Time to Reflect on the Year That Has Been, and Look Ahead to Your Goals for the New One

Time to Reflect on the Year That Has Been, and Look Ahead to Your Goals for the New One

As we think about all that has happened in 2020 and consider just how significant the year’s events have been, it’s useful to keep them in perspective by making some plans for 2021.

The best way to improve yourself and live your best possible life is to think about how 2020 went, with an eye toward doing better as we move forward. It’s time to review the year that was:

1. What Goals Did You Achieve and What Are You Still Working On?

think about what you achieved this year

Be honest with yourself about how well you did at working toward goals in 2020. Give yourself a break if you didn’t achieve all that you set out to accomplish. That’s advice worth following after a year of so much turbulence and uncertainty.

Those who write down their goals and then refer to the list periodically have a better chance of improving their situation than people who never organize their plans.

2. What Were Your Biggest Challenges and What Did You Learn From This Year’s Events?

With all of the planet in upheaval with the pandemic and economic downturn, it would be easy for anyone’s carefully made plans to fall short. Examine what posed the largest challenges in 2020. How will you react now based on what you’ve learned?

3. What You Would Like to Leave Behind?

think about what you want to leave behind

Now is the time to get rid of excess baggage. For any problems you experienced in 2020, do your best to leave the issues behind you. This puts you in a better position to meet your new goals for 2021.

4. What You Appreciate From the Prior Year?

From making a new friend to learning just how powerful the ties are in your community of family, neighbors and work colleagues, there are plenty of things to appreciate. Writing down what you’re most grateful for will reinforce a positive attitude, going forward.

5. What Positive Experiences Did You Love Last Year?

think about the positive experiences you love

Of all the good experiences you had in 2020, which ones really stood out? Remembering the positives helps reinforce actions that will lead to more positive experiences in 2021.

6. Where Do You See Yourself in the Future?

Reflecting on the past year is essential for comparing what you once were with what you are about to become. This could be plans to advance in your career, or to make a change in your family situation. From going back to school to figuring out ways to improve the ties between family and friends, there are plenty of future things for you to focus on.

7. Make A Plan and Set Goals

make plans and set goals

Without goals, how can you get yourself on track and improving your situation? It’s difficult to thrive in a career or to maintain a great home life if you don’t have some plans to keep changing things for the better. Write your goals down with a plan about how to achieve them. You’ll be ahead of the people who are only vague about their hopes for the future.

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