Category Archives: Home Organization

How to organize the 'junk drawer'?

How to organize the ‘junk drawer’?

There are a lot of ways to deal with the junk drawer. Even if it’s piled full of all kinds of things that have been there for years, it can still be cleaned and organized so everyone can find the things they’re looking for in it.

How to declutter a tiny house?

How to declutter a tiny house?

Sustainable, affordable, and convenient — tiny houses are all the rage. But when you have a tiny house, just a little clutter can quickly become a chore. Tiny houses have to be well-organized, or they quickly become suffocating. Here are some tips for keeping your tiny house minimalist and serene.

How to pick up on productivity after moving homes?

How to pick up on productivity after moving homes?

When you move from one home to another, it’s a very stressful time. Here are some ideas to consider, so you can make your move and then return to your workplace as efficiently and easily as possible.

Organizing Diaries 2018

Get Organized And Be Productive in 2020

Who wants to be more productive and organized in the New Year?

Our two popular diaries are fantastic tools for you to get more done, get rid of clutter, and feel more organized.

They’re both instantly downloadable and fully interactive.

How to Organize Bills, Files, and Your Desk

How to Organize Bills, Files, and Your Desk

When it’s time to get things organized, there are many ways you can do that. For your bills, files, and desk, you have plenty of options. It all comes down to whether you want to just keep things organized, or you want to minimize at the same time.

How to let go of stuff

How to Let Go of “Stuff”

When people hold onto items, there’s often a reason. It might be sentimental, or it might be something they think they can use later. Here’s what to consider, in order to say goodbye to all that stuff.

how to stop worrying

How to Stop Worrying That Something I Throw Away Will be Needed Later

Many people want to have less clutter, but they’re afraid to get rid of things because they think those same things might be needed at a later date. Here are some things to consider when deciding what to throw away.


How can we set a routine for our kids to help organizing?

Kids need to be taught early that organizing is their responsibility, too. Not only does it help keep down the household clutter, but it also reduces the chances that they’ll have difficulties as adults! Still, kids can be difficult to manage, and it’s hard to manage your children on top of your work, family, and social life. 

As a Disabled Person, How Can I Best Organize My Home for Waist-Height Access?

As a Disabled Person, How Can I Best Organize My Home for Waist-Height Access?

Whether you need to use a wheelchair on a permanent basis to get around or are using a wheelchair temporarily while recovering from illness or injury, there are some changes you can make in your home to make it easier to get things done.

The Easiest and Quickest Way to Keep Things Clean and Organized

The Easiest and Quickest Way to Keep Things Clean and Organized

You’re a busy person with very limited free time on your hands, which often means that you find yourself struggling to stay organized and neat. However, lately you’ve been thinking that if you had a system in place to maintain your dwelling more easily, you would feel better but still get everything accomplished that needs to be done.

How to Get Organized When You Have Health Issues

How to Get Organized When You Have Health Issues

If you’re already low on energy because of a health issue, you may need some advice on how to make the most of your time and effort. Slowly but surely, you can get control over your dwelling, organizing your house or at the very least, your home office.