Category Archives: Home Organization

Simple Living

8 Ways I Simplified My Life

Living with daily household chaos and disorder stresses me out. When I don’t focus on living simply and being organized, I feel: overwhelmed cranky unhappy with the world envious of others. When I do focus on living simply and being organized, I feel: calmer happier able to manage my time better clear-headed happy with the world grateful […]

Meal Planning

Stop The ‘What’s For Dinner?’ Dilemma!

Time-poor, activity-rich parents tend to despise meal time. Do these scenarios sound familiar? The 5pm mad-dash to the supermarket in the hope of finding a quick and easy yet nutritional meal to feed your hungry family before you skip off to sports training. Or Scrounging around in the refrigerator hoping to find inspiration from bare […]


Remember This When You Feel Overwhelmed

If the thought of decluttering makes you break into a sweat, then today’s tip is just for you. Let’s keep it simple. This little strategy is easy to remember AND it works. Try it! If you don’t love it or use it, let it go. Here are some comments from people who have made decisions based on […]

Spring Cleaning Home

Spring Cleaning Tips For An Organized Home

Spring brings lots of surprises. Sunny skies, fresh produce and new spring fashion. You may be ready for it, but is your house prepared for it? Spring brings in dusting and scrubbing chores, but don’t let it derail and discourage you. With simple tricks, your spring cleaning need not become an arduous job. By the time you’re […]

30 Minute Blitz

The 30-Minute Blitz, Let’s Get It Done!

Do you find that some weeks are just crazy, hectic, oh my god someone please s-l-o-w down the clock! This is my week, now. A gazillion things to do and something has to give. Oh, that’s you housework. Sorry! Then I don’t give housework a moment’s thought until I start to see the build-up of […]

Organized Kids Activities

Let’s Get Organized For After-School Activities

My life has never been busier since I became a school mom.  My laid back approach to time management and home organization got a rude awakening. All it took was a few stressful mornings and afternoons of mismanagement to make me realize that I needed to make some changes. And it’s true, small changes can make […]

Organized Car

Get Organized With Car Hacks, Tricks and Tips!

Simple car hacks, tricks and tips Here are some simple car hacks, tricks and tips to keep you organized while you’re out and about! 1. Stamps Keeping stamps in the glove compartment means you’re always ready to post! 2. Silicone Cake Liners These little gems are perfect for lining your cup holders so they don’t […]

Dramatically Decluttered Home

7 Days To A Dramatically Decluttered Home *On Sale*

  A Decluttered Home IS Achievable If You Really Want It Yes, it really is that simple. Do you want it? If you answered yes, then the next step is making it happen. And this is where it gets hard. Finding the mindset and the motivation to make it happen. That’s where WE can help. Is This Program For You? […]

Tidy Teenage Bedroom

Organize Your Bedroom: A Step-By-Step Guide For Teenagers

Are you tired of complaining about the state of your teenager’s room? If your requests to tidy up fall on deaf ears, try giving them our step-by step guide. It might just work* AND you will regain your sanity! * We cannot vouch for compliance in the actions of your teenager when undergoing our step-by-step guide! However if I could […]

Calm Parent Organized

Calm Parent Nirvana. You Can Get and Stay Organized!

Being a calm and organized parent can be tough. We can read “effective parenting techniques” until our eyes glaze over, when sometimes all it takes is a simple lifestyle change to help make life less chaotic. Here are some simple tips to help create a calm and organized household Get a Slow Cooker If you don’t have one already […]

How Often Do I Need To Change

How Often Do I Need To Change …

When it comes up in conversation it always interests me how often people get around to household chores. It’s always there waiting for us, but what is the rule of thumb? Is there any rhyme or reason to suggested time limits? How Often Do I Need To Change … Sheets How much do you sweat? […]

Organized Life

10 Things Organized People Do Every Day

The Myth Of The ‘Born Organized’ Person You are not born with an organizing gene! With some people the skill does come more naturally, but it’s definitely something that can be mastered. What Organized People Do Every Day Here are a few things that organized people do every day… They have one to-do list and stick […]

Last Chance: Be Organized & Productive in 2015!

Our special offer on 2015 diaries will be closing soon. You can get our popular Goals & Priorities 2015 Diary and Organize-In-5 2015 Diary, both brand new for 2015, at the extra-special price of just $4.95 each. They’re normally $29.00 each – so that’s a discount of 83%! Make 2015 your most productive and organized year!

Organized Christmas List

Christmas Organizing Checklist

This week’s blog is brought to you from one of our most supportive members, Terry. Terry is a long-time member of the Get Organized Wizard community. She leads a small group at her local community center through the Get Organized Wizard programs, helping others to simplify their life and be happier. We thank Terry and […]

Just Get Started

8 Simple Tips To Help You When You’re Overwhelmed

The feeling of overwhelm is a common symptom of anxiety. Our anxiety levels increase when we feel like we have taken on more than we are capable of. We can all feel anxious from time to time, but for some it’s a serious condition that makes it hard for them to cope with daily life. […]


Decluttering After A Loved One Dies

Barbara recently lost her husband of 45 years. “What am I going to do with all of his things”, she asked. Sometimes when a death is expected, a lot of sorting occurs before passing. People get the chance to go through their belongings and distribute possessions to family and friends. There is an opportunity to throw or donate […]

Clear Closet Clutter Fast

  Your Perfect Wardrobe Do you dream about a having a perfect wardrobe – decluttered, streamlined, organized? We can help you achieve that with our next online program 14 Days To An Organized Closet.  Starts Monday 3 November (US Time). This Program Will Help You Deal With The Practicalities Of: Decluttering your closet of clothes and shoes you […]

The Benefits to Downsizing and Living More Simply

The decision to downsize your home can be fuelled by various reasons: The kids have left home Retirement The loss of a spouse Financial strains The desire to live more simply. Whatever the reason, downsizing can be a hard process for many. There are emotional strains to paring back your belongings and sometimes it’s hard to see […]

Solutions to Home Office Challenges

What’s your biggest home office challenge? Towering paper piles Ineffective filing systems Unsatisfactory habits for dealing with all the clutter Dual room functionality that just doesn’t work. We can help you create your perfect home office – decluttered, streamlined, organized. That sounds good, doesn’t it! Join us for our next online program: 7 Days To An Organized Home Office.  It starts Monday […]

Don't Say I Wish

6 Easy Steps To Staying Organized

If you competed in the 2014 Disorganized Olympics*, would you receive a medal?  Merriam-Webster defines disorganized as: not arranged or planned in a particular way not having parts arranged in a neat and effective way not able to keep things arranged in a neat or effective way.  For most of us who undertake declutter projects, satisfaction is short-lived.  […]