Category Archives: Home Organization

To Do Done

3 Mindsets To Help You Let Go Of Clutter

Do you spend a lot of time thinking and planning, with little action? Lisa recently asked this question: We moved into our new house over a year ago now and I’m frustrated with the amount of stuff we have that clutters my home. I want to purge. I want to throw every un-useful thing out and start […]

30 Decluttering Hacks

30 Home Decluttering Hacks

Clutter limits the brain’s ability to process information. It distracts you and makes you irritable, at work and at home. So says the study conducted by researchers from the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute.   The good news is that being organized has health benefits. Yay! You consume less energy and you gain mental clarity. Now, imagine a clean and organized […]

bigstock Luxury Living Room 2769419

Identify Your Home Values And Create A Sanctuary

Does Your Home Reflect The Way You Want To Live? If you’re looking to declutter and reorganize the layout of  some rooms in your home, first consider your home values. Home Values What are home values? I like to think of these as those ways you make your house a home. Consider for example, which of the following values would you […]

Ways to Keep Your Hotel Room Tidy

If you’re staying in a hotel room, chances are you’re on vacation, a business trip or having an overnight stay on a short journey. Less is more when you’ve got such little space! What’s the best way to keep your hotel room organized? Let’s start with these: Unpack. If you’re staying in that room for more than […]

You’ve Boxed Me In!

Moving house is a big project. Sorting. Decluttering. Packing. Unpacking. It’s enough to give you a headache thinking about it. A friend of mine is currently surrounded by boxes. Her hubby moved most of them into the garage, which means her car now sits in the driveway. She’s constantly complaining about not being able to find […]

Stop Making Life Complicated!

  Here at Get Organized Wizard we talk a lot about specific ways you can simplify your life. “Be More With Less” is a concept we believe in. Often we hear from members who say, But my life is so complicated, I don’t know how to simplify my life! Really? Really? Let’s look at some issues in life […]

Simplify Your Life - 21 Days To Regain Calm And Happiness

Simplify Your Life – 21 Days To Regain Calm And Happiness

  It’s that time again! One of our favorite programs is about to run a live session. It’s the 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge – and it starts Monday 7 July (US time). Is The 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge For Me? Do you: Feel overwhelmed? Have too much stuff in your life? Have too little time? Wonder if your priorities are out of […]

Railroad Tracks

Ways To Maintain Your Mindset

  We kicked off our 30-Days To An Organized Home program this week, so it’s the perfect time to talk about maintaining your mindset. For some, 30 days is a long time to commit to an online program. I tend to find that members are super-eager in the early days of the program, and then the number of […]

Practical Benefits of Ditching the Clutter

If you could reinvent your physical space, what would each room in your house look like? Take a minute to think about your home and how each room currently looks. Does clutter or mess stress you out? Do you feel burdened with having to tidy up before you can even start to think about cleaning? Are there […]

Before & After Pics – 7 Days To An Organized Home Office

If you’re still thinking about joining our new online program 7 Days To An Organized Home Office, this may be just the inspiration you need  to sign up! You can find the BEFORE pics from our last session here. You can find our AFTER pics from our last session here: The next live program starts Monday 12 May […]

Is Productivity Contagious?

Do you have one of those friends who always seems to have it together? He’s always on time, she never appears rushed, her house looks clean and tidy whenever you pop in, he makes amazing dinners with (what looks like) minimal effort. I’m always inspired by those people who seem to be able to get the […]

Cleaning Robot

The Bells and Whistles For Home Cleaning

Over the last few posts we have talked about creating a simple cleaning checklist and using basic household items to help keep our home clean and sparkling. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the products that infomercials spruik about. You know, those wonderful products that will make our lives easier, cleaner and more organized if […]

Natural Cleaner

Everyday cleaning essentials that simplify your life

  Now that we have a cleaning schedule organized let’s consider what we already have in our households that can help make our cleaning regime simple and organized. You don’t need all the bells, whistles and marvels that late night television spruiks ad nauseum for 30 minutes at a time! Let’s get back to basics […]

Cleaning Guide

A Simple Checklist For Cleaning

  It’s of no surprise that women tend to have a greater responsibility when it comes to domestic chores. Some of you may be lucky enough to have a husband (partner, significant other) or children to help with the load. And for those people I give you a heartfelt “yay for you!”. With my husband […]

7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home

7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home – Yes You CAN Do It!

Not another declutter program? No, not another… this is our most powerful home declutter program! 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home For the third time we will be running 7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home online. So whether you’re a first timer or you’re back to refresh your decluttering challenges, be ready to start on Monday […]

change your mindset

Make Way For Change!

  A funny episode of How I  Met Your Mother saw one of the characters, Barney, refusing to allow any of his belongings to be thrown out when his new girlfriend, Quinn, moves in with him. Yet Quinn throws away most of her things so that they didn’t have doubles of everything. Barney was challenged […]

Hidden Treasures in the Third Drawer Down

You know what I’m talking about, right! That third drawer down in your kitchen. The one treasure chest that holds an array of items that are mismatched, clunky, chunky or just simply a homeless, miscellaneous floater. My third drawer down currently houses: Local take-away menus Tea towels Elastic bands (off the local paper delivery) Balloons […]


5 Tips For Avoiding Housework

We talk a lot about ways to simplify your life, stay organized, keep overwhelm at bay and in general, make your life as enjoyable as possible with minimal stress. A recent Facebook post however got me thinking about all the little things we do to avoid housework. Or make it look like we’re doing something, […]

Colorful Medicine

Fives Must-Haves For Your Medicine Cabinet

When my little one fell over this week and took some skin off, I headed straight to the medicine cupboard. Naturally. Not that long ago, I sent some time sorting and organizing this cupboard, so feeling rather confident, I told my son, ‘don’t worry, Mommy has just the thing for that!’. But I didn’t. Oh my, […]