Category Archives: Health & Fitness

8 Tips to Get Organized for the Holidays

8 Tips to Get Organized for the Holidays

The holidays are a fun time of year, but they can also create stress if you allow them to clutter your home and schedule. You may be overwhelmed by the combined demands of things like cards, shopping, gift-wrapping, decorating, cooking and travel.

Ergonomics for Busy Moms Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Safe Home Office Setup

Ergonomics for Busy Moms: Tips for Creating a Comfortable and Safe Home Office Setup

As a busy mom, you have unique challenges when it comes to managing a home office but your home office can be a space where you can achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment. With the right mindset and tools, anything is possible.

New Year A Fresh New Start

New Year – A Fresh New Start!

The beginning of a new year offers a great opportunity to try new things and change for the better. Perhaps you’d like to become more organized, improve your health or have a beneficial impact on the world. This advice can help you make the most of these positive intentions.

Start setting your personal goals for a happier life

Start Setting Personal Goals for a Happier Life this New Year

As the new year approaches, it’s a great time to think about setting positive personal goals. These tips can help you choose and achieve your intentions.

How to structure your day to improve your health

How to structure your day to improve your health

Living in chaos (or just being messy and disorganized) can take a toll on your mental and physical health. While some individuals prefer to keep things loose, in the long run, they may be at risk for running themselves ragged without some structure in place.

relaxing for better mental health

How to Manage Stress for Better Mental Health

Managing stress levels is one of the best ways to improve mental health. But it’s not always easy to keep stress levels low. Here are some important things to consider

Simple Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle

Simple Strategies for a Healthier Lifestyle

With simple strategies, you’ll be feeling stronger and healthier. Read on for things to consider to adjust your lifestyle to focus on health and well-being.

How Can I Improve Work-Life Balance to Better My Mental Health?

How Can I Improve Work-Life Balance to Better My Mental Health?

Having a work-life balance is very important for many people today, but finding that balance and sticking with it can be difficult. Here are some things to consider.

How to take care of my mental health for better productivity?

How to take care of my mental health for better productivity?

Here are some of the best ways to take care of your mental health during times of high productivity, so you can stay productive and still feel well, too.

How to find motivation to exercise after a long day of work?

How to find motivation to exercise after a long day of work?

After you’ve gone to work all day, it can be hard to want to come home and exercise. But it’s very important that you take good care of yourself and your health. Here are some things you can do, in order to make exercising after work easier.

How to keep up your New Years Resolutions once you return to work

How to keep up your New Years Resolutions once you return to work

Once the holidays are over and you’re back to work, it can be harder to keep up with your New Year’s Resolution. Here are some important ways to keep your New Year’s resolutions, even when you go back to work after the holidays.

How to Survive Festive Season Stress

How to Survive Festive Season Stress

Now that the festive season is upon us, it seems like you have less time to do everything needed for holiday fun. Rushing around trying to finish all the tasks on your to-do list makes for a very stressful situation. But with a little planning and preparation, you can give yourself a chance to get […]


How do you start organizing when you’re already exhausted from a long day at work?

At work, you need to organize the office. You need to organize everyone else’s lives. You need to track clients, vendors, colleagues, employees, and even your boss. So it’s no wonder that once you get home, the last thing you want to do is organize your own home.

As a Disabled Person, How Can I Best Organize My Home for Waist-Height Access?

As a Disabled Person, How Can I Best Organize My Home for Waist-Height Access?

Whether you need to use a wheelchair on a permanent basis to get around or are using a wheelchair temporarily while recovering from illness or injury, there are some changes you can make in your home to make it easier to get things done.

health apps to stay active

Health Apps to Help You Stay Active

Are you struggling to remain active? Technology can help. Mobile apps can help us remain mindful and conscientious about our activities, exercise, and diet. If you want to improve your motivation, consider some of these popular apps. 1. MyFitnessPal (iTunes | Android) MyFitnessPal is the leading all-in-one health app, which includes support for fitness trackers, exercise tracking, and diet tracking. You […]

how to stay healthy while working from home

How to Stay Healthy and Active While Working From Home

Working from home offers some fantastic benefits. Not only is it easier to maintain work/life balance, but it’s also makes your lifestyle far more flexible. Unfortunately, it does come with some challenges, too.

Working from home makes it more difficult to exercise, see friends and family, and generally stay healthy. Without any pressure to do otherwise, you might even find yourself never leaving the home at all.

Here are 8 tips for staying active and healthy even when working from home.