Over the last few posts we have talked about creating a simple cleaning checklist and using basic household items to help keep our home clean and sparkling. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the products that infomercials spruik about. You know, those wonderful products that will make our lives easier, cleaner and more organized if […]
Category Archives: Life Management
Now that we have a cleaning schedule organized let’s consider what we already have in our households that can help make our cleaning regime simple and organized. You don’t need all the bells, whistles and marvels that late night television spruiks ad nauseum for 30 minutes at a time! Let’s get back to basics […]
It’s of no surprise that women tend to have a greater responsibility when it comes to domestic chores. Some of you may be lucky enough to have a husband (partner, significant other) or children to help with the load. And for those people I give you a heartfelt “yay for you!”. With my husband […]
Not another declutter program? No, not another… this is our most powerful home declutter program! 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home For the third time we will be running 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home online. So whether you’re a first timer or you’re back to refresh your decluttering challenges, be ready to start on Monday […]
A funny episode of How I Met Your Mother saw one of the characters, Barney, refusing to allow any of his belongings to be thrown out when his new girlfriend, Quinn, moves in with him. Yet Quinn throws away most of her things so that they didn’t have doubles of everything. Barney was challenged […]
Wikipedia quotes that Learning style is an individual’s natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. One of the most common categorizations of learning styles is Neil Fleming’s VARK/VAK model, which includes: Visual learners Auditory learners Reading-writing preference learners Kinesthetic or tactile learners. We cover a lot of different styles of […]
We talk a lot about ways to simplify your life, stay organized, keep overwhelm at bay and in general, make your life as enjoyable as possible with minimal stress. A recent Facebook post however got me thinking about all the little things we do to avoid housework. Or make it look like we’re doing something, […]
After a couple of early starts last week decided to wise up and get organized. I started to plan out my fast, no-fuss breakfast menu, to help keep time on my side. You see, I love to snooze. I know I may be running against the clock later, but my subconscious encourages me to enjoy […]
Come and join me! If you have a few extra pounds you’d like to shed, and are looking for a burst of motivation, inspiration and community support to help you take action, then look no further! Starts Monday! I’m running a 30-Day Weight Loss-athon and it starts this Monday, 3 March, US time. A whole […]
Recently, a Get Organized Wizard subscriber requested our help. She was coping well with new challenges and tasks she was facing in her everyday life. But she had a deep, dark secret. A room full of clutter backlog she couldn’t face. Dunt, dunt, duuunt! Does that sounds familiar? Sometimes it’s a drawer that hides receipts, […]
Watching my friends Mom jump on board the Candy Crush craze initially had me shaking my head in wonder. Why was this intelligent lady choosing to play an online game instead of being outdoors, reading a book or cooking up a storm? It was most unlike her. But as she successfully made her way up […]
Do you have plenty of clothes in your closet – yet nothing to wear? Then you’ll want to join us from Monday 3 February for one of my most popular programs: 14 Days to an Organized Closet. 14 Days To An Organized Closet I’ll help you look your best and give a sense of order to your wardrobe. Together we’ll […]
It’s summer here in Australia, which means that for most us, January is prime-time to take a break. Some families go camping. Others take a flight to a spectacular destination. My little family does an annual road trip. We travel over 1,000kms (or 621 miles), each way. The trip usually involves a beach holiday vacation, […]
Do you set goals each year? Make New Year’s resolutions? I generally set goals for the year, but I’m open to things changing, priorities shifting. I’m happy to switch direction as unexpected ideas and opportunities unfold. Maybe this is denial-speak for the fact that I let myself get distracted. Regardless, I do like to start […]
Introducing The 2014 Program Schedule Schedules are awesome, right? Who doesn’t love a good schedule? I sure do! So this year I’m experimenting with a set calendar of my programs, both existing and new. You still have the option of doing my programs whenever you want, completely at your own time and pace. But I think you’ll […]
This was my favorite post about New Year’s Resolutions this year. I liked it so much I thought I’d share it here! My faves are: See the world – with the magic of the internet Don’t spend too much time wearing pants Take every disappointment as a reason to give up Something, something saving money […]
This little insight can save us a buttload of pain. When we get snarky customer service, when someone is mean or nasty, when we cannot seem to please that relative or friend. We don’t have to take it personally and feel rejected. But nor should we get all het up thinking they’re an awful human […]
Happy 2014! Whatever 2013 held for you – the good, the bad, the unbelievably awful – let’s make the New Year our year. Let’s be kinder to ourselves. Let’s be willing to do more of what makes us happy. Let’s focus on getting important things done, instead of needing everything to be perfect. Let’s leave unimportant […]
How do you want 2014 to be for you? Do you want to be more organized? Less cluttered? More productive? Get slimmer? Happier? More focused? Want to simplify your life? Use your time better? Change your style? Achieve your goals? The Premium Subscription can help in every one of these areas. It can help to Make 2014 Your Year. […]
Make This The Year You Achieve Your Goals What gets in the way of you achieving your goals? Often what stops people is: Not being clear about what their goals are Not translating their goals into specific tasks that move them closer to their goals Not taking regular steps toward goal achievement. Clarifying goals, chunking them down, and […]