Category Archives: Home Organization

Simplify Your Life: What Not To Buy

So far in this Simplify Your Life series, we’ve found ways to:

Simplify Your Closet (What Not To Wear)
Simplify Your To-Do List (What Not To Do).

Today, let’s consider how to simplify your stuff – at least new stuff that comes into your life – by streamlining the things you buy.
Simplify Your Stuff: What Not To Buy

Are You An Over-Saver?

I used to be someone who saved things up. A new pair of boots, a box of premium tea, a gift of my favorite perfume – new things got put aside until the ideal occasion. There was a certain pleasure in knowing I had something special waiting for me, for one day. But often I’d […]

What Might You Gain if You Let Things Go?

Recently I was looking through the 52 Missions Home Organizer comments. I re-discovered a comment that reminded me afresh of the wonderful, unexpected gifts that can come when you finally release old stuff from your life: 11 full boxes of books are now sitting by the door, waiting to go to the donation bin at […]

Simplify Your Life: New Series Starts Today

Is a sense of overwhelm holding you back from the life you want? If you often feel disorganized, indecisive, or immobilized, it’s worth looking for ways to make your life simpler. Having a sense of what isn’t for you can be a super-smart way to cut down your choices, save yourself mistakes and feel a greater […]

Get Organized in 5 Minutes: Adopt OCI-OGO

Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Adopt OCI-OGO Decide to adopt OCI-OGO in your life. This means One Comes In – One Goes Out: every time something new comes into your home, car, handbag, briefcase, closet or life – something old goes out. If […]

Get Organized this weekend

Get Organized Fast: 7 Things You Can Do This Weekend

Want to get better organized — but don’t want to spend ages sorting through your life? Then check out these quick and simple things you can do this weekend. Most of them will take only 5 to 30 minutes. You’ll start next week feeling lighter, more motivated, and better organized. 7 Things To Do To […]


How To Get Your Groove Back (THEN You Can Get Organized)

Recently on my Facebook Page I was asked how to get organized when you’re feeling completely exhausted and unmotivated. I bet a lot of people wonder about that! So here’s an edited version of my reply. Step 1: Get Your Groove Back Forget about organizing for now, and focus instead on re-building your confidence and […]

Reality Check: Are You Getting Organized or Just Getting STUFF?

Sometimes in the quest to get organized you can become distracted by the accoutrements. You can find yourself buying all manner of containers, books, systems and paraphernalia, none of which bring you any closer to living a simpler, more productive or more organized life. These products can be a waste of money – but that’s […]

How To Live a Simpler Life: The 3-Cubed Formula [Get Organized Mission #52:]

Wow – we’ve reached Organizing Mission #52! Can you believe it? If you’ve been following along with the missions week by week, you’ll have made enormous changes to your home, productivity and life. You’ll have simplified, decluttered and organized many, many areas. Awesome! In this mission, we’re going to set some resolutions to help maintain […]

Get Organized in 5 Minutes: Flick Negative Feelings

Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Flick Negative Feelings   Take a look around your home and notice anything that has negative memories or unpleasant associations – such as photos, gifts, particular CDs or books, etc. Decide to release these things, and the negative […]

How To Organize Your Kids & Their Bedrooms [Mission #48]

Welcome to Mission #48 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If your kids and their bedrooms need an organization intervention, then read on. In this mission we’ll declutter, tidy, and teach the kids some fabulous new habits. If you gained inspiration from the previous mission Get Organized Mission #47: Declutter Your Thinking Habits, then here’s […]

Mission #45: Organize Your Garden (Or Balcony, Yard or Indoor Plants)

Welcome to Mission #45 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. Your garden can be a source of beauty and joy. Don’t let disorganization spoil the pleasure – spend just 30 minutes today and make your garden into a happier place. If you’ve completed the previous mission Get Organized Mission #44: Live Within Your Home’s Boundaries, […]

Get Organized in 5 Minutes: Fashion a First Aid Kit

Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Fashion a First Aid Kit   Make a list of items you need for a first aid kit – including bandages, medicines, antiseptics and other emergency supplies appropriate for your family’s needs. Check your bathroom cabinet and identify […]

Organizing Mission #44: Live Within Your Home’s Boundaries

Welcome to Mission #44 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. If you can’t get organized because you have more stuff than space, then this mission is tailor-made for you. Having found success with the last mission Get Organized Mission #43: How To Declutter Your To Do List  it’s time to tackle another area of your life. […]


How Clutter Can Hold You Back – From Love, Success & Health

  Do you feel stuck in a relationship rut? Immobilized in your business or career? At a loss as to why you can’t lose weight? Are you also surrounded by clutter? If so, you might be caught in a clutter trap. Don’t underestimate the power of clutter to stop you from moving forward in important […]

Simplify Your Life – Possessions [Organizing Mission #41]

Welcome to Mission #41 of our 52 Get Organized Missions. After completing the last mission Get Organized Mission #40: Conquer Your Storage Space Demons you may have discovered a lot of stuff that you now need to deal with. If you feel overwhelmed by the quantity of stuff in your life, then this mission is sure to bring […]

Get Organized in 5 Minutes: Organize an ‘Outgoing’ Space

  Here’s something you can do to get better organized – and it’ll take you just 5 minutes! Organize an ‘Outgoing’ Space   Gather any items that need to be taken ‘out’ – books to return, DVDs for the store, a gift for an upcoming party, items for errands, etc. Choose a convenient spot near […]

7 Things To Spring Clean in 7 Minutes Or Less

Feeling the urge to shake off the cobwebs, start afresh and get organized? Here are 7 things you can do to refresh your home and your mind – and they each take only about 7 minutes. 7 Spring Cleaning Projects 1. Spring Clean Your Closet Grab a bag and quickly fill it with anything you […]