Organized Kids Activities

Let’s Get Organized For After-School Activities

My life has never been busier since I became a school mom. 

My laid back approach to time management and home organization got a rude awakening.

All it took was a few stressful mornings and afternoons of mismanagement to make me realize that I needed to make some changes.

And it’s true, small changes can make a huge difference.

With school hours (9am-3pm) being the fastest six hours of my day, I decided to tackle the afternoon rush and get organized.

To help keep me on top of all of our after-school activities I keep bags packed and ready to go.

Simple. Easy. Achievable.

Here’s my checklist.

Bags Packed, Ready To Go

1. Swimming

Each week all swimming costumes and towels are washed, goggles rinsed & returned to the swimming bag.

The swimming bag is stored in the linen closet and contains all other necessary weekly swimming items.

Nothing is forgotten or left behind.

2. Martial Arts

Each week the uniform is washed, gloves are wiped down & returned to the martial arts bag.

The martial arts bag is stored in the linen closet and contains all other necessary weekly martial arts gear.

Nothing is forgotten or left behind.

3. BMX Racing

Every few days the BMX kit is washed and returned to the BMX bag.

The BMX bag is stored in the garage with all of the other necessary BMX gear.

Nothing is forgotten or left behind.

Do you sense the pattern?

It’s good for me.

It’s good for the kids. They always know where their stuff is.

It’s also good for whoever takes them to their sporting activity (it’s not always me).

Clean. Organized. Efficient.

But more importantly, stress-free!

Share your best after-school activities organizing tips.