Category Archives: Fresh Start

Live Simply

10 Simple Ways To Have A Less Chaotic, Happier Life

Want a less chaotic life? Let’s start with simple things that can be adjusted straight away. A life that is devoid of clutter, busyness and stress equals a simplified, happy and organized life. There are so many benefits to living an uncluttered life. We hear things like this all time: Unexpected guests are now a pleasure […]

Clear Clutter

How Decluttering Can Help You Save Money

Hoarding issues affect over 400,000 Australians, which is a small number compared to the 19 million Americans labelled as hoarders, but it’s still a significant number of people who need help getting organized. We’re familiar with psychological issues that hoarding habits can have, so today we’re going to talk about how it also affects your finances. How […]

Simplify Your Life

Help Me Simplify My Life!

  Help Me Simplify My Life! We hear this a lot from members who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed with their daily lives. We find the underlying problems are varied, but along the themes of: Having too much clutter and feel closed in Poor time management skills that make you feel like you’ve accomplished little by […]

need new interests

3 Tips For Finding New Interests

In a previous blog we talked about the five reasons why it’s great to take on a new hobby.  To recap; a new hobby can help you improve: Time management skills Procrastination issues Social skills Self confidence Stress levels. A new hobby or interest not only increases your happiness, but also your productivity. You may find yourself re-evaluating […]

Simplify life happiness

4 Steps That Change Your Life From Chaos to Happiness

Here’s a reality check: you make your own happiness. If you chase happiness but can’t manage to find it, or keep it, then stop. Refocus those efforts and be more productive. It’s true that happiness starts within. So let’s begin with some simple strategies you can start implementing RIGHT NOW! Steps To Move From Chaos To Happiness 1. Value […]

Moving Out Of Parent's Home

Happy and Organized Empty Nesters – With FREE Planner Template

Cindy sent us this message: “I definitely need some assistance on organizing myself with my job. I’ve been in real estate for 11 years (part-time/full-time) and raising 3 beautiful boys. All my children have left the nest now. I’m in my early 50’s. It’s time to have a career and make some real money! Mommy hood […]

Closet Declutter Season Shopping

5 Tips When Shopping for A New Seasonal Wardrobe – With FREE ‘What To Donate’ Printable

The changing seasons dictate our wardrobe style & needs. Flowy, light clothing with less material in summer and bulky, thick warmer sweaters or jumpers in winter. During this transition of seasons though comes the task of cleaning, decluttering and organizing your home and your closet. The big closet dilemma is usually deciding which clothes you want to […]

Home Cleaning remedies

4 Home Cleaning Hacks

For busy people on the run, here are four hacks to home cleaning that are simple and effective. 1. Boil To Disinfect Boiling things can remove diseases-causing germs which may spread when you just wash them. You don’t have to spend money on costly wipes and disinfectants. Try washing clothes, towels or bedsheets in hot […]

Hobby Increases Productivity

Good Reasons To Start A New Hobby – With FREE ​Hobby Planner Download

If you could choose a new hobby, what would it be? Learn to sew or knit. Play an instrument. Join a church group. Start gardening. Coach a sporting team. Participate in a book club. Join a photography club. Volunteer your time to a charity. When you commit to a hobby you invariably find more time […]

Get Rid of Mess

Where Does All This Mess Come From?

Mess can be defined a few ways: 1. A cluttered, untidy, usually dirty place or condition: The lounge room was a mess. 2. Something that is disorderly or dirty, as an accumulation or heap: Who left the mess on the bedroom floor? If your weekly clean up involves both having to tidy and clean at the same time, you […]

Spring Happiness

Spring Clean Your Happiness

Spring signals the winter’s end, regrowth and it’s a  prerequisite to summer fun. From spring, springs hope and happiness! For a lot of us, the new season signals spring cleaning, reopening of windows and dusting away winter’s memories. It can mean there is a lot of work to do, but it still brings everybody into a brighter mood […]

Clear Closet Clutter

Don’t Let A Season Change Lead To Closet Woe

There’s no better time to get started with your wardrobe seasonal switch. Our northern hemisphere friends are embracing spring, while our southern hemisphere friends have started autumn. Whichever hemisphere you live in, sometimes the seasonal change in clothes can bring new dilemmas. These dilemmas might be due to: weight gain or loss a change in hair colour which means a change […]

Clutter Free Home

Is Your Brain To Blame For Your Clutter?

To be able to let go of clutter, we must first understand its possessive power. The Clutter Collection There are several reasons why we collect clutter. Why we can’t seem to let go of things we have gathered over time. We can blame our brain power! In a study conducted by researchers at Yale, it has […]

Stop Binge Eating

10 Simple Tips For Avoiding A Binge

“I have problem with maintaining the changes that I make for a long lasting impact. It is easy for me to revert back to my old ways.”   Sound familiar? We all struggle to get ourselves into a healthy frame of mind when strolling past eating delights that tempt us to our very soul! Today we are […]

Overeating Habits

How to Avoid Stress and Emotional Eating

One of our members was lamenting over stress eating and how it became a problem. “Stress eating, reward eating, celebration eating, you name it. My other biggest problem is never making exercise a priority over family and house needs. I have trouble taking time to exercise when the house is a mess and the “me” I do take […]

Clutter Free Closet

How To Keep Your Closet Clear Of Clutter

Infographic: How To Organize Your Closet   Want o Try Our 14 Days To An Organized Closet Program? This program is perfect if you’re the kind of person who: Has plenty of clothes in the closet, but ‘nothing to wear‘ Likes to look your best Likes to feel a sense of order Would like to buy new-season clothes or shoes, but there’s […]

Organized Closet

Magical Things That Happen When You Clear Out Your Closet

You know what I thought held me back from having an organized closet? $$ Money $$. I thought money was the root of the problem, so therefore because I couldn’t afford to buy new clothes, I had to keep and wear the ones I already had. The trouble was that I didn’t wear the ones I already had. […]

Declutter CDs

How To Organize Books/CDs/DVDs You Don’t Want To Part With

As much as I love to embrace the way technology allows us to access music, I can’t bring myself to throw away some of my CDs … yet. I’m sure the time will come. I have managed to declutter my book collection, and it didn’t hurt or scar me! I’m not a big DVD collector, […]

Get Organized This Year

52 Ways To Get Organized For The New Year

If you’re a person who loves ‘signs’, then this is it! Our 52 Organizing Missions program is ready and waiting for you to start January 1. Join the community and have a happy and organized new year! Thanks for making this simple! There are plenty of these type of plans out there but I needed […]

Tidy Wardrobe

Is Your Closet Bursting With Overwhelm?

Quick Quiz: What Is The State Of Your Closet? Neat, tidy, organized. I feel great when I see my closet. Could use some work, but it’s workable and meets my needs. Untidy & Impractical. Lots of misplaced items. Lots of unwanted clothes taking up valuable space. Bursting with mess, I really need a detox but don’t […]