Category Archives: Clutter

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8 Car Hacks To Make Your Ride Clean And Tidy

There are two types of car people. Those who keep their car looking immaculate and those who use the vehicle as their means to an end: eating, drinking, and even sleeping in it if need be. If the second person sounds more like you then you’ll probably be familiar with seeing: seat stains, pieces of […]

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Tips For Everyone: Get Better Organized!

A new year always begins with new vigour. Let’s start the year off on the right foot and start working toward a happier, more productive 2018. We’ve put together a list of blogs that have helped people to take action and get organized. Why wait – let’s get started! Organizing Tips For Busy Moms Summer […]

Declutter Cash Garage Sale

6 Ways to Turn Your Clutter Into Cash

We all buy things we don’t really need! Any die-hard Kmart shopper knows that you walk in with one thing in mind, and walk out hundreds of dollars later! This is how we build our clutter collection without even trying! That momentary joy is later shadowed by chaos and clutter in the home – which […]

Declutter Clinic: Should I Sell, Donate, Or Throw It Out?

Declutter Clinic: Should I Sell, Donate, Or Throw It Out?

    One of my mottoes is: Have what you love; use what you have.  Anything that doesn’t serve you, doesn’t earn a place in your life. But an obstacle to decluttering that many people face is deciding what to do with the stuff they get rid of. Unfortunately, this dilemma can be so confusing that some people get completely […]

Wardrobe organization

Why It’s Hard To Clear Closet Clutter And What You Can Do About It

It’s hard to clear closet clutter when you have mental and emotional chains that keep you holding on to clothes you don’t wear or need. We can help you break those mental and emotional chains, that will help you clear closet clutter fast. So far, more than 900 people have completed our 14-Day Organize Your Closet […]

Declutter Simplify

Why Decluttering Makes You Happy

Everyone has some degree of clutter in their lives, but when clutter becomes unwieldy, it can actually start taking a toll on both your physical and mental health. Decluttering isn’t just a way to take control of your physical space; it’s also a way to achieve happiness. Here are a few reasons why decluttering your […]

Other People's Clutter

How To Live With A Messy Partner & Not Lose Your Mind

Why is the laundry not folded? Why are the breakfast dishes still in the sink at dinner time? Why are all of the jars open? Living with a messy partner can be one of the most frustrating things about your spouse. Sometimes it can seem like you just can’t get through to them. But messy and clean “odd […]

Home Office Organization

The Essential Checklist For An Organized & Inspiring Home Office

There’s hardly anything as distracting as a messy, cluttered office. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know where to get started. Not only does your office space need to be efficiently managed, but it also has to be inspiring and motivating – and that’s a lot of work. Use our simple checklist to get the […]

Declutter Closet

Why Living With a Minimal Wardrobe Will Make You Happier

I’m standing in a closet-full of clothes but I have nothing to wear! Is this is a constant dilemma for you? Did you know that trimming down your wardrobe could be the quickest solution to having an organized closet? Truly, the fewer clothes you own, the happier you will be. Don’t believe me? Keep reading! The Benefits Of […]

Teenager Tidy

5 Things To Do Immediately To Boost Your Teen’s Organization Skills

Do you find yourself in constant angst about your teen’s clutter? Staying organized and avoiding clutter can be hard for people of all ages. Being able to get and stay organized is a life-long skill that you can begin to assist your child with right now. You won’t always be around to tidy up after […]


Why Clutter Happens

What’s hidden beneath your clutter? Can you identify with any of these: You wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time You own several pieces of the same kind of furniture at once You buy the same shoes in different colours. Those who tend to collect stuff will have emotional ties that bind them to physical clutter. […]

Organize Technology

How To Organize Your Tech Gadgets

In the era of connectivity, we own and use several gadgets at once. Smart phones, laptops, personal computers, iPads and tablets have become part of our everyday life. These gadgets store a huge range of apps and software which often means we need to manage digital clutter too. If your device is cluttered with apps or your […]

Productivity Home Business

10 Productivity Tips If You Work From Home

Successful people who work from home have one thing in common. And this one thing, is obvious but hard to maintain. If you haven’t already guessed, they’re successful because they have a routine. They adhere to it. They make things happen. Let’s look at some of the main ways to establish routines so you can […]

declutter home

Declutter Mantras To Help You Make Fast Decisions

In a previous post, we talked about our favorite mantra; “Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go”. This mantra is simple and effective because it takes away doubts over decluttering problems many people encounter. Here are some more mantras you can use to help you make better choices while your decluttering. Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go More Declutter […]

Other people's clutter

Dealing With Other People’s Clutter

It’s not easy to deal with personal clutter. The task is even more troublesome when the clutter that needs to be organized is not yours. Today we’re talking about other people’s clutter in the family home. That is, other family member’s clutter than can drive you a little bonkers! Here are some tips to help you cope. […]

Simple Living Room

Revamp Your Living Space With These Seven Tips

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. -Jim Rohn   Your living room is where you spend most of your down time and its surrounds can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional state. If you’re space is about due for an upgrade, refresh or total makeover, then take a look at […]

Simplify Your Life

Help Me Simplify My Life!

  Help Me Simplify My Life! We hear this a lot from members who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with their daily lives. We find the underlying problems are varied, but along the themes of: Having too much clutter and feel closed in Poor time management skills that make you feel like you’ve accomplished little by […]