Category Archives: Health & Fitness

Anxiety Tips

7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized When You Have Anxiety

Anxiety can make it difficult to do just about everything in day-to-day life, and organization is a major part of this. Organization is difficult for most people, but when you add anxiety, it can seem downright insurmountable. If you’ve found yourself unsure of where to get started, follow these tips. 7 Roadblocks To Getting Organized […]

Weight Loss Goals 2017

SMART Goals: 5 Ways To Get Yourself Into Shape For The New Year

Every new year, the most common resolution is a personal goal to “lose weight”.

In this post, we are going to use SMART objectives to help you plan that ultimate goal for the new year.

SMART goals may be used in business, school and in daily life. It can also be effective in planning for a weight loss goal.

30 Day Weight Loss-athon

It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Do

30-Day Weight Loss-athon If you took action on just a fraction of what you already know about weight loss, you’d lose weight, right? You know it’s true! Which is why our motto is: It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Do. The 30-Day Weight Loss-athon is about doing. A whole month of tiny-but-powerful actions […]

Mental Alertness

8 simple ways to increase your mental alertness

Watching my friends Mom jump on board the Candy Crush craze initially had me shaking my head in wonder. Why was this intelligent lady choosing to play an online game instead of being outdoors, reading a book or cooking up a storm?  It was most unlike her. But as she successfully made her way up […]

Slim your body in 2013

Make 2013 The Year You Get Slim. Yes Really.

Here’s a radical idea. You know all the years you hoped you’d get slim? All the years you made attempts? Let’s make 2013 the year you do it. Deep inside you know you can. People with greater challenges than you have done it. And you’ve done harder things. Um, childbirth? Marriage? Working for years for that that […]

52 Weight Loss Missions: FREE Sample, Plus Kindle e-Book & iPad App Now Available

52 Weight Loss Missions: Get Two Sample Missions Absolutely FREE! If you’ve been wondering about the NEW 52 Weight Loss Missions program, then you can now download two FREE missions – no sign-up needed. Download your sample here. 52 Weight Loss Missions Kindle e-Book and iPad App Now Available The 52 Weight Loss Missions Action […]


Join Me: Be An Escalator Eschewer

  You know what always surprises me? The number of young (by which I mean, not elderly or infirm), able-bodied people who stand on escalators. Why do they suddenly stop moving? Did they deposit a coin? Are they on a ride? If everything today is about instant gratification, speed and short attention spans, then why […]


Get Organized For Sickness

I spent this past week with the worst bout of flu I’ve had in years – sweats, shivers, watering eyes, headaches, the works. But I’ve made a pretty speedy recovery and I actually feel as though it’s done me some good – I feel rested and freshly motivated. And I think that’s largely because I […]


How Clutter Can Hold You Back – From Love, Success & Health

  Do you feel stuck in a relationship rut? Immobilized in your business or career? At a loss as to why you can’t lose weight? Are you also surrounded by clutter? If so, you might be caught in a clutter trap. Don’t underestimate the power of clutter to stop you from moving forward in important […]


Get Organized For Fitness [Mission #38]

Welcome to Mission #38 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Last week we organized your diet – this week we turn to exercise. Do you wish you could be one of those people who exercises consistently? You can be! A big part of the challenge of having a workable fitness plan is getting organized – […]


Get Organized For Nutrition [Mission #37]

Welcome to Mission #37 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Whether our goal is weight loss, better health, or more energy, most of us would like to improve our diet and eating habits. If you’ve completed the previous mission Get Organized Mission #36: Organize Your Paperwork then it’s a great time to switch focus to your […]


Get Organized To Reduce Stress [Mission #30]

Welcome to Mission #30 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. For some of us, being organized is an end in itself – a sense of order and freedom from clutter bring us pleasure and happiness. For the rest of us, being organized is a means to an end – a smarter path to the things […]

Declutter Your Life – Get More Energy

‘Decluttering is a way to identify what’s obsolete in your life,’ says Julie Morgenstern in the Woman’s Day article 12 Reasons to Unclutter Your Space. ‘Getting rid of stuff creates a sense of energy, giving you room to think, which frees you to do more with your life.’ Julie’s so right. People constantly tell me […]

Organize Your Fitness: How To Create A Super-Simple Interval Training Playlist

Do you keep a constant pace when you exercise? Or do you prefer to intersperse power bursts with recovery phases? Whether you like to walk, run, jog, or row, you can introduce a simple version of interval training to your exercise routine. You don’t need to bother with complicated timings and stopwatches for this basic […]


Organize Your Eating: The Top 10 Diet Mistakes

At this time of year people are thinking about food – planning Christmas meals, facing too much festive fare, or resolving to have better eating habits in the new year. I can’t help you with the first, since I shop in the domestically-disabled section (near the Who Are You Kidding faux frypans). But if you’re […]

Gym Organization

Organize Your Health and Fitness: How to Dodge Gym Germs

If you’re a regular gym-goer, you know what a hotbed of germs a gym can be. Here’s a simple tip for getting a little insulation from the icky stuff left behind on yoga mats, cardio equipment and weight machines. How to Dodge Gym Germs Use the ‘sides’ of your towel. Let the label/tag side always […]