March was a great month for organization tips. Here’s a collection of articles from our fellow organizing friends. Who else finds peace and inspiration from scrolling through organizing websites? To help you stay more organized, we’ve rounded up recent helpful blog posts from our favorite sites. Here’s the latest go-to for tackling all of your organizing dilemmas. This month […]
Category Archives: Home Organization
How do you spend your time before going to bed? Do you: lock up the house and check all doors & windows? check your phone for last minute emails or Facebook posts? turn the TV on to catch the late news? drink a coffee? play a game on your phone? Whether you realize it or […]
I’m standing in a closet-full of clothes but I have nothing to wear! Is this is a constant dilemma for you? Did you know that trimming down your wardrobe could be the quickest solution to having an organized closet? Truly, the fewer clothes you own, the happier you will be. Don’t believe me? Keep reading! The Benefits Of […]
Short on time? Let’s get organized fast! 1. Need A Quick Tidy Up? Grab The Laundry Basket. Start at one end of your home and pick up anything that is not in its place and put it in the basket. If you have time, re-home the items now. If not, place the basket to the side […]
Do you find yourself in constant angst about your teen’s clutter? Staying organized and avoiding clutter can be hard for people of all ages. Being able to get and stay organized is a life-long skill that you can begin to assist your child with right now. You won’t always be around to tidy up after […]
Owning little but being more than happy can be achieved. Ask any minimalist about the happiness they feel the less they own! It’s not uncommon for people to gather material belongings to fill up empty spaces. Some might be trying to meet social expectations. Other’s may be swayed by the lure and pleasures of shopping! […]
What’s hidden beneath your clutter? Can you identify with any of these: You wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time You own several pieces of the same kind of furniture at once You buy the same shoes in different colours. Those who tend to collect stuff will have emotional ties that bind them to physical clutter. […]
Often when we run our online programs we get comments from people who are afraid of falling behind. Especially those people with a chronic illness. It depends how I’m feeling that day as to whether I can complete the task I can’t always complete the task so I’ll have to come back to it […]
In the era of connectivity, we own and use several gadgets at once. Smart phones, laptops, personal computers, iPads and tablets have become part of our everyday life. These gadgets store a huge range of apps and software which often means we need to manage digital clutter too. If your device is cluttered with apps or your […]
Hoarding issues affect over 400,000 Australians, which is a small number compared to the 19 million Americans labelled as hoarders, but it’s still a significant number of people who need help getting organized. We’re familiar with psychological issues that hoarding habits can have, so today we’re going to talk about how it also affects your finances. How […]
The key to a smooth sailing day-to-day family life is to establish a good routine at home. And if you feel like you already lost track, it’s not too late to reboot, especially for the coming new year. Try our following tips to help you get started. 4 Easy Ways To Establish Family Routines 1. Include Every […]
Chatting to a fellow blogger at a recent conference, something he said in general conversation really struck a chord with me. We were discussing the pros and cons of working from home. He was lamenting on the many things he has to do in one day. I was nodding in agreement, and added, “plus the […]
Successful people who work from home have one thing in common. And this one thing, is obvious but hard to maintain. If you haven’t already guessed, they’re successful because they have a routine. They adhere to it. They make things happen. Let’s look at some of the main ways to establish routines so you can […]
In a previous post, we talked about our favorite mantra; “Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go”. This mantra is simple and effective because it takes away doubts over decluttering problems many people encounter. Here are some more mantras you can use to help you make better choices while your decluttering. Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go More Declutter […]
It’s not easy to deal with personal clutter. The task is even more troublesome when the clutter that needs to be organized is not yours. Today we’re talking about other people’s clutter in the family home. That is, other family member’s clutter than can drive you a little bonkers! Here are some tips to help you cope. […]
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. -Jim Rohn Your living room is where you spend most of your down time and its surrounds can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional state. If you’re space is about due for an upgrade, refresh or total makeover, then take a look at […]
Help Me Simplify My Life! We hear this a lot from members who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with their daily lives. We find the underlying problems are varied, but along the themes of: Having too much clutter and feel closed in Poor time management skills that make you feel like you’ve accomplished little by […]
Aah, the kitchen! For some, it’s the most important part of the house. A family hub. Food is prep’d. Conversations take place. Homework is done. Work is completed. Meal time is precious. Given the range of activities the kitchen undertakes, it is one place where cleanliness and organization can make a big difference. We’re sharing some tips to help keep your […]
Cindy sent us this message: “I definitely need some assistance on organizing myself with my job. I’ve been in real estate for 11 years (part-time/full-time) and raising 3 beautiful boys. All my children have left the nest now. I’m in my early 50’s. It’s time to have a career and make some real money! Mommy hood […]
The changing seasons dictate our wardrobe style & needs. Flowy, light clothing with less material in summer and bulky, thick warmer sweaters or jumpers in winter. During this transition of seasons though comes the task of cleaning, decluttering and organizing your home and your closet. The big closet dilemma is usually deciding which clothes you want to […]