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The Master To-Do List To Help You Stop From Procrastinating

All people procrastinate and it’s completely normal. Procrastination only becomes a real problem when people have no control over it. There might be days when you just want to lie down and do nothing or times when you have so many things in your head but you just can’t seem to get things done. Or you may have started on a task or a project but then got distracted by your friends or something on TV.

You also procrastinate if there are too many things to do and you don’t know where to start. Get Organized Wizard can help you accomplish the things you need to get done by providing you a free and interactive Master To-Do list.

This to-do list will help you feel less overwhelmed and more focused/in control. This is a list to brain-dump your tasks so that you get it out of your head and write it on paper. Stop procrastinating and prepare for action to organization!

Step-by-Step Guide To Creating and Using the Master To-do List

Step 1: Download the Master To-do List PDF

The Master To-Do List is one of our productivity lists offered as a free printable and interactive to-do list.

Click here to download printable To-Do lists for Work

Step 2: Choose How To Use The To-do List

You can either:

  • Click on the Master To-Do List (11.26) in the PDF list and then print it out.
  • Click on the master To-Do List and type in the interactive fields for the tasks list. You can mark each task A,B and C depending on the priority tasks. Save the PDF after you’re done.

Step 3: Fill In the List

The list has 20 to-do items that you can fill in. Once you have printed the list, you can write down all the task that you need to start or finish. You can mark each task with the letters A, B and C depending on its importance. You can put a check in the last column once you have finished the task. You can probably cross out the task once it’s done.

master to do

You will see your progress every time you cross out one task, and this will surely motivate you to have more control over your to-do list. No time will be wasted and you will be more productive without feeling overwhelmed or stressed about the things you need to get done.

Free Printable and Interactive To-Do List for Work

To help you get started, click here to download the free interactive to-do lists, including the Master To-Do list.

Click here to read more about procrastination and getting things done.