful than any other for achieving your goals, it’s this: You must make a start. Knowledge is useless unless you do something with it. Talent is wasted unless you let it move you to action. Desire is frustration unless you […]
Update JUST ADDED: 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home RECENTLY ADDED: 7 Days To Better Productivity & Time Management RECENTLY ADDED: 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge RECENTLY ADDED: 7 Days to An Organized Home Office CURRENT INCLUDED PRODUCTS/PROGRAMS VALUE: $640 As we approach the start of a new year I’m getting lots of questions about the […]
Want to be more productive and organized in 2013? My two popular diaries are fantastic tools for you to get more done, get rid of clutter, and feel more organized. They’re both instantly downloadable and fully interactive. SPECIAL OFFER – GET 83% OFF! You can get my popular Goals & Priorities 2013 Diary and Organize-In-5 2013 Diary, both brand new for […]
We’re getting close to the end of the year. It’s a great time to think about refreshing our mental and physical space. To decide, out with the old, in with the new. Here are 10 ideas for clearing out clutter and old energy, and ushering in a fresh perspective for the new year. Get rid […]
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. ~ Gandhi If we want happier […]