Category Archives: Home Organization

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

Ways to Cope Being Back at Work after the Holidays

It seems like you just started your holiday, but now you have to say goodbye to relaxing with family and friends. Soon you will be putting your nose to the grindstone again. Here are ways you can cope with returning to your job following the holiday season.

How To Use Your Goals and Priorities Diary

How To Use Your Goals & Priorities Diary

The Goals & Priorities Diary helps you do all of that, and also help you focus on what’s most important every day, which means it’s easier to advance your goals and accomplish your tasks.

How to Store and Organize Your Holiday Decorations

How to Store and Organize Your Holiday Decorations

Holiday decorations represent an important tradition in many homes. They revive fond memories and help make the season feel special. At the same time, decorations may become tangled and difficult to unpack. They can also take up a lot of storage space.

Organize Your Black Friday Shopping List

Organize Your Black Friday Shopping List

Black Friday offers a chance to buy desirable products at great prices. However, it can easily become hectic and stressful. To make the most of this event while saving time and money, don’t forget to prepare a well-organized shopping list.

7 Questions to ask when throwing away stuff

7 Questions to ask when throwing away stuff

Making the decision to actually get rid of stuff you don’t want anymore may have taken you a while, but now that you’ve decided to eliminate unneeded things and make more space in your home, it’s worth giving the matter some consideration before you begin.

How to organize my medical supplies at home

How to organize my medical supplies at home?

Here are some tips to help you get started organizing all your medical supplies. Even if you are super busy, when you set aside a bit of time for this task, you’ll find you have more time going forward, because you’ll be able to locate whatever you need in seconds instead of rummaging around in a crowded medicine cabinet, drawers and other places in your home.

How To Improve Your Home Office Productivity

How To Improve Your Home Office Productivity

Working from home doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice productivity. While you very well might enjoy more support when working at a company, there are things you can change to be more productive in work-from-home situations.

How to Set Up and Follow a Chore Chart for Our Family?

How to Set Up and Follow a Chore Chart for Our Family?

There’s plenty of work to do in your home and your main task now is to figure out who in your family will do what chores, and when. The trick is in reinforcing the idea of getting routine chores done on a consistent basis.

How to Declutter Kitchen Counters, Cupboards and Sinks

How to Declutter Kitchen Counters, Cupboards and Sinks

With so many types of tableware, small appliances and ingredients, a kitchen can sometimes become the most cluttered part of your home. Unfortunately, this harms the room’s appearance and makes it hard to find things you really need. These quick tips can help you declutter more easily and efficiently

How important are household chores for kids?

How important are household chores for kids?

Some people believe that chores are unnecessary; kids should be kids! Other people believe that chores are absolutely essential to building a responsible adult. The truth is that chores are important, but how they are presented is just as important.

Separate Rooms vs. Open Space in Home Office? Establishing a Home Workspace for Better Productivity

Separate Rooms vs. Open Space in Home Office? Establishing a Home Workspace for Better Productivity

It happens frequently. You have two options for establishing a home workspace, but you can’t decide between them. You might have an actual office, but wonder if working in the dining room, kitchen, or living room might actually be better. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all, and you could find that one or the other is best suited to your working style.

Why is it so important to have a tidy room

Why Is it So Important to Have a Tidy Room?

If your room is messy, you may recognise that it’s cluttered, but you choose to ignore the situation because you’re so busy with other more demanding and higher-priority tasks. But when you sit down and give the matter some consideration, you’ll start to see why it’s so important to have a tidy room.

Benefits of open shelving your kitchen

Benefits of Open Shelving Your Kitchen

Chances are good that the one room in your home has the most items in the kitchen. From fresh ingredients to various packaged, processed items to the various pieces of equipment you use to prepare meals, there’s a lot to keep track of. There are also plenty of opportunities for the kitchen to wind up getting cluttered and difficult to work in because of the mess.