Category Archives: Home Organization

Hidden Gems

Clutter Interrupted! Stop Getting Distracted By The Cool Stuff You Find!

You know what I’m talking about! The screeching halt that overcomes you once you find something ‘loved and lost’ while trying to declutter. For me, it’s photographs. I can’t help myself. I get swept away in memories and then, before I know it, waaaay too much time has passed and my declutter task remains unfinished. […]

No Time To Get Organized

Help! I’m Stuck In The Vortex Of Procrastination!

Recently, a Get Organized Wizard subscriber requested our help. She was coping well with new challenges and tasks she was facing in her everyday life. But she had a deep, dark secret. A room full of clutter backlog she couldn’t face. Dunt, dunt, duuunt! Does that sounds familiar? Sometimes it’s a drawer that hides receipts, […]

Clear Closet Clutter Fast!

Do you have plenty of clothes in your closet – yet nothing to wear? Then you’ll want to join us from Monday 3 February for one of my most popular programs: 14 Days to an Organized Closet. 14 Days To An Organized Closet I’ll help you look your best and give a sense of order to your wardrobe. Together we’ll […]

Schedule For 2014

Introducing The 2014 Program Schedule Schedules are awesome, right? Who doesn’t love a good schedule? I sure do! So this year I’m experimenting with a set calendar of my programs, both existing and new. You still have the option of doing my programs whenever you want, completely at your own time and pace. But I think you’ll […]

Make 2014 Your Year With The Premium Subscription

How do you want 2014 to be for you? Do you want to be more organized? Less cluttered? More productive? Get slimmer? Happier? More focused? Want to simplify your life? Use your time better? Change your style? Achieve your goals? The Premium Subscription can help in every one of these areas. It can help to Make 2014 Your Year. […]

Declutter Your Life With Organize In 5 Diary – JUST $4.95 For A Short Time!

The Two Biggest Reasons Most People Can’t Get Organized Most of us would like to be more organized and to have less clutter. So what stops us? Two of the biggest obstacles to a calmer, simpler life and a decluttered house are: Having enough time to do the organizing and decluttering Knowing where to start. These […]


Does ‘7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home’ Really Work?

  So you may know I’ve been running my newest program, 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home, this week. Does it work, you may wonder? All my programs use my training in psychology and life coaching, in-depth research, plus decades of experience to provide fresh content, in a motivating way, that gets you to take […]

Clutter Personality

What’s Your Clutter Personality?

If your home and life are overrun with clutter, then there’s a good chance you fit into one of these personality types. Do you recognise yourself here? Clutter Personalities 1. ‘One Day I’m Gonna’ Clutter Personality This is the clutter personality whose home is filled with fancy kitchen appliances they’re gonna use, crafts they’re gonna […]

7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home

BRAND NEW: 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home

Last week I asked on Facebook what the next program should be – and 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home was overwhelmingly the winner! So starting Monday 21 October (US time) I’ll be spending 7 days, 1 hour a day, showing you exactly how to radically reduce the amount of junk, clutter, and excess STUFF in your […]

Five Simple Tips to Becoming a Domestic Goddess

For those of us who are domestically challenged, becoming a domestic goddess may seem out of reach. Surely it can’t be that hard, right? Let’s take a look at some simple, yet effective ways to improve our domesticity & start claiming the goddess title. Experiment with cleaning products Not all cleaning products are made equal. […]

Organizing Sites We Love

Getting things done! Top organizing sites you will love

Of course we think that Get Organized Wizard belongs in the list of top organizing sites. That goes without saying, right! But we also love other sites that help keep the procrastination monster at bay. If you enjoy our challenges and programs, you might also want to check out these wonderful sites. Here is a peak […]

10 Day Declutter Challenge

Be Inspired! Results from our 10-Day Declutter Challenge

Below are some inspiring comments from participants in our recent 10-Day Declutter Challenge on Facebook: “This was a tough one for me but did get easier the closer I got to 10 items.” Ellen “Wow I just cleaned out our computer desk…what a mess 2 people can gather in less than 2 yrs. I’m very […]

Get Organized after your Vacation

7 Useful Tips to Get Organized After Returning From Vacation

Back to life, back to reality! The glorious end to a happy and fun vacation can be a little bit sad. With every step closer to home, the feeling of freedom, calm and relaxation slowly melts away. Your brain flicks a switch and you start planning. Unpacking. Laundry. Shopping. Photos. Mentally creating to-do lists and […]