If guests knew how much work goes on behind the scenes to carry out a successful Thanksgiving celebration, they will marvel at your organizational skills. Whether this is your very first Thanksgiving where you are in charge or if you have been arranging holiday feasts for many years now, there is always room for improvement, in terms of staying neat and organized.
But if organization is not your strongest skill, here is some advice to help you get ready for Thanksgiving now, while still enjoying it.
1. Prepare Extra Room In Your Refrigerator
You’ll need a lot of space to accommodate the main dish, such as a turkey. Make sure there is room in the refrigerator now, so you aren’t surprised when it comes time to cook everything. And remember that you will need to allocate a bit of space to store leftovers at the end of the meal.
2. Start Getting Your Home for the Holiday
Go through your home, decluttering the common areas so your guests will feel nice and relaxed when they arrive. Take care of routine cleaning tasks, and prepare the guest bedroom now so you don’t have to rush at the last minute when friends or family arrive.

3. Straighten Out Your Kitchen Now!
A messy kitchen will make Thanksgiving meal preparation and cooking more complicated and it will take longer to do routine tasks. Get rid of items on your counters that don’t need to be on display, such as seldom-used appliances. Any food you are storing out on the counter should go in a cabinet or on a shelf. You’ll need plenty of space to prepare all the treats for feast day.
4. Buy All Non-Perishables Ahead of Time
Any dry and canned goods (or frozen) that are on your Thanksgiving list should be purchased well ahead of Thanksgiving. That way, you won’t waste time driving around to stores or find yourself nervously waiting for items to be delivered on time.
5. Devise a Realistic Cooking Schedule
Don’t try to be a hero when it comes to cooking dishes for Thanksgiving. Figure out how long it will probably take you to make the main course as well as the side dishes. Perhaps some visitors will be bringing items, such as a casserole or a pie to help. Once you have a clearer idea of what you’ll be preparing, you can set up a cooking schedule that will reflect reality. Any items that you can cook ahead of time and freeze will help you make a cooking schedule that gives you the least stress.

It’s More Fun to Be Organized When Preparing for the Thanksgiving Holiday!
You’re bound to enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday period if you get organized ahead of the big day now. You’ll feel better when your kitchen is nice and clean and there is plenty of room in the fridge for all of the treats you’re preparing. And having a schedule for all of the important holiday tasks will certainly make a big difference in how you enjoy Turkey Day.
Most importantly, take time to be thankful – here’s 100 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.