Category Archives: Goals

Don’t Let Self-Help Turn Into Shelf-Help

Does self-help become shelf-help for you?   Here’s a trick to better use what you read: As you read, have a notebook & pen beside you. When you find something to do or remember, make a note. Transfer actions to your schedule with a due date. Share ideas to remember – email or call a […]

What Do Your Tools Say About Your Goal Commitment?

This week in The Age, Valerie Khoo discusses what your business tools reveal about your commitment:

The tools you use are an indication of how serious you are about your business. Do you have a dedicated website or are your using a free blogging platform like Blogger… Does your email address feature your own domain name or that of your internet service provider.

Valerie’s test of commitment can apply to many life areas:

Self improvement is like slaying vampires

Why Self-Improvement is Like Slaying Vampires

Recently I received a question about making changes like getting rid of clutter and working towards goals. The reader asked about our tendency to backslide when we try to make a fresh start, and wondered what we could do about it. Here are some thoughts. Three, to be exact. Why Self-Improvement is Like Slaying Vampires […]


Student Success: How To Become A SMART Student Before Summer’s Over

If you or a family member are hoping for student success in the upcoming semester, now’s an excellent time to get SMART. To get a jump start on a great academic year, set some college or school goals and make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Framed – SMART. Follow these 5 easy steps and […]

Getting Organized Quick Tip: How To Make SMART New Year’s Resolutions – Any Day Of The Year!

Can you believe it – we’re halfway through the year! It’s a good time to reflect on those new year’s resolutions we made 6 months ago. If you’re on track, congratulations! If not, here’s a quick tip for making resolutions that are a lot more likely to stick – any time of the year. Getting […]

Setting Goals, Achieving Goals – Tools for Success

I’ve come across some cool resources for goal setting and goal achievement this week. 10 Tools for Goal Achievement Lifehacker’s Top 10 Tools for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions is a collection of tools and strategies that are just as useful for goals as for resolutions. My faves are: 10. Schedule your goals inside […]