If you have a question on personal organization, decluttering, simplicity, or goals, feel free to ask away on my Facebook page. Here’s a recent one… Q: So what are the getting organized tips for moving house? The only thing I can think of is leave it to your wife to do. A: Excessive spousal […]
Category Archives: Home Organization
Welcome to Mission #6 of our 52 Organizing Missions. If you’ve completed our previous mission Get Organized Mission #5: Become A Smart Verbal Communicator, congratulations! This week we’re about to tackle your chariot – a place you spend a lot of time and, if you live in a busy city, a place you might feel […]
Welcome to the first of our 52 Organizing Missions. In some ways this is a challenging one – but you’ll feel so wonderful, liberated and light when it’s done I think it’s worth diving in the deep end right away. And remember – it is only 30 minutes. Ready? Get Organized Mission #1: Fill a […]
NOW AVAILABLE: 52 Organizing Missions. I’ve invited readers to let public commitment help them get motivated and make progress on their organizing tasks. In short, here’s what I’ve suggested… 52 Mini Organizing Missions What I’ll do: Each week I’ll give you a mini organizing mission via the Get Organized Blog (right here!). It will only […]
It’s spring in the northern hemisphere – a time traditionally associated with clearing the cobwebs and making a fresh start. And the Easter break is a popular time for people to attack the accumulated clutter in their lives. If you’re tackling your own spring-cleaning or clutter-clearing project, here are some tips to help. How […]
Here are 10 truly awesome organizing tips. They could dramatically change your life. Use them at your own peril! 1. Laundry Save enormous time and expense when it comes to washing your clothes. How? Stop washing them. Instead, continue to wear your apparel until people start to complain or the dog will no longer […]
Has your living room been hidden beneath clutter so long you’ve forgotten what your coffee table looks like – or whether you have one? Hint: If you’ve been contacted for an Oprah Horror Hoarders taping then the answer is probably oh yes. During the festive season people like to entertain, visit family and friends, share […]
Got a hankering to re-organize or de-clutter your home? Before you get started, think about your values for the home you want to create… For instance, which of the following values do you want your home to evoke: Home values Comfort? Beauty? Warmth? Order? Family? Minimalism? Retreat or sanctuary? Harmony? Simplicity? Visual clarity? […]