Managing stress levels is one of the best ways to improve mental health. But it’s not always easy to keep stress levels low. Especially during uncertain times in life, stress can creep up and become a problem almost before it’s realized. Fortunately, there are some great ways to manage stress and make it less of a problem in life. Here are some important things to consider:
1. Make Physical Activity a Habit
When people feel stressed or they’re having a difficult time with life, they sometimes tend to become sedentary and their energy might be lower. But that’s exactly the opposite of what they should be doing. Instead of sitting or lying around, getting up and moving can get blood flowing and help boost mood. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and even a brisk walk can be extremely helpful when it comes to stress reduction. Even if moving around isn’t something that sounds good at first, it’s easier after a few minutes and becomes something that can help with relaxation and coping even during the most stressful of time.

2. Keep a Diary of Your Feelings
Journaling, or keeping a diary, is very beneficial when it comes to lowering stress levels. Stress doesn’t always have a good outlet to leave the body or mind, so it just hangs around. But when those stressful feelings get out on paper or through a blog or other method, they’re much more likely to go away — or at least feel less important as part of daily life. In short, writing it down gets it “out of the system” and can make finding solutions for stress reduction easier, as well.
3. Record Tasks and Only Focus on What’s Most Important
By writing down what needs to be done, and all the things that “should” be getting accomplished, it’s easier to see what’s important and what isn’t. Sure, there are thousands of tasks that could be added to the “to do” list, but how many of those tasks actually matter? The odds are high that most of them can wait, and some of them won’t matter at all if they’re never completed. Focusing on what’s most important can reduce stress because the number of tasks to work through isn’t so overwhelming.

4. Talk to Friends, Family, or a Professional for Help
Talking to people who will listen and understand is a big stress reducer. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a professional, sometimes it makes a big difference just by being heard. There’s no reason to settle for stress and struggle when there are ways to make it easier. Don’t be afraid to reach out, so that talking to someone can help reduce stress and make things easier.

When trying to reduce stress, there are a lot of options to consider. Remember that mental health is important, and stress reduction is a big part of managing mental health and protecting it. By finding what works and practising it proactively, stress will be lower and mental health will be better, no matter the life circumstances that have to be dealt with.
Is it just me or does anybody records their goals and to-do list on either Asana or Trello? I’m always with my laptop and I feel more comfortable recording my to-do lists on task management software.