If you’re like many busy women with a family, oftentimes you wish you were more productive at work and at home.
Running around all day and not getting as much done as you’d like (or need) can put a damper on your mental health, to be sure. But there are many things you can start doing today to boost productivity. You can also take better care of yourself and get more done by trying the following 10 helpful tips:
1. Discuss your feelings with a close friend or relative
Getting things off of your chest provides a great deal of relief. You’ll know you’re not alone. Just being heard will help you start to feel better. Your friend may have some good advice, but at minimum, will lend a sympathetic ear. We can all use that at some time or another.

2. Take sick days, mental health days, and vacation days
Sometimes, individuals are so pressed for time, they don’t take off time from work when they are genuinely under the weather. And it’s tempting to put off vacation days, thinking you will just cash them in when it’s time to leave the job. Make use of your time off on a regular basis. When you need time for yourself, it’s perfectly justifiable to take a mental health day.
3. Stay connected or reconnect with your dearest friends
They will help ground you as well as remind you of what’s important in your life and what you can ignore in times of stress.
4. Ask for help
If people around you don’t know you need assistance, whether at work or in your personal life, don’t expect them to be mind readers!

5. Give yourself a reward when you deserve it
Just met a major project deadline, received a promotion or raise? It’s time to celebrate! And you’ll find your mental health lifting more when you celebrate successes with loved ones.
6. Be mindful, or start learning how to practice mindfulness
Centering yourself and tuning into your environment, taking it all in, is a recipe for a more relaxed mental state.
7. Change your schedule to better meet your mental health needs
For example, if you notice that you enjoy exercise before work on random days when you can manage to fit in a session, start getting up a little earlier (consistently) and try your new schedule on for size.

8. Devise routines to start and end your day
What you do in the morning to prepare for your day may include a hearty breakfast and some coffee or tea, exercise, or just diving right into your emails before you even think of sticking a fork into the first meal of the day. And to help you unwind at night and preserve your mental resiliency, have rituals for the end of the night too, such as taking a bath, walking your dog, or watching a movie, sprawled out on the couch.
9. Accept and love yourself for who you are now
A positive self-image does wonders for your productivity, as you will feel more capable and confident. And self-acceptance is key for improving your state of mind.
10. Visit a counselor to discuss your situation
If you are finding it hard to break out of a rut or otherwise experience trouble staying centered and getting productive. An objective, empathetic third party can help you see yourself better, to make changes more easily.
Here’s hoping that these 10 tips will be beneficial in helping you become more productive and feel a boost in your mental health too!
Here I found very insightful and also useful information. I completely agree with all the advice. I’m so grateful I found this post.
Being productive is something I struggle with. It’s so hard to buckle down and get things done. Thanks for sharing these tips, I’ll definitely be trying these out
Meditation plays a vital role in keeping thoughts healthy. There a number of ways from which one can choose the right method which suits him the best. One can go to quiet and calm outdoor location or read a book that inspires him or one may find a calm place to relax him by focusing on sights and sounds.
An excellent article. I had been looking for some tips to increase my productivity and have better mental health for some time, because lately I am very exhausted from work. I will guarantee it for later reading to follow your advice. Thanks for the info