Get Organized Gal All Courses Bundle What Program Should I Start With

Get Organized Gal All Courses Bundle: What Program Should I Start With?

Our All Courses bundle on Get Organized Gal is packed full of practical ways to organize your life.

The All Courses bundle includes favorites such as:

That’s a lot of organizing! One question we get a lot from our customers is “There’s so much choice in the bundle! What program should I start with?

Here’s our quick guide to the All Courses bundle, and where you should start.

If You Want to Organize Your Office and Be More Productive

If organizing your office and improving your productivity is your focus, try starting out with 7 Days to an Organized Home Office. This course is a good intro, and it’s only a 7-day challenge. When you’ve completed it, you’ll have an ultra organized office and you’ll be ready to take some next steps towards using your office space in a more productive, efficient way.

Next, try the 7 Days to Better Productivity and Time Management course. Another week long course. You’ll start to put into practice some new habits in your newly organized home office.

After that, you’ll definitely have the organizing bug and you’re ready to move on to some of the To-Do Lists, Worksheets and Planners. Specifically, check out the lists and worksheets in the Time Management and Business and Marketing categories. Pick out whatever seems appropriate to you: focus on where you need to improve.

Finally, it’s time to move on to 52 Organizing Missions. This course covers all aspects of your life, not just home office and productivity. It’s also a good lead in to the other courses in the bundle. Tackle the 52 organizing missions to develop even further your business and office organization, plus improve your ability to organize the rest of your life.

In summary, if you want to achieve an organized office and become a more productive person in general:

  1. Start off with 7 Days to an Organized Home Office to start developing good organizational habits.
  2. Move on to 7 Days to Better Productivity and Time Management to really get the most out of your new organized office.
  3. Then find the most relevant To-Do Lists, Worksheets and Planners to continue learning ways you can keep your home office and business processes organized.
  4. Finally, start working through the 52 Organizing Missions. This will lead in nicely to the other courses in the bundle later on.

If You Want to Organize Your Home and Improve Your Lifestyle

If you’ve identified a clutter problem in your home, or just want to keep things organized and feel on top of things, start with 7 Days to a Dramatically Decluttered Home. This 7-day course is a good intro to decluttering. When you’ve completed it, you’ll have a newly organized home like you’ve never seen it before.

If you are itching to do more home organization, move on to 30 Days to an Organized Home. Now that you’ve decluttered, it’s time to organize.

However, at this point some people might like to change things up a bit. If that’s the case for you, start the 14 Days to an Organized Closet course instead. This is particularly good if your unorganized closet is constantly on your mind and you can’t wait to get stuck in.

At this point we also recommend taking a look at the To-Do Lists, Worksheets and Planners. Identify a list, worksheet or planner that could really help you solve a pain point at that moment. You can always come back to these lists, worksheets and planners at any time and try something new.

When that’s all done, if you’re looking to take the minimalist route, it’s time to look at 21-Day Simplify Your Life ChallengeNow that your house is decluttered and organized, you can focus on your own life and making it as simple as possible. You’ll get a lot of satisfaction out of this one.

After that, try our new Life & Goal Organizer. It’s a motivating system of checklists, prompts, and ideas to help you take charge of your life, organize your goals, and free your mind. It includes an overview of life areas so you can keep a big picture view, while also being able to click through and drill down to more detailed checklists. There are hundreds of big and little ideas for life goals and projects.

Finally, it’s time to move on to 52 Organizing Missions.

As the time approaches, start looking at the Holiday Planners and Diaries to keep up your organized lifestyle into the next year.

In summary, if you want to achieve an organized home and have a simpler, happier lifestyle:

  1. Start off with 7 Days to a Dramatically Decluttered Home to start developing good organizational habits.
  2. Move on to 30 Days to an Organized Home OR 14 Days to an Organized Closet for a change of pace.
  3. Then find the most relevant To-Do Lists, Worksheets and Planners.
  4. For minimalists, start the 21-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge.
  5. Try out all new Life & Goal Organizer.
  6. Finally, tackle the 52 Organizing Missions.
  7. Keep the Holiday Planners and Diaries in mind when it comes time to start organizing a family get together and preparing for the new year.

If You Want to Lose Weight and Live a Healthier Life

This one is fairly self explanatory, but here’s a guide anyway!

  1. Start with the 30-Day Weight Loss-athon to give yourself the confidence and know you can lose weight!
  2. Then move on to 52 Weight Loss Missions to really solidify your new weight loss habits.
  3. After that, try any of the other courses you think could be beneficial to you.

What has been your favorite course on Get Organized Gal so far?