Category Archives: Goals

8 Tips to Get Organized for the Holidays

8 Tips to Get Organized for the Holidays

The holidays are a fun time of year, but they can also create stress if you allow them to clutter your home and schedule. You may be overwhelmed by the combined demands of things like cards, shopping, gift-wrapping, decorating, cooking and travel.

New Year A Fresh New Start

New Year – A Fresh New Start!

The beginning of a new year offers a great opportunity to try new things and change for the better. Perhaps you’d like to become more organized, improve your health or have a beneficial impact on the world. This advice can help you make the most of these positive intentions.

Start setting your personal goals for a happier life

Start Setting Personal Goals for a Happier Life this New Year

As the new year approaches, it’s a great time to think about setting positive personal goals. These tips can help you choose and achieve your intentions.

The link between Happiness and Productivity at work

The Link Between Happiness and Productivity at Work

It’s no secret that happiness and productivity are closely entwined. When employees aren’t happy, they are distracted; they can’t be their best or most efficient when they are worried or frustrated. But more to the point, what can managers and employers do to boost employee happiness? How can employees improve their mood?

How to have work life balance when working from home

How to Have Work Life Balance When Working from Home?

It’s hard. When work is always present, it’s very easy to constantly start more work. But it’s also not healthy. When you don’t have an appropriate work life balance, you start to hate your work… and feel resentful about what you aren’t accomplishing in your daily life.

How Do You Overcome Procrastination and Become More Productive?

How Do You Overcome Procrastination and Become More Productive?

Procrastination is the boogeyman that most of us blame for our lack of productivity. It is a strange psychological phenomenon that often has roots in many other aspects of your life. Learning how to overcome procrastination is vital to your long-term success, though. How do you do that? Let’s look a little deeper at procrastination and how to overcome it.

How Do I Prioritize When Everything is Urgent

How Do I Prioritize Tasks When Everything Is Urgent?

Consistent, sustainable productivity is all about priority setting. Prioritization is a soft skill that can literally affect your success at every level. Without honing prioritization skills, the only thing you can really count on is frustration, decreased productivity, and high levels of stress.

Small habits that make a big difference to your mindset

Small Habits That Make a Big Difference To Your Mindset

By changing your habits, you may be able to develop a mindset that suits you better, helps you accomplish more, and lets you experience more joy. Here are a few of the ways you can reframe what you think and what you do, for higher levels of success.

Set Realistic New year's Resolutions and Set Yourself up for Success

Set Realistic New Year’s Resolutions and Set Yourself up for Success

Most people start the new year by making one or more resolutions. Sadly, around four out of five individuals don’t achieve these goals, according to Forbes. The good news is that you can boost your likelihood of success by creating practical plans and following these tips.

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

It seems like you just started your holiday, but now you have to say goodbye to relaxing with family and friends. Soon you will be putting your nose to the grindstone again. Here are ways you can cope with returning to your job following the holiday season.

How To Use Your Goals and Priorities Diary

How To Use Your Goals & Priorities Diary

The Goals & Priorities Diary helps you do all of that, and also help you focus on what’s most important every day, which means it’s easier to advance your goals and accomplish your tasks.

How to Store and Organize Your Holiday Decorations

How to Store and Organize Your Holiday Decorations

Holiday decorations represent an important tradition in many homes. They revive fond memories and help make the season feel special. At the same time, decorations may become tangled and difficult to unpack. They can also take up a lot of storage space.

How To Improve Your Home Office Productivity

How To Improve Your Home Office Productivity

Working from home doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice productivity. While you very well might enjoy more support when working at a company, there are things you can change to be more productive in work-from-home situations.

How to Set Up and Follow a Chore Chart for Our Family?

How to Set Up and Follow a Chore Chart for Our Family?

There’s plenty of work to do in your home and your main task now is to figure out who in your family will do what chores, and when. The trick is in reinforcing the idea of getting routine chores done on a consistent basis.

How important are household chores for kids?

How important are household chores for kids?

Some people believe that chores are unnecessary; kids should be kids! Other people believe that chores are absolutely essential to building a responsible adult. The truth is that chores are important, but how they are presented is just as important.